
Spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements and fittings.



ColeCole(f, R, m, tau, c[, a])

ColeColeEpsilon(f, e0, eInf, tau, alpha)

ColeColeRho(f, rho, m, tau, c[, a])

ColeColeRhoDouble(f, rho, m1, t1, c1, m2, t2, c2)

ColeColeSigma(f, sigma, m, tau, c[, a])

ColeDavidson(f, R, m, tau[, a])

drawAmplitudeSpectrum(ax, freq, amp[, ...])

Show amplitude spectrum (resistivity as a function of f).

drawPhaseSpectrum(ax, freq, phi[, ylabel, ...])

Show phase spectrum (-phi as a function of f).

load(fileName[, verbose])

Shortcut to load SIP spectral data.

modelColeColeEpsilon(f, e0, eInf, tau, alpha)

Original complex-valued permittivity formulation (Cole&Cole, 1941).

modelColeColeRho(f, rho, m, tau, c[, a])

Frequency-domain Cole-Cole impedance model after Pelton et al. (1978).

modelColeColeRhoDouble(f, rho, m1, t1, c1, ...)

Frequency-domain double Cole-Cole resistivity (impedance) model.

modelColeColeSigma(f, sigma, m, tau, c[, a])

Complex-valued conductivity (admittance) Cole-Cole model.

modelColeColeSigmaDouble(f, sigma, m1, t1, ...)

Complex-valued double added conductivity (admittance) model.

modelColeDavidson(f, R, m, tau[, a])

For backward compatibility.

showSpectrum(freq, amp, phi[, nrows, ylog, axs])

Show amplitude and phase spectra in two subplots.

tauRhoToTauSigma(tRho, m, c)

Convert \(\tau_{\rho}\) to \(\tau_{\sigma}\) Cole-Cole model.


ColeColeAbs(f[, verbose])

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

ColeColeComplex(f[, verbose])

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

ColeColeComplexSigma(f[, verbose])

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

ColeColePhi(f[, verbose])

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

DebyeComplex(fvec, tvec[, verbose])

Debye decomposition (smooth Debye relaxations) of complex data.

DebyePhi(fvec, tvec[, verbose])

Debye decomposition (smooth Debye relaxations) phase only.

DoubleColeColePhi(f[, verbose])

Double Cole-Cole model after Pelton et al. (1978).

PeltonPhiEM(f[, verbose])

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

SIPSpectrum([filename, unify, onlydown, f, ...])

SIP spectrum data analysis.


Manager to work with spectra data.


Modelling framework with an array of freqencies as data space.


pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeCole(f, R, m, tau, c, a=1)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeEpsilon(f, e0, eInf, tau, alpha)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeRho(f, rho, m, tau, c, a=1)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeRhoDouble(f, rho, m1, t1, c1, m2, t2, c2)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeSigma(f, sigma, m, tau, c, a=1)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeDavidson(f, R, m, tau, a=1)[source]#
pygimli.physics.SIP.drawAmplitudeSpectrum(ax, freq, amp, ylabel='$\\rho$ ($\\Omega$m)', grid=True, marker='+', ylog=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Show amplitude spectrum (resistivity as a function of f).

pygimli.physics.SIP.drawPhaseSpectrum(ax, freq, phi, ylabel='$-\\phi$ (mrad)', grid=True, marker='+', ylog=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Show phase spectrum (-phi as a function of f).

pygimli.physics.SIP.load(fileName, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Shortcut to load SIP spectral data.

Import Data and try to assume the file format.


fileName (str)


freqs, amp, phi – Frequencies, amplitudes and phases phi in neg. radiant

Return type:


pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeEpsilon(f, e0, eInf, tau, alpha)[source]#

Original complex-valued permittivity formulation (Cole&Cole, 1941).

pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeRho(f, rho, m, tau, c, a=1)[source]#

Frequency-domain Cole-Cole impedance model after Pelton et al. (1978).

Frequency-domain Cole-Cole impedance model after Pelton et al. (1978) [Pelton et al., 1978]

\[\begin{split}Z(\omega) & = \rho_0\left[1 - m \left(1 - \frac{1}{1+(\text{i}\omega\tau)^c}\right)\right] \\ \quad \text{with}\quad m & = \frac{1}{1+\frac{\rho_0}{\rho_1}} \quad \text{and}\quad \omega =2\pi f\end{split}\]
  • \(Z(\omega)\) - Complex impedance per 1A current injection

  • \(f\) - Frequency

  • \(\rho_0\) – Background resistivity states the unblocked pore path

  • \(\rho_1\) – Resistance of the solution in the blocked pore passages

  • \(m\) – Chargeability after Seigel (1959) [Seigel, 1959] as being the ratio of voltage immediately after, to the voltage immediately before cessation of an infinitely long charging current.

  • \(\tau\) – ‘Time constant’ relaxation time [s] for 1/e decay

  • \(c\) - Rate of charge accumulation. Cole-Cole exponent typically [0.1 .. 0.6]


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pygimli as pg
>>> from pygimli.physics.SIP import modelColeColeRho
>>> f = np.logspace(-2, 5, 100)
>>> m = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 5)
>>> tau = 0.01
>>> fImMin = 1/(tau*2*np.pi)
>>> fig, axs = pg.plt.subplots(1, 2)
>>> ax1 = axs[0]
>>> ax2 = axs[0].twinx()
>>> ax3 = axs[1]
>>> ax4 = axs[1].twinx()
>>> for i in range(len(m)):
...     Z = modelColeColeRho(f, rho=1, m=m[i], tau=tau, c=0.5)
...     _= ax1.loglog(f, np.abs(Z), color='black')
...     _= ax2.loglog(f, -np.angle(Z)*1000, color='b')
...     _= ax3.loglog(f, Z.real, color='g')
...     _= ax4.semilogx(f, Z.imag, color='r')
...     _= ax4.plot([fImMin, fImMin], [-0.2, 0.], color='r')
>>> _ = ax4.text(fImMin, -0.1, r"$f($min($Z''$))=$\frac{1}{2*\pi\tau}$", color='r')
>>> _ = ax4.text(0.1, -0.17, r"$f($min[$Z''$])=$\frac{1}{2\pi\tau}$", color='r')
>>> _ = ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude $|Z(f)|$', color='black')
>>> _ = ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency $f$ [Hz]')
>>> _ = ax1.set_ylim(1e-2, 1)
>>> _ = ax2.set_ylabel(r'- Phase $\varphi$ [mrad]', color='b')
>>> _ = ax2.set_ylim(1, 1e3)
>>> _ = ax3.set_ylabel('re $Z(f)$', color='g')
>>> _ = ax4.set_ylabel('im $Z(f)$', color='r')
>>> _ = ax3.set_xlabel('Frequency $f$ [Hz]')
>>> _ = ax3.set_ylim(1e-2, 1)
>>> _ = ax4.set_ylim(-0.2, 0)

(png, pdf)


Examples using pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeRho

Generating SIP signatures

Generating SIP signatures

Fitting SIP signatures

Fitting SIP signatures
pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeRhoDouble(f, rho, m1, t1, c1, m2, t2, c2, a=1, mult=False)[source]#

Frequency-domain double Cole-Cole resistivity (impedance) model.

Frequency-domain Double Cole-Cole impedance model returns the sum of two Cole-Cole Models with a common amplitude. Z = rho * (Z1(Cole-Cole) + Z2(Cole-Cole))

pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeSigma(f, sigma, m, tau, c, a=1)[source]#

Complex-valued conductivity (admittance) Cole-Cole model.

pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeSigmaDouble(f, sigma, m1, t1, c1, m2, t2, c2, a=1, tauRho=True)[source]#

Complex-valued double added conductivity (admittance) model.

pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeDavidson(f, R, m, tau, a=1)[source]#

For backward compatibility.

pygimli.physics.SIP.showSpectrum(freq, amp, phi, nrows=2, ylog=None, axs=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Show amplitude and phase spectra in two subplots.

pygimli.physics.SIP.tauRhoToTauSigma(tRho, m, c)[source]#

Convert \(\tau_{\rho}\) to \(\tau_{\sigma}\) Cole-Cole model.

\[\tau_{\sigma} = \tau_{\rho}/(1-m)^{\frac{1}{c}}\]


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pygimli as pg
>>> from pygimli.physics.SIP import modelColeColeRho, modelColeColeSigma
>>> from pygimli.physics.SIP import tauRhoToTauSigma
>>> tr = 1.
>>> Z = modelColeColeRho(1e5, rho=10.0, m=0.5, tau=tr, c=0.5)
>>> ts = tauRhoToTauSigma(tr, m=0.5, c=0.5)
>>> S = modelColeColeSigma(1e5, sigma=0.1, m=0.5, tau=ts, c=0.5)
>>> abs(1.0/S - Z) < 1e-12
>>> float(np.angle(1.0/S / Z)) < 1e-12


class pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeAbs(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

__init__((object)arg1[, (object)verbose=False]) object :[source]#
C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object* [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])


Amplitude of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeComplex(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

__init__((object)arg1[, (object)verbose=False]) object :[source]#
C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object* [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])


Phase angle of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColeComplexSigma(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

__init__((object)arg1[, (object)verbose=False]) object :[source]#
C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object* [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])


Phase angle of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.ColeColePhi(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

Modelling operator for the Frequency Domain Cole-Cole impedance model using pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeRho after Pelton et al. (1978) [Pelton et al., 1978]

  • \(\textbf{m} =\{ m, \tau, c\}\)

    Modelling parameter for the Cole-Cole model with \(\rho_0 = 1\)

  • \(\textbf{d} =\{\varphi_i(f_i)\}\)

    Modelling response for all given frequencies as negative phase angles \(\varphi(f) = -tan^{-1}\frac{\text{Im}\,Z(f)}{\text{Re}\,Z(f)}\) and \(Z(f, \rho_0=1, m, \tau, c) =\) Cole-Cole impedance.

__init__(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Setup class by specifying the frequency.


Phase angle of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.DebyeComplex(fvec, tvec, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: Modelling

Debye decomposition (smooth Debye relaxations) of complex data.

__init__(fvec, tvec, verbose=False)[source]#

Init with frequency and tau vector.


Linear jacobian after Nordsiek&Weller (2008).


amplitude/phase spectra as function of spectral chargeabilities.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.DebyePhi(fvec, tvec, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: Modelling

Debye decomposition (smooth Debye relaxations) phase only.

__init__(fvec, tvec, verbose=False)[source]#

Init with frequency and tau vector.


amplitude/phase spectra as function of spectral chargeabilities.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.DoubleColeColePhi(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Double Cole-Cole model after Pelton et al. (1978).

Modelling operator for the Frequency Domain - phase only Cole-Cole impedance model using pygimli.physics.SIP.modelColeColeRho after Pelton et al. (1978) [Pelton et al., 1978]

  • \(\textbf{m} =\{ m_1, \tau_1, c_1, m_2, \tau_2, c_2\}\)

    Modelling parameter for the Cole-Cole model with \(\rho_0 = 1\)

  • \(\textbf{d} =\{\varphi_i(f_i)\}\)

    Modelling Response for all given frequencies as negative phase angles \(\varphi(f) = \varphi_1(Z_1(f))+\varphi_2(Z_2(f)) = -tan^{-1}\frac{\text{Im}\,(Z_1Z_2)}{\text{Re}\,(Z_1Z_2)}\) and \(Z_1(f, \rho_0=1, m_1, \tau_1, c_1)\) and \(Z_2(f, \rho_0=1, m_2, \tau_2, c_2)\) ColeCole impedances.

__init__(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Setup class by specifying the frequency.


Phase angle of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.PeltonPhiEM(f, verbose=False)[source]#

Bases: ModellingBaseMT__

Cole-Cole model with EM term after Pelton et al. (1978).

__init__((object)arg1[, (object)verbose=False]) object :[source]#
C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object* [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh [,bool=False])

__init__( (object)arg1, (object)mesh, (object)dataContainer [, (object)verbose=False]) -> object :

C++ signature :

void* __init__(_object*,GIMLI::Mesh,GIMLI::DataContainer {lvalue} [,bool=False])


Phase angle of the model.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.SIPSpectrum(filename=None, unify=False, onlydown=True, f=None, amp=None, phi=None, k=1, sort=True, basename='new', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: object

SIP spectrum data analysis.

__init__(filename=None, unify=False, onlydown=True, f=None, amp=None, phi=None, k=1, sort=True, basename='new', **kwargs)[source]#

Init SIP class with either filename to read or data vectors.


>>> #sip = SIPSpectrum('sipexample.txt', unify=True) # unique f values
>>> #sip = SIPSpectrum(f=f, amp=R, phi=phase, basename='new')
checkCRKK(useEps=False, use0=False, ax=None)[source]#

Check coupling removal (CR) by Kramers-Kronig (KK) relation.

cutF(fcut=1e+99, down=False)[source]#

Cut (delete) frequencies above a certain value fcut.

determineEpsilon(mode=0, sigmaR=None, sigmaI=None)[source]#

Retrieve frequency-independent epsilon for f->Inf.

  • mode (int) –

    Operation mode:

    =0 - extrapolate using two highest frequencies (default) <0 - take last -n frequencies >0 - take n-th frequency

  • sigmaR/sigmaI (float) – real and imaginary conductivity (if not given take data)


er – relative permittivity (epsilon) value (dimensionless)

Return type:



Calculate relative permittivity from imaginary conductivity.

fit2CCPhi(ePhi=0.001, lam=1000.0, mpar=(0, 0, 1), taupar1=(0, 1e-05, 1), taupar2=(0, 0.1, 1000), cpar=(0.5, 0, 1), verbose=False)[source]#

Fit two Cole-Cole terms (to phase only).

  • ePhi (float) – absolute error of phase angle

  • lam (float) – regularization parameter

  • mpar (list[3]) – starting value, lower bound, upper bound for chargeability

  • taupar2 (taupar1 /) – starting value, lower bound, upper bound for 2 time constants

  • cpar2 (cpar1 /) – starting value, lower bound, upper bound for 2 relaxation exponents

fitCCEM(ePhi=0.001, lam=1000.0, remove=True, mpar=(0.2, 0, 1), taupar=(0.01, 1e-05, 100), cpar=(0.25, 0, 1), empar=(1e-07, 1e-09, 1e-05), verbose=False)[source]#

Fit a Cole-Cole term with additional EM term to phase.

  • ePhi (float) – absolute error of phase angle

  • lam (float) – regularization parameter

  • remove (bool) – remove EM term from data

  • mpar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

  • taupar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

  • cpar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

  • empar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

fitCCPhi(ePhi=0.001, lam=1000.0, mpar=(0, 0, 1), taupar=(0, 1e-05, 100), cpar=(0.3, 0, 1), verbose=False)[source]#

Fit a Cole-Cole term (to phase only).

  • ePhi (float) – absolute error of phase angle

  • lam (float) – regularization parameter

  • mpar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

  • taupar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

  • cpar (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c) and EM relaxation time (em)

fitColeCole(useCond=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Fit a Cole-Cole model to the phase data.

  • useCond (bool) – use conductivity form of Cole-Cole model instead of resistivity

  • error (float [0.01]) – absolute phase error

  • lam (float [1000]) – initial regularization parameter

  • mpar (tuple/list (0, 0, 1)) – inversion parameters for chargeability: start, lower, upper bound

  • taupar (tuple/list (1e-2, 1e-5, 100)) – inversion parameters for time constant: start, lower, upper bound

  • cpar (tuple/list (0.25, 0, 1)) – inversion parameters for Cole exponent: start, lower, upper bound

fitDebyeModel(ePhi=0.001, lam=1000.0, lamFactor=0.8, tau=None, mint=None, maxt=None, nt=None, useComplex=True, showFit=False, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Fit a (smooth) continuous Debye model (Debye decomposition).

  • ePhi (float) – absolute error of phase angle

  • lam (float) – regularization parameter

  • lamFactor (float) – regularization factor for subsequent iterations

  • mint/maxt (float) – minimum/maximum tau values to use (else automatically from f)

  • nt (int) – number of tau values (default number of frequencies * 2)

  • new (bool) – new implementation (experimental)

  • showFit (bool) – show fit

  • cType (int) – constraint type (1/2=smoothness 1st/2nd order, 0=minimum norm)

  • phi (iterable) – use phi instead of self.phi

fitDoubleColeCole(ePhi=0.001, eAmp=0.01, lam=1000.0, robust=False, verbose=True, useRho=True, useMult=False, aphi=True, mpar1=(0.2, 0, 1), mpar2=(0.2, 0, 1), tauRho=True, taupar1=(0.01, 1e-05, 100), taupar2=(0.0001, 1e-05, 100), cpar1=(0.5, 0, 1), cpar2=(0.5, 0, 1))[source]#

Fit double Cole-Cole term to complex resistivity or phase.

  • ePhi (float [0.001]) – absolute error of phase angle in rad

  • eAmp (float [0.01 = 1%]) – absolute error of phase angle

  • lam (float) – regularization parameter

  • robust (bool [False]) – use robustData (L1 norm on data side)

  • useRho (bool [True]) – Cole-Cole defined for impedance/resistivity, otherwise conductivity

  • useMult (bool [False]) – the two terms are combined as product (otherwise sum)

  • tauRho (bool [False]) – in case of useRho=False the time constant is defined like for rho

  • mpar1/2 (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c)

  • taupar1/2 (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c)

  • cpar1/2 (list[3]) – inversion parameters (starting value, lower bound, upper bound) for Cole-Cole parameters (m, tau, c)


Compute Kramers-Kronig impedance values (re->im and im->re).


Compute phase from Kramers-Kronig quantities.

loadData(filename, **kwargs)[source]#

Import spectral data.

Import Data and try to assume the file format.


Mean logarithmic relaxation time (50% cumulative log curve).


Angular frequency.


Real and imaginary part of resistivity/conductivity (cond=True).

removeEpsilonEffect(er=None, mode=0)[source]#

Remove effect of (constant high-frequency) epsilon from sigma.

  • er (float) – relative epsilon to correct for (else automatically determined)

  • mode (int) – automatic epsilon determination mode (see determineEpsilon)


er – determined permittivity (see determineEpsilon)

Return type:


saveFigures(name=None, ext='pdf')[source]#

Save all existing figures to files using file basename.

showAll(save=False, ax=None)[source]#

Plot spectrum, Cole-Cole fit and Debye distribution.

showData(reim=False, znorm=False, cond=False, nrows=2, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Show amplitude and phase spectrum in two subplots.

  • reim (bool) – show real/imaginary part instead of amplitude/phase

  • znorm (bool (true forces reim)) – use normalized real/imag parts after Nordsiek&Weller (2008)

  • (default=2) (nrows - use nrows subplots)


fig, ax

Return type:

mpl.figure, mpl.axes array


Show data as real/imag subplots along with Kramers-Kronig curves.

showPhase(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot phase spectrum (-phi over frequency).


Show data in a polar plot (imaginary vs. real parts).


Sort data along increasing frequency (e.g. useful for KK).


Total chargeability (sum) from Debye curve.


Unify data (only one value per frequency) by mean or selection.


Normalized real (difference) and imag. z [Nordsiek and Weller, 2008].

class pygimli.physics.SIP.SpectrumManager(fop=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: MethodManager

Manager to work with spectra data.

__init__(fop=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Set up spectrum manager.

  • fop (pg.Modelling operator, optional) – Forward operator. The default is None.

  • **kwargs (TYPE) – passed to SpectrumManager.


Create a Forward operator.


Create inversion framework.

invert(data=None, f=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Invert the spectrum.

setData(freqs=None, amp=None, phi=None, eAmp=0.03, ePhi=0.001)[source]#

Set data for chosen sip model.

  • freqs (iterable) – Array-like frequencies.

  • amp (iterable) – Array-like amplitudes to work with.

  • phi (iterable) – Array-like phase angles to work with.

  • eAmp (float|iterable) – Relative error for amplitudes.

  • ePhi (float|iterable) – Absolute error for phase angles.

setFunct(fop, **kwargs)[source]#

Set forward modelling function.


Show resulting data.


Make a simulation.

class pygimli.physics.SIP.SpectrumModelling(funct=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: ParameterModelling

Modelling framework with an array of freqencies as data space.

  • params (dict)

  • function (callable)

  • complex (bool)

__init__(funct=None, **kwargs)[source]#


  • func (function) – modelling function

  • complex (bool) – complex function

  • frequencies (iterable) – frequency vector

property complex#

Return if spectrum is complex.

drawData(ax, data, err=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw data.

property freqs#

Return frequency vector.


Model response.


params (iterable) – model


model response vector

Return type:
