Here you find examples for modelling and inversion of various geophysical methods as well as interesting usage examples of pyGIMLi. If you have used pyGIMLi for an interesting application yourself, please send us your example.
Mesh generation#
Meshing the Omega aka. BERT logo
Flexible mesh generation using Gmsh
Seismic refraction and traveltime tomography#
2D Refraction modelling and inversion
Crosshole traveltime tomography
Raypaths in layered and gradient models
Field data inversion (“Koenigsee”)
Electrical resistivity tomography#
2D ERT modelling and inversion
ERT field data with topography
2D FEM modelling on two-layer example
ERT inversion of data measured on a standing tree
Reciprocal data analysis of field ERT data
3D modelling in a closed geometry
Induced polarization#
Complex-valued electrical modelling
Naive complex-valued electrical inversion
Synthetic TDIP modelling and inversion
Gravimetry and magnetics#
Semianalytical Gravimetry and Geomagnetics in 2D
2D gravity modelling and inversion
3D gravity modelling and inversion
3D magnetics modelling and inversion
Flow and transport#
Flow (Darcy) and transport (advection-dispersion) modelling linked to geophysical processes.
Incorporating additional constraints as equations
Inversion with structural constraints
Incorporating prior data into ERT inversion
Computing resolution properties