
Direct current electromagnetics

This package contains tools, modelling operators, and managers for Vertical Electric Sounding (VES)




alias of VESManager


Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) complex forward operator.


Vertical electrical sounding (VES) manager class.

VESModelling([ab2, mn2])

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) forward operator.

VESRhoModelling(thk[, verbose])

Vertical electrical sounding (VES) modelling with fixed layers.



alias of VESManager

class pygimli.physics.ves.VESCModelling(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: VESModelling

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) complex forward operator.

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) forward operator for complex resistivity values. see: pygimli.physics.ert.VESModelling


Initialize with distances.

Either with * all distances AM, AN, BM, BN using am/an/bm/bn * a dataContainerERT using data or dataContainerERT * AB/2 and (optionally) MN/2 distances using ab2/mn2

nLayersint [4]

Number of layers.


Create starting model of nlay-1 thicknesses & nlay resistivities.

drawData(ax, data, error=None, labels=None, ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw modeled apparent resistivity and apparent phase data.

  • ax (axes) – Matplotlib axes object to draw into.

  • data (iterable) – Apparent resistivity values to draw. [rhoa phia].

  • error (iterable [None]) – Rhoa in Ohm m and phia in radiand. Adds an error bar if you have error values. [err_rhoas err_phia] The error of amplitudes are assumed to be relative and the error of the phases is assumed to be absolute in mrad.

  • labels (str [r'$varrho_a$', r'$varphi_a$']) – Set legend labels for amplitude and phase.

  • ab2 (iterable) – Override ab2 that fits data size.

  • mn2 (iterable) – Override mn2 that fits data size.

  • plot (function name) – Matplotlib plot function, e.g., plot, loglog, semilogx or semilogy

drawModel(ax, model, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw 1D VESC Modell.


Return the current phase model values.


Return the resistivity model values.

response_mt(par, i=0)[source]#

Multi-threaded model response for parametrization.


response – [|rhoa|, +phi(rad)] for [thicks, res, phi(rad)]

Return type:


class pygimli.physics.ves.VESManager(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: MethodManager1d

Vertical electrical sounding (VES) manager class.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pygimli as pg
>>> from pygimli.physics import VESManager
>>> ab2 = np.logspace(np.log10(1.5), np.log10(100), 32)
>>> mn2 = 1.0
>>> # 3 layer with 100, 500 and 20 Ohmm
>>> # and layer thickness of 4, 6, 10 m
>>> # over a Halfspace of 800 Ohmm
>>> synthModel =[4., 6., 10.], [100., 5., 20., 800.])
>>> ves = VESManager()
>>> ra, err = ves.simulate(synthModel, ab2=ab2, mn2=mn2, noiseLevel=0.01)
>>> ax = ves.showData(ra, error=err)
>>> model = ves.invert(ra, err, nLayers=4, showProgress=0, verbose=0)
>>> ax, _ = ves.showModel(synthModel)
>>> _ = ves.showResult(ax=ax)

(png, pdf)#


(png, pdf)#


Initialize instance.


complex (bool) – Accept complex resistivities.


complex (bool) – Accept complex resistivities.

property complex#

Return whether the computations are complex.


Create Forward Operator.

Create Forward Operator based on complex attribute.

exportData(fileName, data=None, error=None)[source]#

Export data into simple ascii matrix.


invert(data=None, err=None, ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Invert measured data.

  • data (iterable) – data vector

  • err (iterable) – error vector

  • ab2 (iterable) – AB/2 vector (otherwise taken from data)

  • mn2 (iterable) – MN/2 vector (otherwise taken from data)

Keyword Arguments:

**kwargs – Additional kwargs inherited from %(MethodManager1d.invert) and %(


model – inversion result

Return type:


loadData(fileName, **kwargs)[source]#

Load simple data matrix.

preErrorCheck(err, dataVals=None)[source]#

Fct to be called before the validity check of the error values.

simulate(model, ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Simulate measurement data.

class pygimli.physics.ves.VESModelling(ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Block1DModelling

Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) forward operator.

  • ab2 – Half distance between the current electrodes A and B.

  • mn2 – Half distance between the potential electrodes M and N. Only used for input (feeding am etc.) or plotting.

  • am – Part of data basis. Distances between A and M electrodes. A is first current, M is first potential electrode.

  • bm – Part of data basis. Distances between B and M electrodes. B is second current, M is first potential electrode.

  • an – Part of data basis. Distances between A and N electrodes. A is first current, N is second potential electrode.

  • bn – Part of data basis. Distances between B and N electrodes. B is second current, N is second potential electrode.

__init__(ab2=None, mn2=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Initialize with distances.

Either with * all distances AM, AN, BM, BN using am/an/bm/bn * a dataContainerERT using data or dataContainerERT * AB/2 and (optionally) MN/2 distances using ab2/mn2

nLayersint [4]

Number of layers.


Create starting model.

drawData(ax, data, error=None, label=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw modeled apparent resistivity data.

  • ax (axes) – Matplotlib axes object to draw into.

  • data (iterable) – Apparent resistivity values to draw.

  • error (iterable [None]) – Adds an error bar if you have error values.

  • label (str ['$rho_a$']) – Set legend label for the amplitude.

  • ab2 (iterable) – Override ab2 that fits data size.

  • mn2 (iterable) – Override mn2 that fits data size.

  • plot (function name) – Matplotlib plot function, e.g., plot, loglog, semilogx or semilogy

drawModel(ax, model, **kwargs)[source]#

Draw model as 1D block model.


Model response.

response_mt(par, i=0)[source]#

Multi-threading model response.

setDataSpace(ab2=None, mn2=None, am=None, bm=None, an=None, bn=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Set data basis, i.e., arrays for all am, an, bm, bn distances.

You can set either * AB/2 and (optionally) MN/2 spacings for a classical sounding, or * all distances AM, AN, BM, BN for arbitrary arrays :param ab2: AB/2 distances :type ab2: iterable :param mn2: MN/2 distance(s) :type mn2: iterable | float :param am: :type am: distances between current and potential electrodes :param an: :type an: distances between current and potential electrodes :param bm: :type bm: distances between current and potential electrodes :param bn: :type bn: distances between current and potential electrodes

class pygimli.physics.ves.VESRhoModelling(thk, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: MeshModelling

Vertical electrical sounding (VES) modelling with fixed layers.

__init__(thk, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Initialize modelling operator by passing model and data space.

  • thk (iterable, optional) – Thickness vector of the individual layers.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – some output. The default is False.

  • **kwargs (geometric definition of the sounding, either) –


    AB/2 distances


    MN/2 distances (if not specified, ab2/3 by default) OR


    A-M distance AND


    A-N distance AND


    N-M distance AND


    B-N distance OR


    ERT data container to determine the AM/AN/BM/BN distances


Create starting model.


Forward response (app. resistivity for given resistivity vector).


Forward response.