
Learn how pyGIMLi can be used for modelling and inversion. The listed tutorials with increasing complexity start with basic functionality such as mesh generation and visualization and dive into the generalized modelling and inversion concepts including managers and frameworks. Check out the Examples for more specialized demonstrations and interesting case studies.

The geoscience software developer group Software underground (SWUNG) hosts yearly Transform meetings. We joined in 2021 and 2022 and provided tutorials (videos on the SWUNG youtube channel) accompagnied by Jupyter notebooks (Transform2021 and Transform2022). Additionally, there has been a pyGIMLi webinar in the SEG webinar series Near-Surface Geophysics - Open-Source Software (YouTube video) covering some newer features (GitHub project)


These introductory tutorials cover basic tasks such as meshes, data container, matrices, visualization, and more.

GIMLi basics

GIMLi basics

The DataContainer class

The DataContainer class




These introductory tutorials cover meshes from simple generation, their elements, visualization, interpolation and more.

The anatomy of a pyGIMLi mesh

The anatomy of a pyGIMLi mesh

The mesh class

The mesh class

Mesh interpolation

Mesh interpolation

Quality of unstructured meshes

Quality of unstructured meshes

Region markers

Region markers


Here we collect examples and user stories that illustrate the modelling part of pygimli.

Basics of Finite Element Analysis

Basics of Finite Element Analysis

Modelling with Boundary Conditions

Modelling with Boundary Conditions

Heat equation in 2D

Heat equation in 2D


Simple inversions with increasing complexity.

Simple fit

Simple fit



VES inversion for a blocky model

VES inversion for a blocky model

VES inversion for a smooth model

VES inversion for a smooth model

Regularization - concepts explained

Regularization - concepts explained

Geostatistical regularization

Geostatistical regularization

Region-wise regularization

Region-wise regularization

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