#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Pygimli base functions to handle complex arrays"""
from math import pi
from pygimli.core.base import isComplex
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
isComplex = pg.isComplex
def toComplex(amp, phi=None):
"""Convert real values into complex (z = a + ib) valued array.
If no phases phi are given, assuming z = amp[0:N] + i amp[N:2N].
If phi is given in (rad) complex values are generated:
z = amp*(cos(phi) + i sin(phi))
amp: iterable (float)
Amplitudes or real unsqueezed real valued array.
phi: iterable (float)
Phases in neg radiant
z: ndarray(dtype=np.complex)
Complex values
if phi is not None:
return np.array(amp) * (np.cos(phi) + 1j *np.sin(phi))
N = len(amp) // 2
return np.array(amp[0:N]) + 1j * np.array(amp[N:])
#return np.array(pg.math.toComplex(amp[0:N], amps[N:]))
def toPolar(z):
"""Convert complex (z = a + ib) values array into amplitude and phase in radiant
If z is real valued we assume its squeezed.
z: iterable (floats, complex)
If z contains of floats and squeezedComplex is assumed [real, imag]
amp, phi: ndarray
Amplitude amp and phase angle phi in radiant.
if isComplex(z):
return np.abs(z), np.angle(z)
return toPolar(toComplex(z))
def squeezeComplex(z, polar=False, conj=False):
"""Squeeze complex valued array into [real, imag] or [amp, phase(rad)]"""
if isinstance(z, (pg.matrix.CSparseMapMatrix,
return toRealMatrix(z, conj=conj)
if isComplex(z):
vals = np.array(z)
if conj:
vals = np.conj(vals)
if polar is True:
vals = pg.cat(*toPolar(z))
vals = pg.cat(vals.real, vals.imag)
return vals
return z
def toRealMatrix(C, conj=False):
"""Convert complex valued matrix into a real valued Blockmatrix
C: CMatrix
Complex valued matrix
conj: bool [False]
Fill the matrix as complex conjugated matrix
R : pg.matrix.BlockMatrix()
R = pg.matrix.BlockMatrix()
Cr = pg.math.real(A=C)
Ci = pg.math.imag(A=C)
rId = R.addMatrix(Cr)
iId = R.addMatrix(Ci)
# we store the mats in R to keep the GC happy after leaving the scope
R.addMatrixEntry(rId, 0, 0, scale=1.0)
R.addMatrixEntry(rId, Cr.rows(), Cr.cols(), scale=1.0)
if conj == True:
pg.warn('Squeeze conjugate complex matrix.')
R.addMatrixEntry(iId, 0, Cr.cols(), scale=1.0)
R.addMatrixEntry(iId, Cr.rows(), 0, scale=-1.0)
R.addMatrixEntry(iId, 0, Cr.cols(), scale=-1.0)
R.addMatrixEntry(iId, Cr.rows(), 0, scale=1.0)
return R
def KramersKronig(f, re, im, usezero=False):
"""Return real/imaginary parts retrieved by Kramers-Kronig relations.
formulas including singularity removal according to Boukamp (1993)
from scipy.integrate import simpson
x = 2. * pi * f # omega
im2 = np.zeros(im.shape)
re2 = np.zeros(im.shape)
drdx = np.diff(re) / np.diff(x) # d Re/d omega
didx = np.diff(im) / np.diff(x) # d Im/d omega
dRedx = np.hstack((drdx[0], (drdx[:-1] + drdx[1:]) / 2, drdx[-1]))
dImdx = np.hstack((didx[0], (didx[:-1] + didx[1:]) / 2, didx[-1]))
for num, w in enumerate(x):
x2w2 = x**2 - w**2
x2w2[num] = 1e-12
fun1 = (re - re[num]) / x2w2
fun1[num] = dRedx[num] / 2 / w
im2[num] = -2./pi * w * simpson(fun1, x=x)
if usezero:
fun2 = (im * w / x - im[num]) / x2w2
re2[num] = 2./pi * w * simpson(fun2, x=x) + re[0]
fun2 = (im * x - im[num] * w) / x2w2
fun2[num] = (im[num] / w + dImdx[num]) / 2
re2[num] = 2./pi * simpson(fun2, x=x) + re[-1]
return re2, im2