#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""For the manager look at BERT https://gitlab.com/resistivity-net/bert."""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt
def resistivityArchie(rFluid, porosity, a=1.0, m=2.0, sat=1.0, n=2.0,
mesh=None, meshI=None, fill=None, show=False):
r"""Resistivity of rock for the petrophysical model from Archies law.
Calculates resistivity of rock for the petrophysical model from
Archie's law. :cite:`Archie1942`
.. math::
\rho = a\rho_{\text{fl}}\phi^{-m} S^{-n}
* :math:`\rho` - the electrical resistivity of the fluid saturated rock in
* :math:`\rho_{\text{fl}}` - rFluid: electrical resistivity of the fluid in
* :math:`\phi` - porosity 0.0 --1.0
* :math:`S` - fluid saturation 0.0 --1.0 [sat]
* :math:`a` - Tortuosity factor. (common 1)
* :math:`m` - Cementation exponent of the rock (usually in the
range 1.3 -- 2.5 for sandstones)
* :math:`n` - is the saturation exponent (usually close to 2)
If mesh is not None the resulting values are calculated for each cell of
the mesh.
All parameter can be scalar, array of length mesh.cellCount()
or callable(pg.cell). If rFluid is non-steady n-step distribution
than rFluid can be a matrix of size(n, mesh.cellCount())
If meshI is not None the result is interpolated to meshI.cellCenters()
and prolonged (if fill ==1).
We experience some unstable nonlinear behavior.
Until this is clarified all results are rounded to the precision 1e-6.
>>> #
phi = porosity
if isinstance(porosity, list):
phi = np.array(porosity)
if mesh is None:
return rFluid * a * phi**(-m) * sat**(-n)
rB = None
if isinstance(rFluid, float):
rB = pg.Matrix(1, mesh.cellCount())
rB[0] = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(rFluid, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
elif isinstance(rFluid, pg.Vector):
rB = pg.Matrix(1, len(rFluid))
rB[0] = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(rFluid, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
elif hasattr(rFluid, 'ndim') and rFluid.ndim == 1:
rB = pg.Matrix(1, len(rFluid))
rB[0] = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(rFluid, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
elif hasattr(rFluid, 'ndim') and rFluid.ndim == 2:
rB = pg.Matrix(len(rFluid), len(rFluid[0]))
for i, rFi in enumerate(rFluid):
rB[i] = rFi
phi = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(phi, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
a = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(a, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
m = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(m, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
S = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(sat, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
n = pg.solver.parseArgToArray(n, mesh.cellCount(), mesh)
if show:
pg.show(mesh, S, label='S')
pg.show(mesh, phi, label='p')
r = pg.Matrix(len(rB), len(rB[0]))
for i, _ in enumerate(r):
r[i] = rB[i] * a * phi**(-m) * S**(-n)
if meshI is None:
if len(r) == 1:
return r[0].copy()
return r
rI = pg.Matrix(len(r), meshI.cellCount())
if meshI:
pg.interpolate(mesh, r, meshI.cellCenters(), rI)
if fill:
for i, ri_ in enumerate(rI):
# slope == True produce unstable behavior .. check!!!!!!
rI[i] = mt.fillEmptyToCellArray(meshI, ri_, slope=False)
if len(rI) == 1:
# copy here because of missing refcounter TODO
return rI[0].array()
return rI
def transFwdArchiePhi(rFluid=20, m=2):
r"""Archies law transformation function for resistivity(porosity).
.. math::
\rho & = a\rho_{\text{fl}}\phi^{-m}\S_w^{-n} \\
\rho & = \rho_{\text{fl}}\phi^(-m) =
See also :py:mod:`pygimli.physics.petro.resistivityArchie`
trans : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::RTransPower`
Transformation function
>>> from pygimli.physics.petro import *
>>> phi = 0.3
>>> tFAPhi = transFwdArchiePhi(rFluid=20)
>>> r1 = tFAPhi.trans(phi)
>>> r2 = resistivityArchie(rFluid=20.0, porosity=phi,
... a=1.0, m=2.0, sat=1.0, n=2.0)
>>> print(r1-r2 < 1e-12)
>>> phi = [0.3]
>>> tFAPhi = transFwdArchiePhi(rFluid=20)
>>> r1 = tFAPhi.trans(phi)
>>> r2 = resistivityArchie(rFluid=20.0, porosity=phi,
... a=1.0, m=2.0, sat=1.0, n=2.0)
>>> print((r1-r2 < 1e-12)[0])
return pg.trans.TransPower(-m, rFluid**(1./m))
def transInvArchiePhi(rFluid=20, m=2): # phi(rho)
"""Inverse Archie transformation function porosity(resistivity).
# rFluid/rho = phi^m ==> phi = (rFluid/rho)^(1/m) = (rho/rFluid)^(-1/m)
return pg.trans.TransPower(-1/m, rFluid)
def transFwdArchieS(rFluid=20, phi=0.4, m=2, n=2): # rho(S)
"""Inverse Archie transformation function resistivity(saturation)."""
# rho = rFluid * phi^(-m) S^(-n)
return pg.trans.TransPower(-n, (rFluid*phi**(-m))**(1/n))
def transInvArchieS(rFluid=20, phi=0.4, m=2, n=2): # S(rho)
"""Inverse Archie transformation function saturation(resistivity)."""
# rFluid/rho = phi^m S^n => S=(rFluid/rho/phi^m)^(1/n)
# S = (rho/rFluid/phi^-m)^(-1/n)
return pg.trans.TransPower(-1/n, rFluid*phi**(-m))
def test_Archie():
"""Test Archie."""
import unittest
dx = 0.01
phivec = np.arange(dx, 0.5, dx)
swvec = np.arange(dx, 1, dx)
phi0 = 0.4 # 40% porosity
rhow = 20 # 20 Ohmm tap water
tFAPhi = transFwdArchiePhi(rFluid=rhow)
tFAS = transFwdArchieS(rFluid=rhow, phi=phi0)
tIAPhi = transInvArchiePhi(rFluid=rhow)
tIAS = transInvArchieS(rFluid=rhow, phi=phi0)
ax = plt.subplots()[1]
# direct function
rA = resistivityArchie(rFluid=rhow, porosity=phivec)
rS = resistivityArchie(rFluid=rhow, porosity=phi0, sat=swvec)
ax.semilogy(phivec, rA, 'b-')
ax.semilogy(swvec, rS, 'r-')
# forward transformation
fA = tFAPhi.trans(phivec)
fS = tFAS.trans(swvec)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rA, fA, rtol=1e-12)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rS, fS, rtol=1e-12)
ax.semilogy(phivec, fA, 'bx', markersize=10)
ax.semilogy(swvec, fS, 'rx', markersize=10)
# inverse transformation
iA = tIAPhi.invTrans(phivec)
iS = tIAS.invTrans(swvec)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rA, iA, rtol=1e-12)
np.testing.assert_allclose(rS, iS, rtol=1e-12)
ax.semilogy(phivec, iA, 'bo')
ax.semilogy(swvec, iS, 'ro')
if __name__ == "__main__":