#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Method Manager for Magnetics."""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt
from pygimli.viewer import pv
from pygimli.frameworks import MeshMethodManager
from .MagneticsModelling import MagneticsModelling
from .tools import depthWeighting
class MagManager(MeshMethodManager):
"""Magnetics Manager."""
def __init__(self, data=None, **kwargs):
"""Create Magnetics Manager instance."""
self.DATA = kwargs.pop("DATA", None)
self.x = kwargs.pop("x", None)
self.y = kwargs.pop("y", None)
self.z = kwargs.pop("z", None)
self.igrf = kwargs.pop("igrf", None)
self.mesh_ = kwargs.pop("mesh", None)
# self.inv_ = pg.frameworks.Inversion()
if isinstance(data, str):
self.DATA = np.genfromtxt(data, names=True)
self.x = self.DATA["x"]
self.y = self.DATA["y"]
self.z = np.abs(self.DATA["z"])
self.cmp = [t for t in self.DATA.dtype.names
if t.startswith("B") or t.startswith("T")]
self.cmp = kwargs.pop("cmp", ["TFA"])
if self.mesh_ is not None:
def showData(self, cmp=None, **kwargs):
"""Show data."""
cmp = cmp or self.cmp
nc = 2 if len(cmp) > 1 else 1
nr = (len(cmp)+1) // 2
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nr, nc, sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False,
figsize=(7, len(self.cmp)*1+3))
axs = np.atleast_1d(ax.flat)
kwargs.setdefault("cmap", "bwr")
for i, c in enumerate(cmp):
fld = self.DATA[c]
vv = max(-np.min(fld)*1., np.max(fld)*1.)
sc = axs[i].scatter(self.x, self.y, c=fld,
vmin=-vv, vmax=vv, **kwargs)
fig.colorbar(sc, ax=ax.flat[i])
return ax
def createGrid(self, dx=50, depth=800, bnd=0):
"""Create a grid."""
x = np.arange(min(self.x)-bnd, max(self.x)+bnd+.1, dx)
y = np.arange(min(self.y)-bnd, max(self.y)+bnd+.1, dx)
z = np.arange(-depth, .1, dx)
self.mesh_ = mt.createGrid(x=x, y=y, z=z)
return self.mesh_
def createMesh(self, bnd=0, area=1e5, depth=800, quality=1.3, addPLC=None, addPoints=True):
"""Create an unstructured mesh."""
geo = mt.createCube(start=[min(self.x)-bnd, min(self.x)-bnd, -depth], end=[max(self.x)+bnd, max(self.y)+bnd, 0])
if addPoints:
for xi, yi in zip(self.x, self.y):
geo.createNode([xi, yi, 0])
if addPLC:
geo += addPLC
self.mesh_ = mt.createMesh(geo, quality=quality, area=area)
return self.mesh_
def createForwardOperator(self, **kwargs):
"""Create forward operator (computationally extensive!)."""
points = np.column_stack([self.x, self.y, -np.abs(self.z)])
self.fwd = MagneticsModelling(points=points,
cmp=self.cmp, igrf=self.igrf)
return self.fwd
def inversion(self, noise_level=2, noisify=False, **kwargs):
"""Run Inversion (requires mesh and FOP).
noise_level : float|array
absolute noise level (absoluteError)
noisify : bool
add noise before inversion
relativeError : float|array [0.01]
relative error to stabilize very low data
depthWeighting : bool [True]
apply depth weighting after Li&Oldenburg (1996)
z0 : float
skin depth for depth weighting
mul : array
multiply constraint weight with
standard inversion keyword arguments
C(,cType) : int|Matrix|[float, float, float]
constraint order, matrix or correlation lengths
limits : [float, float]
lower and upper parameter limits
symlogThreshold : float [0]
threshold for symlog data trans (0 = linear)
startModel : float|array
starting model (typically homogeneous)
lam : float
regularization strength
robustData, blockyModel : bool
L1 norm on data misfit and model roughness
maxIter : int
maximum iteration number
model : array
model vector (also saved in self.inv.model)
datavec = np.concatenate([self.DATA[c] for c in self.cmp])
if noisify:
datavec += np.random.randn(len(datavec)) * noise_level
# self.inv_ = pg.Inversion(fop=self.fwd, verbose=True)
kwargs.setdefault("startModel", 0.001)
kwargs.setdefault("relativeError", 0.001)
kwargs.setdefault("lam", 10)
kwargs.setdefault("verbose", True)
thrs = kwargs.pop("symlogThreshold", 0)
if thrs > 0:
self.inv.dataTrans = pg.trans.TransSymLog(thrs)
limits = kwargs.pop("limits", [0, 0.1])
C = kwargs.pop("C", 1)
cType = kwargs.pop("cType", C)
if hasattr(C, "__iter__"):
cType = -1
elif isinstance(C, pg.core.MatrixBase):
z0 = kwargs.pop("z0", 25) # Oldenburg&Li(1996)
if kwargs.pop("depthWeighting", True):
cw = self.fwd.regionManager().constraintWeights()
dw = depthWeighting(self.mesh_, cell=not(cType==1), z0=z0)
if len(dw) == len(cw):
dw *= cw
print(min(dw), max(dw))
print("lengths not matching!")
dw *= kwargs.pop("mul", 1)
model = self.inv.run(datavec, absoluteError=noise_level, **kwargs)
return model
def showDataFit(self):
"""Show data, model response and misfit."""
nc = len(self.cmp)
_, ax = pg.plt.subplots(ncols=3, nrows=nc, figsize=(12, 3*nc), sharex=True, sharey=True, squeeze=False)
vals = np.reshape(self.inv.dataVals, [nc, -1])
mm = np.max(np.abs(vals))
resp = np.reshape(self.inv.response, [nc, -1])
errs = np.reshape(self.inv.errorVals, [nc, -1]) # relative!
misf = (vals - resp) / np.abs(errs * vals)
fkw = dict(cmap="bwr", vmin=-mm, vmax=mm)
mkw = dict(cmap="bwr", vmin=-3, vmax=3)
for i in range(nc):
ax[i, 0].scatter(self.x, self.y, c=vals[i], **fkw)
ax[i, 1].scatter(self.x, self.y, c=resp[i], **fkw)
ax[i, 2].scatter(self.x, self.y, c=misf[i], **mkw)
def show3DModel(self, label=None, trsh=0.025, synth=None, invert=False,
position="yz", elevation=10, azimuth=25, zoom=1.2, **kwargs):
"""Standard 3D view."""
if label is None:
label = self.inv.model
if not isinstance(label, str):
self.mesh_["sus"] = np.array(label)
label = "sus"
kwargs.setdefault("cMin", 0.001)
kwargs.setdefault("cMax", max(self.mesh_[label]))
kwargs.setdefault("cMap", "Spectral_r")
kwargs.setdefault("logScale", False)
flt = None
pl, _ = pg.show(self.mesh_, style="wireframe", hold=True,
# mm = [min(self.mesh_[label]), min(self.mesh_[label])]
if trsh > 0:
flt = {"threshold": dict(value=trsh, scalars=label, invert=invert)}
pv.drawModel(pl, self.mesh_, label=label, style="surface",
filter=flt, **kwargs)
pv.drawMesh(pl, self.mesh_, label=label, style="surface", **kwargs,
filter={"slice": dict(normal=[-1, 0, 0], origin=[0, 0, 0])})
if synth:
pv.drawModel(pl, synth, style="wireframe")
pl.camera_position = position
pl.camera.azimuth = azimuth
pl.camera.elevation = elevation
return pl
if __name__ == "__main__":