"""Crosshole ERT inversion."""
import numpy as np
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.meshtools as mt
# from pygimli.physics import ert
from .timelapse import TimelapseERT
class CrossholeERT(TimelapseERT):
"""Class for crosshole ERT data manipulation.
Note that this class is to be split into a hierarchy of classes for general
timelapse data management, timelapse ERT and crosshole ERT.
You can load data, filter them data in the temporal or measuring axis, plot
data, run inversion and export data and result files.
def __init__(self, filename=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize class and possibly load data.
filename : str
filename to load data, times, RHOA and ERR from
data : DataContainerERT
The data with quadrupoles for all
times : np.array of datetime objects
measuring times
DATA : 2d np.array (data.size(), len(times))
all apparent resistivities
ERR : 2d np.array (data.size(), len(times))
all apparent relative errors
bhmap : array
map electrode numbers to borehole numbers
mesh : array
mesh for inversion
self.bhmap = kwargs.pop("bhmap", None)
super().__init__(filename=filename, **kwargs)
if self.bhmap is None:
def __repr__(self): # for print function
"""Return string representation of the class."""
mys = 'Crosshole '
if self.bhmap is not None:
mys += '({:d} boreholes) '.format(len(np.unique(self.bhmap)))
return mys + super().__repr__()
def determineBHmap(self): # XH-specific
"""Auto-determine borehole map from xy positions."""
xy = pg.x(self.data)*999+pg.y(self.data)*999 # maybe needs a data.sortX() first
d0 = np.diff(np.hstack([0, np.nonzero(np.diff(xy))[0]+1, len(xy)]))
self.bhmap = np.concatenate([np.ones(dd, dtype=int)*i for i, dd in enumerate(d0)])
def load(self, filename, **kwargs):
"""Load or import data.""" # TL-ERT
self.bhmap = kwargs.pop("bhmap", None)
super().load(filename, **kwargs)
if self.bhmap is None:
for tok in "abmn":
self.data["n"+tok] = self.bhmap[self.data[tok]]
def showData(self, v="rhoa", x="a", y="m", t=None, **kwargs):
"""Show data.
Show data as pseudosections (single-hole) or cross-plot (crosshole)
v : str|array ["rhoa]
array or field to plot
x, y : str|array ["a", "m"]
values to use for x and y axes
t : int|str|datetime
time to choose
kwargs : dict
forwarded to ert.show or showDataContainerAsMatrix
if isinstance(v, (int, str)) and t is None: # obviously t meant
t = v
v = "rhoa"
kwargs.setdefault("cMap", "Spectral_r")
if t is not None:
t = self.timeIndex(t)
rhoa = self.DATA[:, t].copy()
v = rhoa.data
v[rhoa.mask] = np.nan
if len(np.unique(self.bhmap)) == 1 or "style" in kwargs:
return self.data.show(v, **kwargs)
ax, cb = pg.viewer.mpl.showDataContainerAsMatrix(
self.data, x=x, y=y, v=v, **kwargs)
xx = np.nonzero(np.diff(self.bhmap))[0] + 1
return ax, cb
def createMesh(self, ibound=2, obound=10, quality=None, show=False,
threeD=None, ref=0.25, area=1):
"""Create a 2D mesh around boreholes.
ibound : float
inner boundary in m
ibound : float
outer boundary in m
quality : float
triangle or tetgen quality
threeD : bool|None
create 3D model (None-automatic)
ref : float
electrode refinement in m
data = self.data
xmin, xmax = min(pg.x(data)), max(pg.x(data))
ymin, ymax = min(pg.y(data)), max(pg.y(data))
zmin, zmax = min(pg.z(data)), max(pg.z(data))
if threeD is None:
threeD = (ymin != ymax) and (zmin != zmax)
ztop = np.minimum(0, zmax+ibound)
if threeD:
world = mt.createWorld(start=[xmin-obound, ymin-obound, zmin-obound],
end=[xmax+obound, ymax+obound, 0], marker=1)
box = mt.createCube(start=[xmin-ibound, ymin-ibound, zmin-ibound],
end=[xmax+ibound, ymax+ibound, ztop],
marker=2, area=area)
if quality is None:
quality = 1.3
world = mt.createWorld(start=[xmin-obound, zmin-obound],
end=[xmax+obound, 0.], marker=1)
box = mt.createRectangle(start=[xmin-ibound, zmin-ibound],
end=[xmax+ibound, ztop], marker=2,
if quality is None:
quality = 34.4
geo = world + box
for pos in data.sensors():
if threeD:
geo.createNode(pos, marker=-99)
geo.createNodeWithCheck(pos - pg.Pos(0, 0, ref)) # refinement
geo.createNode([pos.x(), pos.z()], marker=-99)
geo.createNode([pos.x(), pos.z()-ref])
self.mesh = mt.createMesh(geo, quality=quality)
if show:
pg.show(self.mesh, markers=True, showMesh=True)
# def showFit(self, **kwargs):
# """Show data, model response and misfit."""
# _, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=3, figsize=(10, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
# _, cb = self.showData(ax=ax[0], verbose=False)
# self.showData(self.mgr.inv.response, ax=ax[1],
# cMin=cb.vmin, cMax=cb.vmax, verbose=False)
# misfit = self.mgr.inv.response / self.data["rhoa"] * 100 - 100
# self.showData(misfit, ax=ax[2], cMin=-10, cMax=10, cMap="bwr", verbose=0)
# return ax
if __name__ == "__main__":