#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Plot 3D mesh."""
import pygimli as pg
pyvista = pg.optImport("pyvista", requiredFor="properly visualize 3D data")
trame = pg.optImport(
requiredFor="use interactive 3D visualizations within Jupyter notebooks",
if pyvista is None:
view3Dcallback = "showMesh3DFallback"
view3Dcallback = "showMesh3DVista"
vers_users = pyvista.__version__
vers_userf = float(pyvista.__version__[::-1].replace(".", "", 1)[::-1])
vers_needs = "0.34.0"
vers_needf = 0.340
if vers_userf < vers_needf:
pg.warn("Please consider updating PyVista to at least {}".format(vers_needs))
from .draw import drawModel
def showMesh3D(mesh, data, **kwargs):
"""Calling the defined function to show the 3D object."""
if pg.rc["view3D"] == "fallback":
return showMesh3DFallback(mesh, data, **kwargs)
return globals()[view3Dcallback](mesh, data, **kwargs)
def showMesh3DFallback(mesh, data, **kwargs):
"""Plot the 3D object sketchy."""
ax = kwargs.pop("ax", None)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
if ax is None or not isinstance(ax, Axes3D):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d', proj_type="persp")
#ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d', proj_type="ortho")
if mesh.boundaryCount() > 0:
x, y, tri, z, dataIndex = pg.viewer.mpl.createTriangles(mesh)
ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, tri, z)
if mesh.nodeCount() < 1e4:
x = pg.x(mesh.positions())
y = pg.y(mesh.positions())
z = pg.z(mesh.positions())
ax.scatter(x, y, z, "ko")
ax.set_title("Fallback, install pyvista for proper 3D visualization")
return ax, None
def showMesh3DVista(mesh, data=None, **kwargs):
"""Make use of the actual 3D visualization tool kit.
data: pg.Vector or np.ndarray
Dictionary of cell values, sorted by key. The values need to be
numpy arrays.
plotter: pyvista.Plotter
The plotter from pyvista.
gui: Show3D [None]
The small gui based on pyvista. Note that this is returned as 'None'
if gui is passed as 'False'.
Not having PyQt5 installed results in displaying the first key
(and values) from the dictionary.
# for compatibility remove show kwargs that are not needed
kwargs.pop("figsize", False)
hold = kwargs.pop("hold", False)
cMap = kwargs.pop("cMap", "viridis")
notebook = kwargs.pop("notebook", pg.isNotebook())
# For sphinx builds and non-interactive agg backend
if not notebook and not pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive():
notebook = False
kwargs["backend"] = None
gui = kwargs.pop("gui", False)
# GUI tmp deactivated
if gui:
pg.error("pyqt show gui currently not maintained")
return None
backend = kwargs.pop("backend", "client")
plotter = drawModel(
kwargs.pop("ax", None), mesh, data, notebook=notebook, cMap=cMap, **kwargs
# seems top be broken on some machines
if kwargs.get("aa", False):
if notebook is True:
# monkeypatch show of this plotter instance so we can use multiple
# backends and only plotter.show() .. whoever this needs.
plotter.__show = plotter.show
plotter.show = lambda *args, **kwargs: plotter.__show(
*args, jupyter_backend=backend, **kwargs
elif pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive():
plotter.__show = plotter.show
plotter.show = (
lambda *args, **kwargs: plotter.__show(*args, **kwargs)
if pg.viewer.mpl.isInteractive() or pyvista.BUILDING_GALLERY
else False
## on default skipp showing if forced, e.g., by test with show=False
plotter.__show = plotter.show
plotter.show = (
lambda *args, **kwargs: plotter.__show(*args, **kwargs)
if pg.rc['pyvista.backend'] is not None else False
if hold is False:
# , None to keep compatibility
return plotter, None