#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Define special colorbar behavior."""
import numpy as np
from packaging import version
import pygimli as pg
from . import saveFigure, updateAxes
from . utils import prettyFloat
from pygimli.core.logger import renameKwarg
def autolevel(z, nLevs, logScale=None, zMin=None, zMax=None):
"""Create nLevs bins for the data array z based on matplotlib ticker.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pygimli.viewer.mpl import autolevel
>>> x = np.linspace(1, 10, 100)
>>> autolevel(x, 3)
array([ 1. , 5.5, 10. ])
>>> x = np.linspace(1, 1000, 100)
>>> autolevel(x, 4, logScale=True)
array([ 1., 10., 100., 1000.])
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
locator = None
if logScale:
locator = ticker.LogLocator()
locator = ticker.LinearLocator(numticks=nLevs)
# locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nBins=nLevs + 1)
# locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nBins='auto')
if zMin is None:
zMin = min(z)
if logScale is True and zMin < 3e-16:
zMin = pg.core.epsilon(abs(z))
if zMax is None:
zMax = max(z)
# print('autolevel: ', z)
# print('autolevel:', zMin, zMax, min(z), max(z))
if logScale:
## logscale ticker behaves weird
levs = np.geomspace(zMin, zMax, nLevs)
levs = locator.tick_values(zMin, zMax)
return levs
def cmapFromName(cmapname='jet', ncols=256, bad=None, **kwargs):
"""Get a colormap either from name or from keyworld list.
See http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
cmapname : str
Name for the colormap.
ncols : int
Amount of colors.
bad : [r,g,b,a]
Default color for bad values [nan, inf] [white]
** kwargs :
cMap : str
Name for the colormap
cmap : str
colormap name (old)
matplotlib Colormap
if not isinstance(cmapname, str):
return cmapname
import matplotlib as mpl
if not bad:
bad = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
renameKwarg('cmap', 'cMap', kwargs)
cMapName = kwargs.pop('cMap', cmapname)
cMap = None
if cMapName is None:
cMapName = 'viridis'
if cMapName == 'b2r':
pg.warn("Don't use manual b2r cMap, use MPL internal 'RdBu' instead.")
cMap = "RdBu_r"
import copy
cMap = copy.copy(mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cMapName).resampled(ncols))
except BaseException as e:
pg.warn("Could not retrieve colormap ", cMapName, e)
return cMap
def findAndMaskBestClim(dataIn, cMin=None, cMax=None, dropColLimitsPerc=5,
"""TODO Documentme."""
data = np.asarray(dataIn)
if min(data) < 0:
logScale = False
if logScale:
data = np.log10(data)
xHist = np.histogram(data, bins=100)[1]
if cMin is None:
cMin = xHist[dropColLimitsPerc]
if logScale:
cMin = pow(10.0, cMin)
if cMax is None:
cMax = xHist[100 - dropColLimitsPerc]
if logScale:
cMax = pow(10.0, cMax)
if logScale:
data = pow(10.0, data)
data[np.where(data < cMin)] = cMin
data[np.where(data > cMax)] = cMax
return data, cMin, cMax
def updateColorBar(cbar, gci=None, cMin=None, cMax=None, cMap=None,
logScale=None, nCols=256, nLevs=5, levels=None,
label=None, **kwargs):
"""Update colorbar values.
Update limits and label of a given colorbar.
cbar: matplotlib colorbar
gci : matplotlib graphical instance
cMin: float
cMax: float
cLog: bool
cMap: matplotlib colormap
nCols: int [None]
Number of colors. If not set its number of levels.
nLevs: int
Number of color levels for the colorbar,
can be different from the number of colors.
levels: iterable
Levels for the colorbar, overwrite nLevs.
label: str
Colorbar name.
import matplotlib as mpl
# pg._g('update colorbar: ', cbar, gci, cMin, cMax, cMap,
# logScale, ', nCols:', nCols, nLevs, ', label:', label, levels)
if gci is not None:
if min(gci.get_array()) < 1e12:
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(gci.get_array()),
if cbar is not None:
mappable = gci
mappable = cbar.mappable
if levels is not None:
nLevs = len(levels)
if cMap is not None:
if isinstance(cMap, str):
if nCols is None:
nCols = nLevs
cMap = cmapFromName(cMap, ncols=nCols,
bad=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
# does not work. why??
# cMap.set_under('yellow')
# cMap.set_over('cyan')
# mappable.get_norm().clip=False
needLevelUpdate = False
if levels is not None:
cMin = levels[0]
cMax = levels[-1]
needLevelUpdate = True
if cMin is not None or cMax is not None or nLevs is not None:
needLevelUpdate = True
if logScale is not None:
needLevelUpdate = True
if cMin is None:
cMin = mappable.get_clim()[0]
if cMax is None:
cMax = mappable.get_clim()[1]
if logScale:
if cMin < 1e-12:
cMin = min(filter(lambda _x: _x > 0.0,
norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax)
if needLevelUpdate is True:
if cbar is not None:
setCbarLevels(cbar, cMin, cMax, nLevs, levels)
if label is not None:
setCbarLevels(mappable, cMin, cMax, nLevs, levels)
return cbar
def createColorBar(gci, orientation='horizontal', size=0.2, pad=None,
"""Create a Colorbar.
Shortcut to create a matplotlib colorbar within the ax for a given
patchset. The colorbar is stored in the axes object as __cBar__
to avoid duplicates.
gci: matplotlib graphical instance
orientation: string
size: float
pad: float
**kwargs :
onlyColorSet: bool (False)
If set to true, only the gci aka mappable values are changed and no
colorBar will be created.
Forwarded to updateColorBar
#pg._y('createColorBar', kwargs)
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
cbarTarget = pg.plt
cax = None
divider = None
# if hasattr(patches, 'figure'):
# cbarTarget = patches.figure
ax = kwargs.pop('ax', None)
if ax is None:
if hasattr(gci, 'axes'):
ax = gci.axes
elif hasattr(gci, 'get_axes'):
ax = gci.get_axes()
elif hasattr(gci, 'ax'): # deprecated since MPL 3.3
ax = gci.ax
cbar = None
if hasattr(ax, '__cBar__'):
cbar = ax.__cBar__
#pg._y('update', kwargs)
updateColorBar(cbar, gci, **kwargs)
if kwargs.pop('onlyColorSet', False) == False:
# pg._y(kwargs)
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
if divider:
if orientation == 'horizontal':
if pad is None:
pad = 0.5
cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", size=size, pad=pad)
if pad is None:
pad = 0.1
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size=size, pad=pad)
cbar = cbarTarget.colorbar(gci, cax=cax, orientation=orientation)
#store the cbar into the axes to reuse it on the next call
ax.__cBar__ = cbar
updateColorBar(cbar, **kwargs)
#pg._y('update', kwargs)
updateColorBar(None, gci=gci, **kwargs)
return cbar
def createColorBarOnly(cMin=1, cMax=100, logScale=False, cMap=None, nLevs=5,
label=None, orientation='horizontal', savefig=None,
ax=None, **kwargs):
"""Create figure with a colorbar.
Forwarded to mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase.
The created figure.
>>> # import pygimli as pg
>>> # from pygimli.viewer.mpl import createColorBarOnly
>>> # createColorBarOnly(cMin=0.2, cMax=5, logScale=False,
>>> # cMap='b2r',
>>> # nLevs=7,
>>> # label=r'Ratio',
>>> # orientation='horizontal')
>>> # pg.wait()
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize
from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase
if ax is None:
fig = pg.plt.figure()
if orientation == 'horizontal':
ax = fig.add_axes([0.035, 0.6, 0.93, 0.05])
ax = fig.add_axes([0.30, 0.02, 0.22, 0.96])
norm = None
if cMin > 0 and logScale is True:
norm = LogNorm(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax)
norm = Normalize(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax)
cmap = cmapFromName(cMap)
kwargs.pop('colorBar', False) # often False for multiple plots
kwargs.pop('xlabel', False)
kwargs.pop('ylabel', False)
aspect = kwargs.pop('aspect', None)
levels = kwargs.pop('levels', None)
cbar = ColorbarBase(ax, norm=norm, cmap=cmap,
orientation=orientation, **kwargs)
# cbar.labelpad = -20
# cbar.ax.yaxis.set_label_position('left')
if levels is not None:
kwargs['levels'] = levels
if aspect is not None:
updateColorBar(cbar, cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax, nLevs=nLevs, label=label,
# updateColorBar(cbar, **kwargs)
if savefig is not None:
saveFigure(ax.figure, savefig)
return ax
def setCbarLevels(cbar, cMin=None, cMax=None, nLevs=5, levels=None):
"""Set colorbar levels given a number of levels and min/max values."""
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
if hasattr(cbar, 'mappable'):
mappable = cbar.mappable
# cbar might be a mappable itself
mappable = cbar
if cMin is None:
cMin = mappable.get_clim()[0]
if cMax is None:
cMax = mappable.get_clim()[1]
if cMin == cMax:
cMin *= 0.999
cMax *= 1.001
norm = None
if hasattr(mappable, 'mappable'):
norm = mappable.norm
elif hasattr(mappable, 'norm'):
norm = mappable.norm
# norm.clip = True
if levels is not None:
cbarLevels = levels
if isinstance(norm, mpl.colors.LogNorm):
cbarLevels = np.logspace(np.log10(cMin), np.log10(cMax), nLevs)
# if cMax < cMin:
cbarLevels = np.linspace(cMin, cMax, nLevs)
# FIXME: [10.1, 10.2, 10.3] mapped to [10 10 10]
if np.all(np.array(cbarLevels) < 1e-2): # roundValue not used at all!
pg.debug("All values smaller than 1e-4, avoiding additional rounding.")
roundValue = False
roundValue = True
# cbarLevelsString = []
# for i in cbarLevels:
# cbarLevelsString.append(prettyFloat(i, roundValue))
mappable.set_clim(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax)
if hasattr(cbar, 'set_ticks'):
# cbar is a ColorBar with ticks
# cbar.set_ticklabels(cbarLevelsString)
#cbar._draw_all() # work but dunno how long this will exists
cbar.draw_all() # removed by mpl-3.8
# necessary since mpl 3.0
def pfMajorFormatter(x, pos):
return prettyFloat(x) % x
try: # mpl 3.5
if cbar.orientation == 'horizontal':
except Exception as e:
def setMappableData(mappable, dataIn, cMin=None, cMax=None, logScale=None,
"""Change the data values for a given mappable."""
import matplotlib as mpl
data = dataIn
if not isinstance(data, np.ma.core.MaskedArray):
data = np.array(dataIn)
# set bad value color to white
if mappable.get_cmap() is not None:
import copy
# from mpl 3.3
# cm_ = copy.copy(mappable.get_cmap()).set_bad([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.])
# mappable.set_cmap(cm_)
# old prior mpl 3.3 # not needed anymore
mappable.get_cmap().set_bad([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0])
if cMin is None:
cMin = data.min()
if cMax is None:
cMax = data.max()
oldLog = None
if cMin <= 0.0:
oldLog = isinstance(mappable.norm, mpl.colors.LogNorm)
if oldLog is True or logScale is True:
if cMax > 0:
cMin = min(data[data > 0.0])
data = np.ma.masked_array(data, data <= 0.0)
# if all data are negative switch to lin scale
return setMappableData(mappable, dataIn, cMin, cMax,
logScale=False, **kwargs)
if logScale is True:
mappable.set_norm(mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax))
elif logScale is False:
mappable.set_norm(mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=cMin, vmax=cMax))
# pg._g(oldLog, logScale, cMin, cMax, mappable.norm, data)
mappable.set_clim(cMin, cMax)
if mappable.colorbar is not None:
updateColorBar(mappable.colorbar, cMin=cMin, cMax=cMax, **kwargs)
def addCoverageAlpha(patches, coverage, dropThreshold=0.4):
"""Add alpha values to the colors of a polygon collection.
patches : 2D mpl mappable
coverage : array
coverage values. Maximum coverage mean no opaqueness.
dropThreshold : float
relative minimum coverage
# generate individual color values here
cols = patches.get_facecolor()
C = np.asarray(coverage)
# print(np.min(C), np.max(C))
if (np.min(C) < 0.) | (np.max(C) > 1.) | (np.max(C) < 0.5):
nn, hh = np.histogram(C, 50)
nnn = nn.cumsum(axis=0) / float(len(C))
# print("min-max nnn ", min(nnn), max(nnn))
mi = hh[np.min(np.where(nnn > 0.02)[0])]
if np.min(nnn) > dropThreshold:
ma = np.max(C)
ma = hh[np.max(np.where(nnn < dropThreshold)[0])]
# mi = hh[min(np.where(nnn > 0.2)[0])]
# ma = hh[max(np.where(nnn < 0.7)[0])]
C = (C - mi) / (ma - mi)
C[np.where(C < 0.)] = 0.0
C[np.where(C > 0.95)] = 1.0
# else:
# print('taking the values directly')
import matplotlib as mpl
if version.parse(mpl.__version__) >= version.parse("3.4"):
cols[:, 3] = C
if hasattr(patches, 'ax'):
elif hasattr(patches, 'get_axes'):