# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Feb 16 09:33:14 2015
@author: Marcus Wennermark
import numpy as np
from .modelview import draw1DColumn
from .colorbar import cmapFromName
def create_legend(ax, cmap, ids, classes):
Create a list of patch objects that can be used for borehole legends.
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=cmap(i), label=classes[i]) for i in ids]
return patches
class BoreHole(object):
r"""Class for handling (structural) borehole data for inclusion in plots.
Each row in the data file must contain a start depth [m], end depth and a
classification. The values should be separated by whitespace.
The first line should contain the inline position (x and z), text ID and an
offset for the text (for plotting).
The format is very simple, and a sample file could look like this:
0.0 1.6 clti \n
1.6 10.0 shale
def __init__(self, fname):
self._fname = fname
def __repr__1(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '("{}")'.format(self._fname)
def __repr__(self):
out = 'Borehole id: {}\n Inline position (x, z): {}\n Layers:'.format(
self.borehole_id, self.inline_pos)
for layer in self.data[1:]:
out = ''.join([out, '\n ', str(layer)])
return out
def _load(self):
"""Loads the data file."""
self.data = np.genfromtxt(self._fname, dtype=None)
if len(self.data) > 1:
header = self.data[0][2].decode('UTF-8').split('_')
self.borehole_id = header[0]
if len(header) > 1:
self._textoffset = float(header[1])
self.inline_pos = (self.data[0][0], self.data[0][1])
self.classes = [d[-1].decode('UTF-8') for d in self.data[1:]]
self.unique_classes, self.class_id = \
np.unique(self.classes, return_inverse=True)
raise Warning('File "{}" contains no layers!'.format(self._fname))
def plot(self, ax, plot_thickness=1.0, cmin=None, cmax=None, cm=None,
do_legend=True, **legend_kwargs):
"""Plots the data on the specified axis."""
start_depths = np.asarray([d[0] for d in self.data[1:]])
end_depths = np.asarray([d[1] for d in self.data[1:]])
thickness = end_depths - start_depths
if cmin is None or cmax is None:
cmin = min(self.class_id)
cmax = max(self.class_id)
if cm is None:
cm = cmapFromName("Set3", len(self.unique_classes))
# cm = plt.get_cmap('jet', len(self.unique_classes))
draw1DColumn(ax, self.inline_pos[0], self.class_id, thickness,
ztopo=self.inline_pos[1], width=plot_thickness, cMin=cmin,
cMax=cmax, name=self.borehole_id, cMap=cm,
textoffset=self._textoffset, logScale=False)
if do_legend:
self.add_legend(ax, cm, **legend_kwargs)
def add_legend(self, ax, cmap, **legend_kwargs):
"""Add a legend to the plot."""
leg = create_legend(ax, cmap, self.class_id, self.unique_classes)
ax.legend(handles=leg, **legend_kwargs)
class BoreHoles(object):
"""Class to load and handle several boreholes belonging to one profile.
It makes the color coding consistent across boreholes.
def __init__(self, fnames):
"""Load a list of bore hole from filenames."""
if isinstance(fnames, str):
if fnames.find("*") >= 0:
from glob import glob
fnames = glob(fnames)
self._fnames = fnames
if len(fnames) > 0:
self.boreholes = [BoreHole(f) for f in fnames]
raise Warning('No filenames specified!')
def __repr__1(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + '({})'.format(self._fnames)
def __repr__(self):
out = '{} borehole files loaded:'.format(len(self._fnames))
for b in self.boreholes:
out = ''.join([out, str(b)])
return out
def _build_common_colormap(self):
"""Create a common colormap for all boreholes.
Such that a certain classification has the same color on all boreholes.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
self.common_unique, rev_idx = np.unique(
np.hstack([b.classes for b in self.boreholes]),
self.class_id = rev_idx
start_idx = 0
for b in self.boreholes:
diff_idx = len(b.class_id)
end_idx = start_idx + diff_idx
b.class_id = self.class_id[start_idx:end_idx]
b.unique_classes = self.common_unique
start_idx += diff_idx
self.cm = plt.get_cmap('jet', len(self.common_unique))
self.cmin = min(self.class_id)
self.cmax = max(self.class_id)
def plot(self, ax, plot_thickness=1.0, do_legend=True, **legend_kwargs):
"""Plot the boreholes on the specified axis."""
for b in self.boreholes:
b.plot(ax, plot_thickness=plot_thickness, do_legend=False,
cmin=self.cmin, cmax=self.cmax, cm=self.cm)
if do_legend:
self.add_legend(ax, self.cm, **legend_kwargs)
def add_legend(self, ax, cmap, **legend_kwargs):
"""Add a legend to the plot."""
leg = create_legend(ax, cmap, np.arange(cmap.N), self.common_unique)
extra = dict(bbox_to_anchor=(0.9, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1), ncol=cmap.N / 2,
mode='scale', fancybox=False, shadow=False, fontsize=3.0,
columnspacing=1.0, loc='center right', markerscale=0.7,
framealpha=1.0, borderpad=0.5, handleheight=0.5,
ax.legend(handles=leg, **legend_kwargs)