#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Full waveform seismics and utilities
import time
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
import pygimli.solver
def ricker(f, t, t0=0.0):
Create Ricker wavelet.
Create a Ricker wavelet with a desired frequency and signal length.
f : float
Frequency of the wavelet in Hz
t : array [float]
Time base definition
t0 : float
Offset time. Use 1/f to move the wavelet to start nearly from zero.
y : array_like
Create a 100 Hz Wavelet inside 1000 Hz sampled signal of length 0.1s.
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pygimli.physics.seismics import ricker
>>> sampleFrequenz = 1000 #Hz
>>> t = np.arange(0, 0.1, 1./sampleFrequenz)
>>> r = ricker(100., t, 1./100)
>>> lines = plt.plot(t,r,'-x')
>>> plt.show()
fact = (np.pi**2) * (f**2) * ((t - t0)**2)
y = (1.0 - 2.0 * fact) * np.exp(-fact)
return y
def drawWiggle(ax, x, t, xoffset=0.0,
posColor='red', negColor='blue', alpha=0.5, **kwargs):
Draw signal in wiggle style into a given ax.
ax : matplotlib ax
To plot into
x : array [float]
t : array
Time base for x
xoffset : float
Move wiggle plot along x axis
posColor : str
Need to be convertible to matplotlib color. Fill positive areas with.
negColor : str
Need to be convertible to matplotlib color. Fill negative areas with.
alpha : float
Opacity for fill area.
**kwargs : dict()
Will be forwarded to matplotlib.axes.fill
>>> from pygimli.physics.seismics import ricker, drawWiggle
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> t = np.arange(0, 0.02, 1./5000)
>>> r = ricker(t, 100., 1./100)
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
>>> drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=0, posColor='red', negColor='blue',
... alpha=0.2)
>>> drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=1)
>>> drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=2, posColor='black', negColor='white',
... alpha=1.0)
>>> ax.invert_yaxis()
>>> plt.show()
wiggle, = ax.plot(x + xoffset, t, color='black', **kwargs)
if len(t) > 1:
tracefill = np.array(x)
tracefill[0] = 0.0
tracefill[-1] = 0.0
tracefill[np.nonzero(x > x[0])] = 0
fill, = ax.fill(tracefill + xoffset, t, color=negColor,
alpha=alpha, linewidth=0)
tracefill = np.array(x)
tracefill[0] = 0.0
tracefill[-1] = 0.0
tracefill[np.nonzero(x < x[0])] = 0
fill, = ax.fill(tracefill + xoffset, t, color=posColor,
alpha=alpha, linewidth=0)
def drawSeismogram(ax, mesh, u, dt, ids=None, pos=None, i=None):
r"""Extract and show time series from wave field
ids: list
List of node ids for the given mesh.
pos : list
List of positions for the given mesh. We will look for the nearest node.
ax.set_xlim(mesh.xmin(), mesh.xmax())
ax.set_ylim(0., dt*len(u)*1000)
ax.set_ylabel('Time (ms)')
ax.set_xlabel('Distance (m)')
if i is None:
i = len(u)-1
t = np.linspace(0, i*dt*1000, i+1)
if ids is None and pos is not None:
ids = []
for p in pos:
xDist = mesh.node(0).pos().distance(mesh.node(1).pos())
for iw, n in enumerate(ids):
pos = mesh.node(n).pos()
ax.plot(pos[0], 0.05, '^', color='black')
trace = pg.cat(pg.Vector(0), u[:(i+1), n])
# print(i+1, n)
# print(trace, (max(pg.abs(trace))))
# if max(pg.abs(trace)) > 1e-8:
trace *= np.exp(1/1000 * t)
trace /= (max(pg.abs(trace)))
trace *= 10
drawWiggle(ax, trace, t=t, xoffset=pos[0])
def solvePressureWave(mesh, velocities, times, sourcePos, uSource, verbose=False):
Solve pressure wave equation.
Solve pressure wave for a given source function
.. math::
\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial t^2} & = \diverg(a\grad u) + f\\
finalize equation
mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`
Mesh to solve on
velocities : array
velocities for each cell of the mesh
time : array
Time base definition
sourcePos : RVector3
Source position
uSource : array
u(t, sourcePos) source movement of length(times)
Usually a Ricker wavelet of the desired seismic signal frequency.
u : RMatrix
See TODO write example
A = pg.matrix.SparseMatrix()
M = pg.matrix.SparseMatrix()
# F = pg.Vector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.0)
rhs = pg.Vector(mesh.nodeCount(), 0.0)
u = pg.Matrix(len(times), mesh.nodeCount())
v = pg.Matrix(len(times), mesh.nodeCount())
sourceID = mesh.findNearestNode(sourcePos)
if len(uSource) != len(times):
raise Exception("length of uSource does not fit length of times: " +
str(uSource) + " != " + len(times))
A.fillStiffnessMatrix(mesh, velocities * velocities)
# M.fillMassMatrix(mesh, velocities)
FV = 0
if FV:
A, rhs = pygimli.solver.diffusionConvectionKernel(mesh,
velocities *
M = pygimli.solver.identity(len(rhs))
u = pg.Matrix(len(times), mesh.cellCount())
v = pg.Matrix(len(times), mesh.cellCount())
sourceID = mesh.findCell(sourcePos).id()
dt = times[1] - times[0]
theta = 0.51
#theta = 1.
S1 = M + A * (dt * dt * theta * theta)
S2 = M
solver1 = pg.core.LinSolver(S1, verbose=False)
solver2 = pg.core.LinSolver(S2, verbose=False)
swatch = pg.Stopwatch(True)
# ut = pg.Vector(mesh.nodeCount(), .0)
# vt = pg.Vector(mesh.nodeCount(), .0)
timeIter1 = np.zeros(len(times))
timeIter2 = np.zeros(len(times))
timeIter3 = np.zeros(len(times))
timeIter4 = np.zeros(len(times))
progress = pg.utils.ProgressBar(its=len(times), width=40, sign='+')
for n in range(1, len(times)):
u[n - 1, sourceID] = uSource[n - 1]
# solve for u
tic = time.time()
# + * dt*dt * F
rhs = M * (dt * v[n-1]) + (M - A * (dt**2 * theta * (1. - theta))) * u[n-1]
timeIter1[n - 1] = time.time() - tic
tic = time.time()
u[n] = solver1.solve(rhs)
timeIter2[n - 1] = time.time() - tic
# solve for v
tic = time.time()
rhs = M * v[n - 1] - dt * \
(A * ((1. - theta) * u[n - 1]) + A * (theta * u[n])) # + dt * F
timeIter3[n - 1] = time.time() - tic
tic = time.time()
v[n] = solver2.solve(rhs)
timeIter4[n - 1] = time.time() - tic
# same as above
# rhs = M * v[n-1] - dt * A * u[n-1] + dt * F
# v[n] = solver1.solve(rhs)
t1 = swatch.duration(True)
if verbose:
return u
if __name__ == "__main__":
# from pygimli.physics.seismics import drawWiggle # alternatively ricker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.arange(0, 0.02, 1. / 5000)
r = ricker(t, 100., 1. / 100)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=0, posColor='red', negColor='blue', alpha=0.2)
drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=1)
drawWiggle(ax, r, t, xoffset=2, posColor='black', negColor='white',