# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""classes for inverting profile data with magnetic resonance soundings (MRS)
The preferred LCI type of MRS inversion was published in:
Costabel, S., Günther, T., Dlugosch, R. & Müller-Petke, M. (2016):
Torus-nuclear magnetic resonance: Quasi-continuous airborne magnetic resonance
profiling by using a helium-filled balloon. Geophysics 81(4), W119-W129,
import sys
import os
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.viewer.mpl import showStitchedModels
from . mrs import MRS
from . modelling import MRS1dBlockQTModelling
class MultiFOP(pg.core.ModellingBase): # classical joint FOP => frameworks
def __init__(self, mrsAll, nlay=3):
mesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh1DBlock(nlay, 2) # thk, wc, T2*
pg.core.ModellingBase.__init__(self, mesh)
self.fAll = []
for mrs in mrsAll:
def response(self, model):
"""compute response by concatenating individual responses."""
resp = pg.Vector()
for f in self.fAll:
resp = pg.cat(resp, f.response(model))
return resp
class JointMRSModelling(MRS1dBlockQTModelling):
"""MRS Laterally constrained modelling based on BlockMatrices."""
def __init__(self, mrs, nlay=2, verbose=False):
"""Parameters: FDEM data class and number of layers"""
super(JointMRSModelling, self).__init__(nlay, mrs[0].K, mrs[0].z,
mrs[0].t, verbose)
self.mrs = mrs
for mrsi in mrs:
def response(self, model):
"""response function (all responses together)"""
response = pg.Vector()
for mrs in self.mrs:
response = pg.cat(response, mrs.f(model))
class MRSLCI(pg.core.ModellingBase):
"""MRS Laterally constrained modelling based on BlockMatrices."""
def __init__(self, profile, nlay=2, verbose=False):
"""Parameters: FDEM data class and number of layers"""
super(MRSLCI, self).__init__(verbose)
self.nlay = nlay
self.nx = len(profile)
self.np = 3 * nlay - 1
# self.mesh2d = pg.meshtools.createMesh2D(npar, self.nx)
# self.mesh2d = pg.meshtools.createMesh2D(self.nx, self.np)
self.mesh2d = pg.meshtools.createMesh2D(range(self.np+1), range(self.nx+1))
self.mesh2d.rotate(pg.RVector3(0, 0, -np.pi/2))
self.J = pg.matrix.BlockMatrix()
self.FOP1d = []
ipos = 0
for i, mrs in enumerate(profile):
mrs.createFOP(nlay, verbose=False)
n = self.J.addMatrix(self.FOP1d[-1].jacobian())
self.J.addMatrixEntry(n, ipos, self.np * i)
ipos += len(mrs.data)
print(self.J.rows(), self.J.cols())
def response(self, model):
"""cut-together forward responses of all soundings"""
modA = np.asarray(model).reshape(self.nx, self.np)
# modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, self.np))
resp = pg.Vector(0)
for i, modi in enumerate(modA):
resp = pg.cat(resp, self.FOP1d[i].response(modi))
return resp
def createJacobian(self, model):
""" fill individual blocks of Block-Jacobian matrix """
modA = np.asarray(model).reshape(self.nx, self.np)
# modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, self.np))
for i in range(self.nx):
class MRSprofile():
"""manager class for several MRS data along a profile for joint inversion
mrs : list of MRS objects (single soundings)
x : list of positions for the soundings
load - load mrs files from a directory
set X - set x vector
showData - show MRS data
independentBlock1dInversion - perform independent 1D block inversion
block1dInversion - 1D block inversion of all data sets together
blockLCInversion - 1D block laterally constrained inversion of all data
printFits - print total misfit (chi^2, rms) and individual values
showModel - show LCI model
def __init__(self, filename=None, x=None, dx=1, x0=0, **kwargs):
"""Initialize profile object by mrs objects and optional positions.
filename : list of str | str
list of files OR filenames(with *) OR directory to load
x : iterable
position vector of individual soundings
x0 : float [0]
starting position
dx : position [1]
position increment
self.mrs = []
self.nData = 0
self.figs = {}
self.totalChi2 = None
self.totalRMS = None
self.WMOD = None
self.TMOD = None
self.RMSvec = None
self.Chi2vec = None
if '*' in filename: # a filename with asterisks
files = glob(filename)
elif os.path.isdir(filename): # a directory with all files to take
files = glob(filename+'/*.mrsi')
if len(files) == 0:
files = glob(filename+'/*.mrsd')
elif hasattr(filename, '__iter__'): # already a list
files = filename
if filename is not None:
print('Do not know what to do with filename')
self.load(files, **kwargs)
if x is not None:
self.x = np.arange(len(self.mrs)) * dx + x0
def __repr__(self):
return "MRS profile with "+str(len(self.mrs))+" soundings"
def setX(self, x=None, x0=0, dx=1):
"""define positions for soundings and sort accordingly"""
if x is None:
x = np.arange(len(self.mrs)) * dx + x0
ind = np.argsort(x)
self.mrs = self.mrs(ind)
self.x = np.sort(x)
def load(self, filenames, **kwargs):
""" load mrs files in a list of (single) MRS handlers
filename can be a list of mrsi files or a directory to search
Additional parameters: usereal, mint, maxt (see MRS.load)
self.mrs = [MRS(filename, **kwargs) for filename in filenames]
def loadKernel(self, kernelfile):
""" load one kernel file for all soundings """
for mrsi in self.mrs:
mrsi.z = self.mrs[0].z
mrsi.K = self.mrs[0].K
def showData(self, figsize=(15, 10), nc=0, nr=0, clim=None):
"""show all data cubes in subplots"""
from math import sqrt, ceil
nsond = len(self.mrs)
if nc == 0:
nc = ceil(sqrt(nsond*3))
if nr == 0:
nr = ceil(nsond/nc)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=int(nr), ncols=int(nc),
for i, mrs in enumerate(self.mrs):
mrs.showCube(ax=ax.flat[i], vec=mrs.data*1e9, islog=False,
self.figs['data'] = fig
return fig, ax
def showInitialValues(self):
""" show initial values of whole profile """
IVI = np.zeros((len(self.mrs[0].q), len(self.mrs)))
for i, mrs in enumerate(self.mrs):
IVI[:, i] = mrs.dcube[:, 0]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10))
im = ax.imshow(IVI*1e9, interpolation='nearest')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')
self.figs['ivi'] = fig
return fig, ax
def independentBlock1dInversion(self, nlay=2, lam=100, startModel=None):
"""Independent inversion of all soundings.
nlay : int [2]
number of layers
lam : float
regularization parameter
startModel : array/vector
starting model (see MRS.run parameters)
self.WMOD, self.TMOD = [], []
self.RMSvec, self.Chi2vec, self.nData = [], [], []
for i, mrs in enumerate(self.mrs):
if hasattr(startModel[0], '__iter__'):
startvec = startModel[i]
startvec = startModel
if startvec is not None:
nlay = (len(startvec)-1) // 2
mrs.run(nlay=nlay, startvec=startvec, lam=lam, verbose=False)
thk, wc, t2 = mrs.result()
self.WMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, wc)))
self.TMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, t2)))
self.RMSvec.append(mrs.INV.absrms()*1e9) # in nV
self.totalChi2 = sum(np.array(self.Chi2vec)*np.array(self.nData)) / \
self.totalRMS = np.sqrt(sum(np.array(self.RMSvec)**2 *
np.array(self.nData)) / sum(self.nData))
def block1dInversionOld(self, nlay=2, startModel=None, verbose=True,
uncertainty=False, **kwargs):
"""Invert all data together by one 1D model (variant 1 - all equal)."""
self.mrsall = MRS()
self.mrsall.z = self.mrs[0].z
self.mrsall.t = self.mrs[0].t
self.mrsall.data, self.mrsall.error, self.mrsall.q = [], [], []
self.mrsall.K = np.zeros((0, self.mrs[0].K.shape[1]))
for mrs in self.mrs:
self.mrsall.data = np.hstack((self.mrsall.data, mrs.data))
self.mrsall.error = np.hstack((self.mrsall.error,
self.mrsall.q = np.hstack((self.mrsall.q, mrs.q))
self.mrsall.K = np.vstack((self.mrsall.K, mrs.K))
self.mrsall.run(nlay, stvec=startModel, verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
if verbose:
return self.mrsall.model
def block1dInversion(self, nlay=2, lam=100., show=False, verbose=True,
"""Invert all data together by a 1D model (more general solution)."""
data, error = pg.Vector(), pg.Vector()
for mrs in self.mrs:
data = pg.cat(data, mrs.data)
error = pg.cat(error, np.real(mrs.error))
# f = JointMRSModelling(self.mrs, nlay)
f = MultiFOP(self.mrs, nlay)
mrsobj = self.mrs[0]
for i in range(3):
f.region(i).setParameters(mrsobj.startval[i], mrsobj.lowerBound[i],
INV = pg.Inversion(data, f, verbose)
# INV.stopAtChi1(False) # should be already in MarquardtScheme
model = INV.run()
m0 = self.mrs[0]
m0.model = np.asarray(model)
if uncertainty:
from pygimli.utils import iterateBounds
m0.modelL, m0.modelU = iterateBounds(
INV, dchi2=INV.chi2() / 2, change=1.2)
if show:
# %% fill up 2D model (for display only)
self.WMOD, self.TMOD = [], []
thk = model[0:nlay-1]
wc = model[nlay-1:2*nlay-1]
t2 = model[2*nlay-1:3*nlay-1]
for i in range(len(self.mrs)):
self.WMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, wc)))
self.TMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, t2)))
return model
def show1dModel(self):
"""Show 1D model (e.g. of joint block inversion)."""
self.figs['1dmodel'], ax = self.mrs[0].showResult()
def blockLCInversion(self, nlay=2, startModel=None, **kwargs):
"""Laterally constrained (piece-wise 1D) block inversion."""
data, error, self.nData = pg.Vector(), pg.Vector(), []
for mrs in self.mrs:
data = pg.cat(data, mrs.data)
error = pg.cat(error, mrs.error)
fop = MRSLCI(self.mrs, nlay=nlay)
fop.region(0).setZWeight(kwargs.pop('zWeight', 0))
fop.region(0).setConstraintType(kwargs.pop('cType', 1))
transData, transMod = pg.trans.Trans(), pg.trans.TransLog() # LU(1., 500.)
if startModel is None:
startModel = self.block1dInversion(nlay, verbose=False)
model = kwargs.pop('startvec', np.tile(startModel, len(self.mrs)))
INV = pg.Inversion(data, fop, transData, transMod, True, False)
INV.setLambda(kwargs.pop('lam', 100))
INV.setMaxIter(kwargs.pop('maxIter', 20))
# INV.stopAtChi1(False)
model = INV.run()
self.WMOD, self.TMOD = [], []
for par in np.reshape(model, (len(self.mrs), 3*nlay-1)):
thk = par[0:nlay-1]
self.WMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, par[nlay-1:2*nlay-1])))
self.TMOD.append(np.hstack((thk, par[2*nlay-1:3*nlay-1])))
ind = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.nData)))
resp = INV.response()
misfit = data - resp
emisfit = misfit / error
misfit *= 1e9
self.totalChi2 = INV.chi2()
self.totalRMS = INV.absrms()*1e9
self.RMSvec, self.Chi2vec = [], []
for i in range(len(self.mrs)):
def printFits(self):
"""Show single fits and total fit."""
print("Single RMS [nV]:")
print("Single Chi^2:")
print('Total RMS/Chi^2 value:')
print(np.round(self.totalRMS, 2), np.round(self.totalChi2, 2))
def showWC(self, wlim=(0, 0.5), ax=None, cmap='Spectral',
title=r'$\theta$ (-)'):
"""Show water content distribution as stitched model section."""
fig = None
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
self.figs['wc'] = fig
showStitchedModels(self.WMOD, ax=ax, x=self.x, islog=False, cmap=cmap,
title=title, cmin=wlim[0], cmax=wlim[1])
return fig, ax
def showT2(self, tlim=(0.05, 0.5), ax=None, cmap='Spectral',
title=r'$T_2^*$ (s)'):
"""Show relaxation time distribution as stitched model section."""
fig = None
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
self.figs['t2'] = fig
showStitchedModels(self.TMOD, ax=ax, x=self.x, islog=True, cmap=cmap,
cmin=tlim[0], cmax=tlim[1], title=title)
return fig, ax
def showFits(self, ax=None):
"""Show chi-square and rms fits of individual soundings."""
if ax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
self.figs['fits'] = fig
axb = ax.twinx()
axb.set_ylabel('rms (nV)')
ax.plot(self.x, self.Chi2vec, 'rx', label=r'$\chi^2$')
axb.plot(self.x, self.RMSvec, 'bx', label='rms [nV]')
ax.legend(numpoints=1, loc=2)
axb.legend(numpoints=1, loc=1)
def showModel(self, showFit=0, cmap='Spectral', figsize=(13, 12),
wlim=(0, 0.5), tlim=(0.05, 0.5)):
"""Show 2d model as stitched 1d models along with fit."""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2+showFit, figsize=figsize, sharex=True)
self.showWC(wlim, ax=ax[-2], cmap=cmap)
self.showT2(tlim, ax=ax[-1], cmap=cmap)
xl = ax[-1].get_xlim()
ax[0].set_xlabel('x (m)')
ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\chi^2$ (-)')
for axi in ax[-2:]:
axi.set_ylabel('z (m)')
if showFit > 0:
return fig, ax
def saveFigs(self, basename="out", extension="pdf"):
"""Save all figures to (pdf) files."""
for key in self.figs:
if __name__ == "__main__":
name = sys.argv[-1]
numlay = 3
prof = MRSprofile(name) # directory or list of names
figure, axes = prof.showData() # subplots with data cubes
mymodel = prof.block1dInversion(nlay=numlay) # all in one model
prof.independentBlock1dInversion(nlay=2) # each separately
figure, axes = prof.showModel(showFit=1)
figure.savefig(name+'-Ind-N'+str(numlay)+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
prof.blockLCInversion(nlay=numlay, lam=100, startModel=mymodel)
figure, axes = prof.showModel(showFit=1)
figure.savefig(name+'-LCI-N'+str(numlay)+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')