Source code for pygimli.physics.sNMR.mrs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Magnetic resonance sounding module."""

# general modules to import according to standards
import time
import numpy as np

#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.utils import iterateBounds
from pygimli.utils.base import gmat2numpy
from pygimli.viewer.mpl import drawModel1D

# local functions in package
from pygimli.physics.sNMR.modelling import MRS1dBlockQTModelling
from pygimli.physics.sNMR.plotting import showErrorBars, showWC, showT2

[docs] class MRS(): """Magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) manager class. Attributes ---------- t, q : ndarray - time and pulse moment vectors data, error : 2d ndarray - data and error cubes K, z : ndarray - (complex) kernel and its vertical discretization model, modelL, modelU : vectors - model vector and lower/upper bound to it Methods ------- loadMRSI - load MRSI (MRSmatlab format) data showCube - show any data/error/misfit as data cube (over q and t) showDataAndError - show data and error cubes showKernel - show Kernel matrix createFOP - create forward operator createInv - create pygimli Inversion instance run - run block-mono (alternatively smooth-mono) inversion (with bootstrap) calcMCM - compute model covariance matrix and thus uncertainties splitModel - return thickness, water content and T2* time from vector showResult/showResultAndFit - show inversion result (with fit) runEA - run evolutionary algorithm (GA, PSO etc.) using inspyred plotPopulation - plot final population of an EA run """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): """MRS init with optional data load from mrsi file Parameters ---------- name : string Filename with load data and kernel (*.mrsi) or just data (*.mrsd) verbose : bool be verbose kwargs - see :func:`MRS.loadMRSI`. """ self.verbose = verbose self.t, self.q, self.z = None, None, None, self.error = None, None self.K, self.fop, self.INV = None, None, None self.dcube, self.ecube = None, None self.lLB, self.lUB = None, None self.nlay = 0 self.model, self.modelL, self.modelU = None, None, None self.lowerBound = [1.0, 0.0, 0.02] # d, theta, T2* self.upperBound = [30., 0.45, 1.00] # d, theta, T2* self.startval = [10., 0.30, 0.20] # d, theta, T2* self.logpar = False self.basename = 'new' self.figs = {} if name is not None: # load data and kernel # check for mrsi/d/k if name[-5:-1].lower() == '.mrs': # mrsi or mrsd self.loadMRSI(name, **kwargs) self.basename = name.rstrip('.mrsi') # elif name[-5:].lower() == '.mrsd': # self.loadMRSD(name, **kwargs) elif name.lower().endswith('npz'): self.loadDataNPZ(name, **kwargs) else: self.loadDir(name)
def __repr__(self): # for print function """String representation.""" out = "" if len(self.t) > 0 and len(self.q) > 0: out = "<MRSdata: %d qs, %d times" % \ (len(self.q), len(self.t)) if hasattr(self.z, '__iter__') and len(self.z) > 0: out += ", %d layers" % len(self.z) return out + ">"
[docs] def loadDataNPZ(self, filename, **kwargs): """Load data and kernel from numpy gzip packed file. The npz file contains the fields: q, t, D, (E), z, K """ self.basename = filename.rstrip('.npz') DATA = np.load(filename) self.q = DATA['q'] self.t = DATA['t'] self.z = np.absolute(DATA['z']) self.K = DATA['K'] self.dcube = DATA['D'] ndcubet = len(self.dcube[0]) if len(self.dcube) == len(self.q) and ndcubet == len(self.t): if kwargs.pop('usereal', False): = np.real(self.dcube.flat) else: = np.abs(self.dcube.flat) if 'E' in DATA: self.ecube = DATA['E'] else: self.ecube = np.zeros_like(self.dcube) self.checkData(**kwargs)
[docs] def loadKernelNPZ(self, filename, **kwargs): """Load data and kernel from numpy gzip packed file. The npz file contains the fields: q, t, D, (E), z, K """ self.basename = filename.rstrip('.npz') DATA = np.load(filename) self.q = DATA['pulseMoments'] self.z = np.absolute(DATA['zVector']) self.K = DATA['kernel']
[docs] def loadMRSI(self, filename, **kwargs): """Load data, error and kernel from mrsi or mrsd file Parameters ---------- usereal : bool [False] use real parts (after data rotation) instead of amplitudes mint/maxt : float [0.0/2.0] minimum/maximum time to restrict time series """ from import loadmat # loading Matlab mat files if filename[-5:].lower() == '.mrsd': idata = None pl = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['proclog'] self.q = np.array([q.q for q in pl.Q]) self.t = pl.Q[0].rx.sig[0].t + pl.Q[0].timing.tau_dead1 nq = len(pl.Q) nt = len(self.t) self.dcube = np.zeros((nq, nt)) self.ecube = np.zeros((nq, nt)) # self.ecube = np.ones((nq, nt))*20e-9 for i in range(nq): self.dcube[i, :] = pl.Q[i].rx.sig[1].V self.ecube[i, :] = np.real(pl.Q[i].rx.sig[1].E) else: idata = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['idata'] self.t = + self.q = self.K = idata.kernel.K self.z = np.hstack((0., idata.kernel.z)) self.dcube = self.ecube = defaultNoise = kwargs.get("defaultNoise", 100e-9) if self.ecube[0][0] == 0: self.ecube = np.ones_like(self.dcube) * defaultNoise if self.verbose: print("no errors in file, assuming", defaultNoise*1e9, "nV") self.ecube = np.ones((len(self.q), len(self.t))) * defaultNoise if idata is not None: self.ecube /= np.sqrt( self.checkData(**kwargs) # load model from matlab file (result of MRSQTInversion) if filename[-5:].lower() == '.mrsi' and hasattr(idata, 'inv1Dqt'): if hasattr(idata.inv1Dqt, 'blockMono'): sol = idata.inv1Dqt.blockMono.solution[0] self.model = np.hstack((sol.thk, sol.w, sol.T2)) self.nlay = len(sol.w) if self.verbose: print("loaded file: " + filename)
[docs] def checkData(self, **kwargs): """Check data and retrieve data and error vector.""" mint = kwargs.pop('mint', 0) maxt = kwargs.pop('maxt', 1000) good = (self.t <= maxt) & (self.t >= mint) self.t = self.t[good] self.dcube = self.dcube[:, good] self.ecube = self.ecube[:, good] ndcubet = len(self.dcube[0]) if len(self.dcube) == len(self.q) and ndcubet == len(self.t): if kwargs.pop('usereal', False): = np.real(self.dcube.flat) else: = np.abs(self.dcube.flat) else: print('Dimensions do not match!') necubet = len(self.dcube[0]) if len(self.ecube) == len(self.q) and necubet == len(self.t): self.error = self.ecube.ravel() if min(self.error) <= 0.: print("Warning: negative errors present! Taking absolute value") self.error = np.absolute(self.error) defaultNoise = kwargs.pop("defaultNoise", 100e-9) if min(self.error) == 0.: if self.verbose: print("Warning: zero error, assuming", defaultNoise) self.error[self.error == 0.] = defaultNoise # clip data if desired (using vmin and vmax keywords) if "vmax" in kwargs: vmax = kwargs['vmax'] self.error[ > vmax] = max(self.error)*3[ > vmax] = vmax if "vmin" in kwargs: vmin = kwargs['vmin'] self.error[ < vmin] = max(self.error)*3[ < vmin] = vmin if self.verbose: print(self)
[docs] def loadMRSD(self, filename, usereal=False, mint=0., maxt=2.0): """Load mrsd (MRS data) file: not really used as in MRSD.""" from import loadmat # loading Matlab mat files print("Currently not using mint/maxt & usereal:", mint, maxt, usereal) pl = loadmat(filename, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['proclog'] self.q = np.array([q.q for q in pl.Q]) self.t = pl.Q[0].rx.sig[0].t + pl.Q[0].timing.tau_dead1 nq = len(pl.Q) nt = len(self.t) self.dcube = np.zeros((nq, nt)) for i in range(nq): self.dcube[i, :] = np.abs(pl.Q[i].rx.sig[1].V) self.ecube = np.ones((nq, nt))*20e-9
[docs] def loadDataCube(self, filename='datacube.dat'): """Load data cube from single ascii file (old stuff)""" A = np.loadtxt(filename).T self.q = A[1:, 0] self.t = A[0, 1:] = A[1:, 1:].ravel()
[docs] def loadErrorCube(self, filename='errorcube.dat'): """Load error cube from a single ascii file (old stuff).""" A = np.loadtxt(filename).T if len(A) == len(self.q) and len(A[0]) == len(self.t): self.error = A.ravel() elif len(A) == len(self.q) + 1 and len(A[0]) == len(self.t) + 1: self.error = A[1:, 1:].ravel() else: self.error = np.ones(len(self.q) * len(self.t)) * 100e-9
[docs] def loadKernel(self, name=''): """Load kernel matrix from mrsk or two bmat files.""" from import loadmat # loading Matlab mat files if name[-5:].lower() == '.mrsk': kdata = loadmat(name, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True)['kdata'] self.K = kdata.K self.z = np.hstack((0., kdata.model.z)) else: # try load real/imag parts (backward compat.) KR = pg.Matrix(name + 'KR.bmat') KI = pg.Matrix(name + 'KI.bmat') self.K = np.zeros((KR.rows(), KR.cols()), dtype='complex') for i in range(KR.rows()): self.K[i] = np.array(KR[i]) + np.array(KI[i]) * 1j
[docs] def loadZVector(self, filename='zkernel.vec'): """Load the kernel vertical discretisation (z) vector.""" self.z = pg.Vector(filename)
[docs] def loadDir(self, dirname): """Load several standard files from dir (old Borkum stage).""" if not dirname[-1] == '/': dirname += '/' self.loadDataCube(dirname + 'datacube.dat') self.loadErrorCube(dirname + 'errorcube.dat') self.loadKernel(dirname) self.loadZVector(dirname + 'zkernel.vec') self.dirname = dirname # to save results etc.
[docs] def showCube(self, ax=None, vec=None, islog=None, clim=None, clab=None): """Plot any data (or response, error, misfit) cube nicely.""" if vec is None: vec = np.array( print(len(vec)) mul = 1.0 if max(vec) < 1e-3: # Volts mul = 1e9 if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) if islog is None: print(len(vec)) islog = (min(vec) > 0.) negative = (min(vec) < 0) if islog: vec = np.log10(np.abs(vec)) if clim is None: if negative: cmax = max(max(vec), -min(vec)) clim = (-cmax, cmax) else: cmax = max(vec) if islog: cmin = cmax - 1.5 else: cmin = 0. clim = (cmin, cmax) xt = range(0, len(self.t), 10) xtl = [str(ti) for ti in np.round(self.t[xt] * 1000.)] qt = range(0, len(self.q), 5) qtl = [str(qi) for qi in np.round(np.asarray(self.q)[qt] * 10.) / 10.] mat = np.array(vec).reshape((len(self.q), len(self.t)))*mul im = ax.imshow(mat, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') im.set_clim(clim) ax.set_xticks(xt) ax.set_xticklabels(xtl) ax.set_yticks(qt) ax.set_yticklabels(qtl) ax.set_xlabel('$t$ [ms]') ax.set_ylabel('$q$ [As]') cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal') if clab is not None: return clim
[docs] def showDataAndError(self, figsize=(10, 8), show=False): """Show data cube along with error cube.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figsize) self.showCube(ax[0], * 1e9, islog=False) self.showCube(ax[1], self.error * 1e9, islog=True) if show: self.figs['data+error'] = fig return fig, ax
[docs] def showKernel(self, ax=None): """Show the kernel as matrix (Q over z).""" if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() self.figs['kernel'] = fig # ax.imshow(self.K.T, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') ax.matshow(self.K.T, aspect='auto') yt = ax.get_yticks() maxzi = self.K.shape[1] yt = yt[(yt >= 0) & (yt < maxzi)] if yt[-1] < maxzi-2: yt = np.hstack((yt, maxzi)) ytl = [str(self.z[int(yti)]) for yti in yt] zl = self.z[[int(yti) for yti in yt]] ytl = [str(zi) for zi in np.round(zl, 1)] ax.set_yticks(yt) ax.set_yticklabels(ytl) xt = ax.get_xticks() maxqi = self.K.shape[0] xt = xt[(xt >= 0) & (xt < maxqi)] xtl = [np.round(self.q[iq], 2) for iq in xt] ax.set_xticks(xt) ax.set_xticklabels(xtl) return fig, ax
[docs] @staticmethod def createFOP(nlay, K, z, t): # , verbose=True, **kwargs): """Create forward operator instance.""" fop = MRS1dBlockQTModelling(nlay, K, z, t) return fop
[docs] def setBoundaries(self): """Set parameter boundaries for inversion.""" for i in range(3): self.fop.region(i).setParameters(self.startval[i], self.lowerBound[i], self.upperBound[i], "log")
[docs] def createInv(self, nlay=3, lam=100., verbose=True, **kwargs): """Create inversion instance (and fop if necessary with nlay).""" self.fop = MRS.createFOP(nlay, self.K, self.z, self.t) self.setBoundaries() self.INV = pg.Inversion(, self.fop, verbose) self.INV.setLambda(lam) self.INV.setMarquardtScheme(kwargs.pop('lambdaFactor', 0.8)) self.INV.stopAtChi1(False) # now in MarquardtScheme self.INV.setDeltaPhiAbortPercent(0.5) self.INV.setAbsoluteError(np.abs(self.error)) self.INV.setRobustData(kwargs.pop('robust', False)) return self.INV
[docs] @staticmethod def simulate(model, K, z, t): """Do synthetic modelling.""" nlay = int(len(model) / 3) + 1 fop = MRS.createFOP(nlay, K, z, t) return fop.response(model)
[docs] def invert(self, nlay=3, lam=100., startvec=None, verbose=True, uncertainty=False, **kwargs): """Easiest variant doing all (create fop and inv) in one call.""" if self.INV is None or self.nlay != nlay: self.INV = self.createInv(nlay, lam, verbose, **kwargs) self.INV.setVerbose(verbose) if startvec is not None: self.INV.setModel(startvec) if verbose: print("Doing inversion...") self.model = np.array( return self.model
[docs] def run(self, verbose=True, uncertainty=False, **kwargs): """Easiest variant doing all (create fop and inv) in one call.""" self.invert(verbose=verbose, **kwargs) if uncertainty: if verbose: print("Computing uncertainty...") self.modelL, self.modelU = iterateBounds( self.INV, dchi2=self.INV.chi2() / 2, change=1.2) if verbose: print("ready")
[docs] def splitModel(self, model=None): """Split model vector into d, theta and T2*.""" if model is None: model = self.model nl = int(len(self.model)/3) + 1 # self.nlay thk = model[:nl - 1] wc = model[nl - 1:2 * nl - 1] t2 = model[2 * nl - 1:3 * nl - 1] return thk, wc, t2
[docs] def result(self): """Return block model results (thk, wc and T2 vectors).""" return self.splitModel()
[docs] def showResult(self, figsize=(10, 8), save='', fig=None, ax=None): """Show theta(z) and T2*(z) (+uncertainties if there).""" if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=figsize) self.figs['result'] = fig thk, wc, t2 = self.splitModel() showWC(ax[0], thk, wc) showT2(ax[1], thk, t2) if self.modelL is not None and self.modelU is not None: thkL, wcL, t2L = self.splitModel(self.modelL) thkU, wcU, t2U = self.splitModel(self.modelU) showErrorBars(ax[0], thk, wc, thkL, thkU, wcL, wcU) showErrorBars(ax[1], thk, t2*1e3, thkL, thkU, t2L*1e3, t2U*1e3) if fig is not None: if save: fig.savefig(save, bbox_inches='tight') return fig, ax
[docs] def showResultAndFit(self, figsize=(12, 10), save='', plotmisfit=False, maxdep=0, clim=None): """Show ec(z), T2*(z), data and model response.""" fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2 + plotmisfit, figsize=figsize) self.figs['result+fit'] = fig thk, wc, t2 = self.splitModel() showWC(ax[0, 0], thk, wc, maxdep=maxdep) showT2(ax[0, 1], thk, t2, maxdep=maxdep) ax[0, 0].set_title(r'MRS water content $\theta$') ax[0, 1].set_title(r'MRS decay time $T_2^*$') ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('$z$ [m]') ax[0, 1].set_ylabel('$z$ [m]') if self.modelL is not None and self.modelU is not None: thkL, wcL, t2L = self.splitModel(self.modelL) thkU, wcU, t2U = self.splitModel(self.modelU) showErrorBars(ax[0, 0], thk, wc, thkL, thkU, wcL, wcU) showErrorBars(ax[0, 1], thk, t2*1e3, thkL, thkU, t2L*1e3, t2U*1e3) if maxdep > 0.: ax[0, 0].set_ylim([maxdep, 0.]) ax[0, 1].set_ylim([maxdep, 0.]) clim = self.showCube(ax[1, 0], * 1e9, islog=False, clim=clim) ax[1, 0].set_title('measured data [nV]') # log10 self.showCube( ax[1, 1], self.INV.response() * 1e9, clim=clim, islog=False) ax[1, 1].set_title('simulated data [nV]') # log10 if plotmisfit: self.showCube(ax[0, 2], ( - self.INV.response()) * 1e9, islog=False) ax[0, 2].set_title('misfit [nV]') # log10 ewmisfit = ( - self.INV.response()) / self.error self.showCube(ax[1, 2], ewmisfit, islog=False) ax[1, 2].set_title('error-weighted misfit') if save: if not isinstance(save, str): save = self.basename fig.savefig(save, bbox_inches='tight') return fig, ax
[docs] def saveResult(self, filename): """Save inversion result to column text file for later use.""" thk, wc, t2 = self.splitModel() z = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(thk))) ALL = np.column_stack((z, wc, t2)) if self.modelL is not None and self.modelU is not None: thkL, wcL, t2L = self.splitModel(self.modelL) thkU, wcU, t2U = self.splitModel(self.modelU) zL = z.copy() zL[1:] += (thkL - thk) zU = z.copy() zU[1:] += (thkU - thk) ALL = np.column_stack((z, wc, t2, zL, zU, wcL, wcU, t2L, t2U)) np.savetxt(filename, ALL, fmt='%.3f')
[docs] def loadResult(self, filename): """Load inversion result from column file.""" A = np.loadtxt(filename) z, wc, t2 = A[:, 0], A[:, 1], A[:, 2] thk = np.diff(z) self.nlay = len(wc) self.model = np.hstack((thk, wc, t2)) if len(A[0]) > 8: zL, wcL, t2L = A[:, 3], A[:, 5], A[:, 7] zU, wcU, t2U = A[:, 4], A[:, 6], A[:, 8] thkL = thk + zL[1:] - z[1:] thkU = thk + zU[1:] - z[1:] t2L[t2L < 0.01] = 0.01 self.modelL = np.hstack((thkL, wcL, t2L)) t2U[t2U > 1.0] = 1.0 self.modelU = np.hstack((thkU, wcU, t2U))
[docs] def calcMCM(self): """Compute linear model covariance matrix.""" J = gmat2numpy(self.fop.jacobian()) # (linear) jacobian matrix D = np.diag(1 / self.error) DJ = JTJ = MCM = np.linalg.inv(JTJ) # model covariance matrix var = np.sqrt(np.diag(MCM)) # standard deviations from main diagonal di = (1. / var) # variances as column vector # scaled model covariance (=correlation) matrix MCMs = di.reshape(len(di), 1) * MCM * di return var, MCMs
[docs] def calcMCMbounds(self): """Compute model bounds using covariance matrix diagonals.""" mcm = self.calcMCM()[0] self.modelL = self.model - mcm self.modelU = self.model + mcm
[docs] def genMod(self, individual): """Generate (GA) model from random vector (0-1) using model bounds.""" model = np.asarray(individual) * (self.lUB - self.lLB) + self.lLB if self.logpar: return pg.exp(model) else: return model
[docs] def runEA(self, nlay=None, eatype='GA', pop_size=100, num_gen=100, runs=1, mp_num_cpus=8, **kwargs): """Run evolutionary algorithm using the inspyred library Parameters ---------- nlay : int [taken from classic fop if not given] number of layers pop_size : int [100] population size num_gen : int [100] number of generations runs : int [pop_size*num_gen] number of independent runs (with random population) eatype : string ['GA'] algorithm, choose among: 'GA' - Genetic Algorithm [default] 'SA' - Simulated Annealing 'DEA' - Discrete Evolutionary Algorithm 'PSO' - Particle Swarm Optimization 'ACS' - Ant Colony Strategy 'ES' - Evolutionary Strategy """ import inspyred import random def mygenerate(random, args): """generate a random vector of model size""" return [random.random() for i in range(nlay * 3 - 1)] def my_observer(population, num_generations, num_evaluations, args): """ print fitness over generation number """ best = min(population) print('{0:6} -- {1}'.format(num_generations, def datafit(individual, args): """ error-weighted data misfit as basis for evaluating fitness """ misfit = ( - self.fop.response(self.genMod(individual))) / self.error return np.mean(misfit**2) # prepare forward operator if self.fop is None or (nlay is not None and nlay is not self.nlay): self.fop = MRS.createFOP(nlay) lowerBound = - 1, self.lowerBound[0]), pg.Vector(self.nlay, self.lowerBound[1])), pg.Vector(self.nlay, self.lowerBound[2])) upperBound = - 1, self.upperBound[0]), pg.Vector(self.nlay, self.upperBound[1])), pg.Vector(self.nlay, self.upperBound[2])) if self.logpar: self.lLB, self.lUB = pg.log(lowerBound), pg.log( upperBound) # ready mapping functions else: self.lLB, self.lUB = lowerBound, upperBound # self.f = MRS1dBlockQTModelling(nlay, self.K, self.z, self.t) # setup random generator rand = random.Random() # choose among different evolution algorithms if eatype == 'GA': ea = ea.variator = [,] ea.selector = ea.replacer = if eatype == 'SA': ea = if eatype == 'DEA': ea = if eatype == 'PSO': ea = inspyred.swarm.PSO(rand) if eatype == 'ACS': ea = inspyred.swarm.ACS(rand, []) if eatype == 'ES': ea = ea.terminator = [,] else: ea.terminator = # = my_observer = [,] tstr = '{0}'.format(time.strftime('%y%m%d-%H%M%S')) self.EAstatfile = self.basename + '-' + eatype + 'stat' + tstr + '.csv' with open(self.EAstatfile, 'w') as fid: self.pop = [] for i in range(runs): rand.seed(int(time.time())) self.pop.extend(ea.evolve( evaluator=datafit, generator=mygenerate, maximize=False, pop_size=pop_size, max_evaluations=pop_size*num_gen,, 1.), num_elites=1, statistics_file=fid, **kwargs)) # self.pop.extend(ea.evolve( # generator=mygenerate, maximize=False, #, # mp_evaluator=datafit, mp_num_cpus=mp_num_cpus, # pop_size=pop_size, max_evaluations=pop_size*num_gen, #, 1.), num_elites=1, # statistics_file=fid, **kwargs)) self.pop.sort(reverse=True) self.fits = [ for ind in self.pop] print('minimum fitness of ' + str(min(self.fits)))
[docs] def plotPopulation(self, maxfitness=None, fitratio=1.05, savefile=True): """Plot fittest individuals (fitness<maxfitness) as 1d models Parameters ---------- maxfitness : float maximum fitness value (absolute) OR fitratio : float [1.05] maximum ratio to minimum fitness """ if maxfitness is None: maxfitness = min(self.fits) * fitratio fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True) self.figs['population'] = fig maxz = 0 for ind in self.pop: if < maxfitness: model = np.asarray(self.genMod(ind.candidate)) thk = model[:self.nlay - 1] wc = model[self.nlay - 1:self.nlay * 2 - 1] t2 = model[self.nlay * 2 - 1:] drawModel1D(ax[0], thk, wc * 100, color='grey') drawModel1D(ax[1], thk, t2 * 1000, color='grey') maxz = max(maxz, sum(thk)) model = np.asarray(self.genMod(self.pop[0].candidate)) thk = model[:self.nlay - 1] wc = model[self.nlay - 1:self.nlay * 2 - 1] t2 = model[self.nlay * 2 - 1:] drawModel1D(ax[0], thk, wc * 100, color='black', linewidth=3) drawModel1D(ax[1], thk, t2 * 1000, color='black', linewidth=3, plotfunction='semilogx') ax[0].set_xlim(self.lowerBound[1] * 100, self.upperBound[1] * 100) ax[0].set_ylim((maxz * 1.2, 0)) ax[1].set_xlim(self.lowerBound[2] * 1000, self.upperBound[2] * 1000) ax[1].set_ylim((maxz * 1.2, 0)) xt = [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000] ax[1].set_xticks(xt) ax[1].set_xticklabels([str(xti) for xti in xt]) if savefile: fig.savefig(self.EAstatfile.replace('.csv', '.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def plotEAstatistics(self, fname=None): """Plot EA statistics (best, worst, ...) over time.""" if fname is None: fname = self.EAstatfile gen, psize, worst, best, med, avg, std = np.genfromtxt( fname, unpack=True, usecols=range(7), delimiter=',') stderr = std / np.sqrt(psize) data = [avg, med, best, worst] colors = ['black', 'blue', 'green', 'red'] labels = ['average', 'median', 'best', 'worst'] fig, ax = plt.subplots() self.figs['statistics'] = fig ax.errorbar(gen, avg, stderr, color=colors[0], label=labels[0]) ax.set_yscale('log') for d, col, lab in zip(data[1:], colors[1:], labels[1:]): ax.plot(gen, d, color=col, label=lab) ax.fill_between(gen, data[2], data[3], color='#e6f2e6') ax.grid(True) ymin = min([min(d) for d in data]) ymax = max([max(d) for d in data]) yrange = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim((ymin - 0.1*yrange, ymax + 0.1*yrange)) ax.legend(loc='upper left') # , prop=prop) ax.set_xlabel('Generation') ax.set_ylabel('Fitness')
[docs] def saveFigs(self, basename=None, extension="pdf"): """Save all figures to (pdf) files.""" if basename is None: basename = self.basename for key in self.figs: self.figs[key].savefig(basename+"-"+key+"."+extension, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == "__main__": datafile = 'example.mrsi' numlayers = 4 mrs = MRS(datafile), uncertainty=True) outThk, outWC, outT2 = mrs.result() mrs.saveResult(mrs.basename+'.result') mrs.showResultAndFit(save=mrs.basename+'.pdf')