Source code for pygimli.meshtools.mesh

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""General mesh generation and maintenance."""

import os

import numpy as np

import pygimli as pg

[docs] def createMesh(poly, quality=32, area=0.0, smooth=None, switches=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Create a mesh for a given PLC or point list. The mesh is created by :term:`triangle` or :term:`tetgen` if the pgGIMLi support for these mesh generators is installed. A PLC needs to contain nodes and boundaries and should be valid in the sense that the boundaries are non-intersecting. If poly is a list of coordinates, a simple Delaunay mesh with a convex hull will be created. Quality and area arguments are ignored for this case to create a mesh with one node for each coordinate position. Parameters ---------- poly: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` or list or ndarray * 2D or 3D gimli mesh that contains the PLC. * 2D mesh needs edges * 3D mesh needs a plc and tetgen as system component * List of x y pairs [[x0, y0], ... ,[xN, yN]] * ndarray [x_i, y_i] * PLC or list of PLCs quality: float 2D triangle quality sets a minimum angle constraint. Be careful with values above 34 degrees. 3D tetgen quality. Be careful with values below 1.12. area: float Maximum element size (global). 2D maximum triangle size in m*², 3D maximum tetrahedral size in m³. smooth: tuple [smoothing algorithm, number of iterations] 0: no smoothing 1: node center 2: weighted node center If smooth is just set to True then [1, 4] is choosen. switches: str Set additional triangle command switches. Additional Args --------------- preserveBoundary: bool Preserver boundary nodes, no more nodes on boundaries. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> rect = mt.createRectangle(start=[0, 0], end=[4, 1]) >>> ax, _ =, quality=10)) >>> ax, _ =, quality=33)) >>> ax, _ =, quality=33, area=0.01)) >>> pg.wait() """ #mpl somehow/somewhere changes locale back tu system settings pg.checkAndFixLocaleDecimal_point() # poly == [pg.Mesh, ] if isinstance(poly, list): if isinstance(poly[0], pg.Mesh): return createMesh( pg.meshtools.mergePLC(poly), quality, area, smooth, switches, verbose, **kwargs) # poly == [pos, pos, ] if isinstance(poly, list) or \ isinstance(poly, type(zip)) or \ isinstance(poly, pg.core.stdVectorRVector3) or \ isinstance(poly, pg.PosVector) or \ (isinstance(poly, np.ndarray) and poly.ndim == 2): delPLC = pg.Mesh(2) delPLC.createNodes(poly) return createMesh(delPLC, switches='-zeY', **kwargs) # poly == Mesh if poly.dim() == 2: if poly.nodeCount() == 0: pg.critical("No nodes in poly to create a valid mesh") if switches is None: # -D Conforming delaunay # -F Uses Steven Fortune's sweepline algorithm switches = 'pzeA' if area > 0: # The str function turns everything smaller # than 0.0001 into the scientific notation 1e-5 # which can not be read by triangle. The following # avoids this even for very small numbers switches += 'a' + '{:.20f}'.format(area) # switches = switches.replace('.', ',') switches += 'q' + str(quality) # an EXTRA! -a here else it ignores per region area switches += 'a' if 'preserveBoundary' in kwargs: switches += 'Y' if not verbose: switches += 'Q' pg.verbose(switches) tri = pg.core.TriangleWrapper(poly) tri.setSwitches(switches) mesh = tri.generate() if smooth is not None: if smooth is True: smooth = [1, 4] mesh.smooth(nodeMoving=kwargs.pop('node_move', True), edgeSwapping=False, smoothFunction=smooth[0], smoothIteration=smooth[1]) mesh.createNeighborInfos() return mesh else: # 3d case if quality == 32: quality = 1.2 tmp = pg.optImport('tempfile') fd, namePLC = tmp.mkstemp(suffix='.poly') pg.meshtools.exportPLC(poly, namePLC) os.close(fd) # needed for win32 to free the file for closing mesh = pg.meshtools.syscallTetgen(namePLC, quality, area, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) return mesh
[docs] def createMeshFromHull(mesh, fixNodes=[], **kwargs): """Create a new 2D triangular mesh from the boundaries of mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Input mesh. fixNodes: iterable (int) Nodes (IDs) from the input mesh that should be part of the new mesh. Keyword Arguments ----------------- **kwargs: dict Forwarded to :py:mod:`pygimli:meshtools:createMesh`. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, List of fixed nodes Returning mesh. If fixed nodes are requested, a list of the new IDs are returned in advance. """ plc = pg.Mesh(mesh.dim(), isGeometry=True) bounds = mesh.boundaries(mesh.boundaryMarkers() != 0) for b in bounds: ns = [] for i in range(b.shape().nodeCount()): n = b.shape().node(i) ns.append(plc.createNode(n.pos(), n.marker()).id()) plc.createBoundary(ns, b.marker()) for i, nId in enumerate(fixNodes): n = mesh.node(nId) fN = plc.createNode(n.pos(), n.marker()) fixNodes[i] = mesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh(plc, **kwargs) if len(fixNodes) > 0: return mesh, fixNodes else: return mesh
[docs] def refineQuad2Tri(mesh, style=1): """Refine mesh of quadrangles into a mesh of triangle cells. TODO mixed meshes Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh containing quadrangle cells. style: int [1] * 1 bisect each quadrangle into 2 triangles * 2 cross-sect each quadrangle into 4 triangles Returns ------- ret : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh containing triangle cells. Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> quads = pg.createGrid(range(10), range(10)) >>> ax, _ = >>> ax, _ =, style=1)) >>> ax, _ =, style=2)) >>> pg.wait() """ out = pg.Mesh(2) newNode = None for n in mesh.nodes(): out.createNode(n.pos()) for c in mesh.cells(): if style == 1: # out.createCell([c.node(0).id(), c.node(1).id(), c.node(3).id()], # c.marker()) # out.createCell([c.node(1).id(), c.node(2).id(), c.node(3).id()], # c.marker()) out.createCell([c.node(0).id(), c.node(1).id(), c.node(2).id()], c.marker()) out.createCell([c.node(0).id(), c.node(2).id(), c.node(3).id()], c.marker()) elif style == 2: newNode = out.createNodeWithCheck( for i in range(4): out.createCell([c.node(i).id(), c.node((i + 1) % 4).id(),], c.marker()) for i in range(c.boundaryCount()): b = c.boundary(i) if b.marker() != 0: out.createBoundary([b.node(0).id(), b.node(1).id()], b.marker()) out.createNeighborInfos() return out
[docs] def refineHex2Tet(mesh, style=1): """Refine mesh of hexahedra into a mesh of tetrahedra. TODO ---- * mixed meshes (needed to ensure consistent face diagonal for nonstructured hex grids .. if such exists) Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh containing hexrahedron cells, e.g., from a grid. style: int [1] * 1 bisect each hexahedron int 6 tetrahedrons (less numerical quality but no problems due to diagonal face split) * 2 bisect each hexahedron int 5 tetrahedrons (leads to inconsistent meshes. Neighboring cell have different face split diagonal. Might be fixable by rotating the split order depending on coordinates for every 2nd split) Returns ------- ret : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh containing tetrahedrons cells. Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> hex = pg.createGrid(2, 2, 2) >>> print(hex) Mesh: Nodes: 8 Cells: 1 Boundaries: 6 >>> tet = mt.refineHex2Tet(hex, style=1) >>> print(tet) Mesh: Nodes: 8 Cells: 6 Boundaries: 12 >>> tet = mt.refineHex2Tet(hex, style=2) >>> print(tet) Mesh: Nodes: 8 Cells: 5 Boundaries: 12 """ out = pg.Mesh(3) for n in mesh.nodes(): out.createNode(n.pos()) HexahedronSplit5TetID = [[1, 4, 5, 6], [3, 6, 7, 4], [1, 0, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 6], [1, 4, 6, 3]] HexahedronSplit6TetID = [[0, 1, 2, 6], [0, 2, 3, 6], [0, 1, 6, 5], [0, 4, 5, 6], [0, 3, 7, 6], [0, 4, 6, 7]] for c in mesh.cells(): if style == 1: for tet in HexahedronSplit6TetID: out.createCell([c.node(tet[0]).id(), c.node(tet[1]).id(), c.node(tet[2]).id(), c.node(tet[3]).id()], c.marker()) elif style == 2: # will lead to wrong face split for tet in HexahedronSplit5TetID: out.createCell([c.node(tet[0]).id(), c.node(tet[1]).id(), c.node(tet[2]).id(), c.node(tet[3]).id()], c.marker()) def intersects(lst): ise = set([ for c in lst[0]]) for i in range(1, len(lst)): ise = ise.intersection([ for c in lst[i]]) return ise for b in mesh.boundaries(): if b.marker() != 0.0: cells = intersects([out.node(b.node(0).id()).cellSet(), out.node(b.node(1).id()).cellSet(), out.node(b.node(2).id()).cellSet()]) if len(cells) > 0: out.createBoundary([b.node(0).id(), b.node(1).id(), b.node(2).id()], marker=b.marker()) out.createBoundary([b.node(0).id(), b.node(2).id(), b.node(3).id()], marker=b.marker()) else: cells = intersects([out.node(b.node(0).id()).cellSet(), out.node(b.node(1).id()).cellSet(), out.node(b.node(3).id()).cellSet()]) if len(cells) > 0: out.createBoundary([b.node(0).id(), b.node(1).id(), b.node(3).id()], marker=b.marker()) out.createBoundary([b.node(1).id(), b.node(2).id(), b.node(3).id()], marker=b.marker()) else: print("test0") print([ for c in out.node(b.node(0).id()).cellSet()]) print([ for c in out.node(b.node(1).id()).cellSet()]) print([ for c in out.node(b.node(2).id()).cellSet()]) print("test1") print([ for c in out.node(b.node(0).id()).cellSet()]) print([ for c in out.node(b.node(1).id()).cellSet()]) print([ for c in out.node(b.node(3).id()).cellSet()]) pg.critical('Mesh corrupt') return out
[docs] def extrudeMesh(mesh, a, **kwargs): r"""Extrude mesh to a higher dimension. Generates a 2D mesh by extruding a 1D mesh along y-coordinate using quads. We assume a 2D mesh here consisting of nodes and edges. The marker of nodes are extruded as edges with the same marker. The marker of the edges are extruded as cells with same marker. Optionally all y-coordinates can be adjusted to become equal at the end Generates a three-dimensional mesh by extruding a two-dimensional mesh along the z-coordinate transforming triangles into triangular prisms or quads into hexahedrons. 3D cell markers are set from 2D cell marker. The boundary marker for the side boundaries are set from edge markers. TODO ---- * document and test marker setting from the core Parameters ---------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Input mesh a: iterable (float) Additional coordinate to extrude into. Keyword Arguments ----------------- adjustBottom: bool [False] Adjust all nodes such that the bottom of the mesh has a constant depth (only 2D) Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Returning mesh of +1 dimension Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import pygimli.meshtools as mt >>> topo = [[x, 1.0 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * 1/30 * x)] for x in range(31)] >>> m1 = mt.createPolygon(topo) >>> m1.setBoundaryMarkers(range(m1.boundaryCount())) >>> m = mt.extrudeMesh(m1, a=-(np.geomspace(1, 5, 8)-1.0)) >>> _ =, m.cellMarkers(), showMesh=True) >>> m = mt.extrudeMesh(m1, a=-(np.geomspace(1, 5, 8)-1.0), ... adjustBottom=True) >>> _ =, m.cellMarkers(), showMesh=True) """ # case 1d or edge list to 2d grid if mesh.dim() == 1 or (mesh.dim() == 2 and mesh.cellCount() == 0): adjustBack = kwargs.pop('adjustBottom', False) m2 = pg.meshtools.createMesh2D(mesh, y=a, **kwargs) if adjustBack: minY = min(pg.y(mesh)) + min(a) scale = dict() n0s = dict() for n in mesh.nodes(): n0s[n.pos()[0]] = n.pos() scale[n.pos()[0]] = (minY-n.pos()[1]) / min(a) for n in m2.nodes(): xP = n.pos()[0] yP = n.pos()[1] y0 = n0s[xP][1] n.setPos([xP, (yP-y0)*scale[xP] + y0]) return m2 if mesh.dim() == 2: return pg.meshtools.createMesh3D(mesh, z=a, **kwargs) pg.error('Cannot extrude mesh of dimension:', mesh.dim())
[docs] def convert(mesh, verbose=False): """ Convert mesh from foreign formats. """ if str(type(mesh)) == "<class 'meshio._mesh.Mesh'>": return convertMeshioMesh(mesh, verbose=verbose) elif "subsurface" in str(type(mesh)): return fromSubsurface(mesh, verbose=verbose) else: pg.error("don't no how to convert mesh of type", type(mesh))
[docs] def convertMeshioMesh(mesh, verbose=False): """ Convert mesh from meshio object. See TODO * test for 3D mesh * test and improve if neeeded """ if verbose is True:"Converting meshio mesh.") dim = 3 for cellBlock in mesh.cells: if cellBlock.type == 'quad' or cellBlock.type == 'triangle': dim = 2 ret = pg.Mesh(dim) for p in mesh.points: ret.createNode(p) for cellBlock in mesh.cells: for c in ret.createCell(c) for k, d in mesh.cell_data.items(): ret[k] = d[0].T for k, d in mesh.point_data.items(): if d.ndim == 2: if d.shape[1] == 3: for i, di in enumerate(d.T): coords = ['x', 'y', 'z'] ret[k + '_' + coords[i]] = di else: print(d) pg.error("Don't know ho to convert data") else: ret[k] = d if verbose is True: ret.createNeighborInfos() return ret
[docs] def fromSubsurface(obj, order='C', verbose=False): """ Convert subsurface object to pygimli mesh. See more: Order refers to np.flatten(order) strategy for structured cell data arrangement, e.g., use 'F' (Fortran style) for gempy meshes. Default is 'C'-Style. Testet objects so far: * TriSurf * UnstructuredData (3D Boundary from TriSurf) * StructuredData (3D cell centered voxel) TODO ---- * more testing * 2D * other Objects that are not tested before or known to be not working Args ---- obj: obj Subsurface obj, mesh object order: str ['C'] Flatten style for structured data attributes. See above. verbose: boolean [False] Be verbose during import. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` """ ss = pg.optImport('subsurface', 'You need subsurface installed to convert into') if isinstance(obj, ss.structs.unstructured_elements.TriSurf): return fromSubsurface(obj.mesh) elif isinstance(obj, ss.structs.UnstructuredData): mesh = pg.Mesh(3) for v in obj.vertex: mesh.createNode(v) for c in obj.cells: mesh.createBoundary(c) for k, v in obj.attributes_to_dict.items(): # print(k, len(v)) mesh[k] = np.array(v) for k, v in obj.points_attributes_to_dict.items(): # print(k, len(v)) mesh[k] = np.array(v) elif isinstance(obj, ss.structs.StructuredData): def _voxelCenterToNodes(v): dv = pg.utils.diff(v) n = np.append(v[0]-dv[0]/2, v[0]-dv[0]/2. + np.cumsum(dv)) n = np.append(n, v[-1]+dv[-1]/2.) return n mesh = pg.meshtools.createGrid( x=_voxelCenterToNodes(, y=_voxelCenterToNodes(, z=_voxelCenterToNodes( for k, v in # print(k, type(v), len(v), v.shape, len(v.values.flatten())) # print(k, type(v), len(v), v.shape, ) mesh[k] = [np.array(vi.values.flatten(order=order), dtype=float) for vi in v] else: print(obj) pg.critical('implemenme') return mesh
[docs] def toSubsurface(mesh, verbose=False): """ Create a subsurface object from pygimli mesh. Testet objects so far: Creates Subsurface.TriSurf from 3D triangle boundaries TODO ---- * more testing * 2D * other Objects that are not tested before or known to be not working Args ---- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` verbose: boolean [False] Be verbose during import. Returns ------- Subsurface object depending on input mesh """ ss = pg.optImport('subsurface', 'You need subsurface installed to convert into') pd = pg.optImport('pandas', 'You need pandas installed to convert into subsurface') if mesh.dim() == 3: if mesh.cellCount() == 0 and mesh.boundaryCount() > 0: # export 3d boundary tringles as subsurface trisurf cells = np.array([c.ids() for c in mesh.boundaries()]) att = None for k, v in mesh.dataMap(): if len(v) == mesh.boundaryCount(): # atts['cell'] = 0 att = pd.DataFrame({k: v}) # atts['cell'] = xr.DataArray({'cell_attr': v}) ssMesh = ss.UnstructuredData.from_array(mesh.positions(), cells=cells, cells_attr=att) obj = ss.TriSurf(ssMesh) return obj else: print(mesh) pg.critical('not yet implemented') else: print(mesh) pg.critical('not yet implemented')
[docs] def readGmsh(fName, verbose=False, precision=None): r"""Read :term:`Gmsh` ASCII file and return instance of GIMLI::Mesh class. Parameters ---------- fName : string Filename of the file to read (\\*.msh). The file must conform to the `MSH ASCII file version 2 <>`_ format verbose : boolean, optional Be verbose during import. Default: False precision : None|int, optional If not None, then round off node coordinates to the provided number of digits using numpy.round. This is useful in case that nodes are accessed using their coordinates, in which case numerical discrepancies can occur. Notes ----- Physical groups specified in Gmsh are interpreted as follows: - Points with the physical number 99 are interpreted as sensors. Note that physical point groups are ordered with respect to the node tag. E.g. "Physical Point (99) = {50, 34};" and "Physical Point (99) = {34, 50};" will yield the same mesh. This must be taken into account when defining measurement configurations using electrodes defined in GMSH using marker 99. - ERT only: Points with markers 999 and 1000 are used to mark calibration and reference nodes. - Physical Lines and Surfaces define boundaries in 2D and 3D, respectively. - Physical Number 1: Homogeneous Neumann condition - Physical Number 2: Mixed boundary condition - Physical Number 3: Homogeneous Dirichlet condition - Physical Number 4: Dirichlet condition - Physical Surfaces and Volumes define regions in 2D and 3D, respectively. - Physical Number 1: No inversion region - Physical Number >= 2: Inversion region Examples -------- >>> import tempfile, os >>> from pygimli.meshtools import readGmsh >>> gmsh = ''' ... $MeshFormat ... 2.2 0 8 ... $EndMeshFormat ... $Nodes ... 3 ... 1 0 0 0 ... 2 0 1 0 ... 3 1 1 0 ... $EndNodes ... $Elements ... 7 ... 1 15 2 0 1 1 ... 2 15 2 0 2 2 ... 3 15 2 0 3 3 ... 4 1 2 0 1 2 3 ... 5 1 2 0 2 3 1 ... 6 1 2 0 3 1 2 ... 7 2 2 0 5 1 2 3 ... $EndElements ... ''' >>> fName = tempfile.mktemp() >>> with open(fName, "w") as f: ... f.writelines(gmsh) >>> mesh = readGmsh(fName) >>> print(mesh) Mesh: Nodes: 3 Cells: 1 Boundaries: 3 >>> os.remove(fName) """ assert precision is None or precision >= 0 inNodes, inElements, nCount = 0, 0, 0 fid = open(fName) if verbose: print('Reading %s... \n' % fName) for line in fid: if line[0] == '$': if line.find('Nodes') > 0: inNodes = 1 if line.find('EndNodes') > 0: inNodes = 0 if line.find('Elements') > 0: inElements = 1 if line.find('EndElements') > 0: inElements = 0 else: if inNodes == 1: if len(line.split()) == 1: nodes = np.zeros((int(line), 3)) if verbose: print(' Nodes: %s' % int(line)) else: node_coordinates = np.array(line.split(), 'float')[1:] if precision is None: nodes[nCount, :] = node_coordinates else: nodes[nCount, :] = np.round( node_coordinates, precision) nCount += 1 elif inElements == 1: if len(line.split()) == 1: if verbose: print(' Entries: %s' % int(line)) points, lines, triangles, tets = [], [], [], [] quads = [] else: # Element entries follow the following format: # elm-number elm-type number-of-tags < tag > … # node-number-list # strip elm-number here entry = [int(e_) for e_ in line.split()][1:] if entry[0] == 15: # Points # point node, marker (1st tag) points.append((entry[-1], entry[2])) elif entry[0] == 1: lines.append((entry[-2], entry[-1], entry[2])) elif entry[0] == 2: # Tri triangles.append((entry[-3], entry[-2], entry[-1], entry[2])) elif entry[0] == 3: # Quads quads.append((entry[-4], entry[-3], entry[-2], entry[-1], entry[2])) elif entry[0] == 4: # Tet tets.append((entry[-4], entry[-3], entry[-2], entry[-1], entry[2])) elif entry[0] == 6: pg.error( "Quadrangles and prisms are not supported yet") fid.close() lines = np.asarray(lines) # triangles = np.asarray(triangles) tets = np.asarray(tets) if verbose: print(' Points: %s' % len(points)) print(' Lines: %s' % len(lines)) print(' Triangles: %s' % len(triangles)) print(' Quads: %s' % len(quads)) print(' Tetrahedra: %s \n' % len(tets)) print('Creating mesh object... \n') # check dimension if len(tets) == 0: dim, bounds, cells = 2, lines, triangles + quads zero_dim = np.abs(nodes.sum(0)).argmin() # identify zero dimension else: dim, bounds, cells = 3, triangles, tets bounds = np.asarray(bounds) if verbose: print(' Dimension: %s-D' % dim) # creating instance of GIMLI::Mesh class mesh = pg.Mesh(dim) # replacing boundary markers (gmsh does not allow negative phys. regions) bound_marker = (pg.core.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN, pg.core.MARKER_BOUND_MIXED, pg.core.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_DIRICHLET, pg.core.MARKER_BOUND_DIRICHLET) if len(bounds) > 0: for i in range(4): bounds[:, dim][bounds[:, dim] == i + 1] = bound_marker[i] # account for CEM markers bounds[:, dim][bounds[:, dim] >= 10000] *= -1 if verbose: bound_types = np.unique(bounds[:, dim]) print(' Boundary types: %s ' % len(bound_types) + str( tuple(bound_types))) else: print("WARNING: No boundary conditions found.", "Setting Neumann on the outer edges by default.") if verbose: regions = np.unique(np.array(cells)[:, dim + 1]) print(' Regions: %s ' % len(regions) + str(tuple(regions))) for node in nodes: if dim == 2: mesh.createNode(node[0], node[3 - zero_dim], 0) else: mesh.createNode(node) for cell in cells: mesh.createCell(mesh.nodes(np.array(cell, dtype=int)[:-1]-1), marker=int(cell[-1])) # if dim == 2: # mesh.createTriangle( # mesh.node(int(cell[0] - 1)), mesh.node(int(cell[1] - 1)), # mesh.node(int(cell[2] - 1)), marker=int(cell[3])) # else: # mesh.createTetrahedron( # mesh.node(int(cell[0] - 1)), mesh.node(int(cell[1] - 1)), # mesh.node(int(cell[2] - 1)), mesh.node(int(cell[3] - 1)), # marker=int(cell[4])) mesh.createNeighborInfos() # Set Neumann on outer edges by default (can be overwritten by Gmsh info) for b in mesh.boundaries(): if not b.leftCell() or not b.rightCell(): b.setMarker(pg.core.MARKER_BOUND_HOMOGEN_NEUMANN) for bound in bounds: if dim == 2: mesh.createEdge( mesh.node(int(bound[0] - 1)), mesh.node(int(bound[1] - 1)), marker=int(bound[2])) else: mesh.createTriangleFace( mesh.node(int(bound[0] - 1)), mesh.node(int(bound[1] - 1)), mesh.node(int(bound[2] - 1)), marker=int(bound[3])) # assign marker to corresponding nodes (sensors, reference nodes, etc.) if points: for point in points: mesh.node(point[0] - 1).setMarker(-point[1]) if verbose: if points: points = np.asarray(points) node_types = np.unique(points[:, 1]) print(' Marked nodes: %s ' % len(points) + str(tuple(node_types))) print('\nDone. \n') print(' ' + str(mesh)) return mesh
[docs] def readTriangle(fName, verbose=False): r"""Read :term:`Triangle` :cite:`Shewchuk96b` mesh. Read :term:`Triangle` :cite:`Shewchuk96b` ASCII mesh files and return an instance of GIMLI::Mesh class. See: :// Parameters ---------- fName : string Filename of the file to read (\\*.n, \\*.e) verbose : boolean, optional Be verbose during import. """ raise Exception("implement me!" + fName + str(verbose))
# os.system('meshconvert -d2 ' + fName) # return pg.Mesh(2)
[docs] def readTetgen(fName, comment='#', verbose=False, defaultCellMarker=0, loadFaces=True, quadratic=False): """ Read and convert a mesh from the basic :term:`Tetgen` output. Read :term:`Tetgen` :cite:`Si2004` ASCII files and return instance of :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` class. See: Parameters ---------- fName: str Base name of the tetgen output, without ending. All additional files (.node, .ele and .face) need to have the same basename. comment: str ('#') String consisting of all symbols indicating a comment in the input files. Standard for tetgen files is the '#'. verbose: boolean (True) Enables console output during the import process. defaultCellMarker: int (0) :term:`Tetgen` files can contain cell markers, but do not have to. If no markers are found, the given integer is used. loadFaces: Optional decision whether the faces of :term:`Tetgen` output (.face) are loaded or not. Note that without the -f in during the tetgen call, the faces in the .face file will only contain the faces of the original input poly file and not all faces. If only a part of the faces are imported, a createNeighborInfos call of the mesh will fail. quadratic: boolean (False) Returns a P2 (quadratic) refined mesh when True (to be removed, as soon as direct import of quadratic meshes is possible). Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` """ mesh = pg.Mesh(3) # Part 1/3: Nodes, essential with open(fName + '.node', 'r') as node_in: node_lines = pg.utils.filterLinesByCommentStr(node_in.readlines(), comment) node_1 = node_lines[0].split() node_count = int(node_1[0]) assert int(node_1[1]) == 3, 'Wrong dim: {}, should be 3.'.format(node_1[1]) number_node_attr = int(node_1[2]) node_markers = int(node_1[3]) node_attributes = [] * number_node_attr for n in range(node_count): node_n = node_lines[n + 1].split() if node_markers: node_marker_n = int(node_n[-1]) else: node_marker_n = n mesh.createNode([float(node_n[1]), float(node_n[2]), float(node_n[3])], marker=node_marker_n) for m in range(number_node_attr): node_attributes[m].append(float(node_n[4 + m])) for k in range(number_node_attr): if verbose: print('Add node data to mesh.') mesh.addData('node_data_{}'.format(k + 1), node_attributes[k]) # Part 2/3: Tetrahedrons, optional if os.path.exists(fName + '.ele'): if verbose: print('Found .ele file. Adding cells and cell marker.') with open(fName + '.ele', 'r') as cell_in: cell_lines = pg.utils.filterLinesByCommentStr(cell_in.readlines(), comment) cell_1 = cell_lines[0].split() cell_count = int(cell_1[0]) nodes_per_cell = int(cell_1[1]) # 4 or 10 if nodes_per_cell == 10: quadratic = True raise Exception('Cannot import quadratic meshes directly yet.') cell_markers = int(cell_1[2]) for c in range(cell_count): cell_n = cell_lines[c + 1].split() if cell_markers: cell_marker_n = int(cell_n[-1]) else: cell_marker_n = defaultCellMarker mesh.createCell([int(ind) for ind in cell_n[1:5]], marker=cell_marker_n) # in order to import quadratic meshes directly, i ned the sorting # of the node indices # mesh.createCell([int(ind) for ind in cell_n[1:nodes_per_cell + 1]], # marker=cell_marker_n) # Part 3/3: Boundaries and Marker, optional if os.path.exists(fName + '.face') and loadFaces: if verbose: print('Found .face file. Adding boundaries and boundary marker.') with open(fName + '.face', 'r') as face_in: face_lines = pg.utils.filterLinesByCommentStr(face_in.readlines(), comment) face_1 = face_lines[0].split() face_count = int(face_1[0]) face_markers = int(face_1[1]) for f in range(face_count): face_n = face_lines[f + 1].split() if face_markers: face_marker_n = int(face_n[-1]) else: face_marker_n = 0 mesh.createBoundary([int(ind) for ind in face_n[1:4]], marker=face_marker_n) # quadratic # mesh.createBoundary( # [int(ind) for ind in face_n[1:len(face_n) - face_markers]], # marker=face_marker_n) if quadratic: mesh = mesh.createP2() if verbose: print(mesh) # Tetgen let the boundary outer normal shows inward so we fix this. mesh.fixBoundaryDirections() return mesh
[docs] def readHydrus2dMesh(fileName='MESHTRIA.TXT'): """ Import mesh from Hydrus2D. Parameters ---------- fName : str, optional Filename of Hydrus output file. See Also -------- readHydrus3dMesh : Similar routine for three-dimensional meshes. References ---------- .. """ fid = open(fileName) line = fid.readline().split() if 'HYDRUS' in line: return readHydrusMeshV3(fileName) nNodes = int(line[1]) nCells = int(line[3]) mesh = pg.Mesh() for _ in range(nNodes): line = fid.readline().split() mesh.createNode( pg.RVector3(float(line[1]) / 100., float(line[2]) / 100., 0.)) for _ in range(3): line = fid.readline() for _ in range(nCells): line = fid.readline().split() if len(line) == 4: mesh.createTriangle( mesh.node(int(line[1]) - 1), mesh.node(int(line[2]) - 1), mesh.node(int(line[3]) - 1), 1) elif len(line) == 5: mesh.createTetrahedron( mesh.node(int(line[1]) - 1), mesh.node(int(line[2]) - 1), mesh.node(int(line[3]) - 1), mesh.node(int(line[4]) - 1), 1) fid.close() mesh.createNeighborInfos() return mesh
[docs] def readHydrus3dMesh(fileName='MESHTRIA.TXT'): """Import mesh from Hydrus3D. Parameters ---------- fName : str, optional Filename of Hydrus output file. See Also -------- readHydrus2dMesh : Similar routine for two-dimensional meshes. References ---------- .. """ f = open(fileName, 'r') if 'HYDRUS' in f.readline(): return readHydrusMeshV3(fileName) for i in range(5): line1 = f.readline() nNodes = int(line1.split()[0]) nCells = int(line1.split()[1]) # print(nNodes, nCells) line1 = f.readline() nodes = [] dx = 0.01 mesh = pg.Mesh() for _ in range(nNodes): pos = f.readline().split() p = pg.RVector3( float(pos[1]) * dx, float(pos[2]) * dx, float(pos[3]) * dx * (-1.)) n = mesh.createNode(p) nodes.append(n) line1 = f.readline() line1 = f.readline() cells = [] for _ in range(nCells): pos = f.readline().split() i, j, k, l = int(pos[1]), int(pos[2]), int(pos[3]), int(pos[4]) c = mesh.createTetrahedron(nodes[i - 1], nodes[j - 1], nodes[k - 1], nodes[l - 1]) cells.append(c) f.close() mesh.createNeighborInfos() return mesh
def readHydrusMeshV3(fileName): """Import mesh from Hydrus3D. File Version 3. TODO: ---- * 3D Parameters ---------- fileName : str Filename of Hydrus output file. """ with open(fileName) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() mesh = None nNodes = 0 nBound = 0 nCells = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if 'Mesh Dim' in line: dim = int(line.split('\r\n')[0].split(':')[1]) if dim != 2: pg.error('3D mesh not yet implemented.') mesh = pg.Mesh(dim=dim) if 'DIMENSIONS' in line: nNodes, nEle1, nEle2, nEle3 = lines[i+8].split( '\r\n')[0].split() if mesh.dim() == 1: nNodes = int(nNodes) nCells = int(nEle1) elif mesh.dim() == 2: nNodes = int(nNodes) nBound = int(nEle1) nCells = int(nEle2) else: nNodes = int(nNodes) nBound = int(nEle2) nCells = int(nEle3) # print(nNodes, nBound, nCells) if 'NODAL' in line: for l in lines[i+7:i+7+nNodes]: vals = l.split('\r\n')[0].split() if mesh.dim() == 1: mesh.createNode([float(vals[1]), 0.0]) elif mesh.dim() == 2: mesh.createNode([float(vals[1]), float(vals[2])]) elif mesh.dim() == 3: mesh.createNode([float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]), float(vals[3])]) i = i + 7 + nNodes if '1D-ELEMENTS' in line: for l in lines[i + 8:]: vals = l.split('\r\n')[0].split() if mesh.dim() == 2: try: mesh.createBoundary([int(vals[2])-1, int(vals[3])-1], marker=int(vals[1])) except BaseException as e: if mesh.boundaryCount() != nBound: print(e) pg.error('Something is wrong in the file.' '{:d} 1D-Elements are announced but' 'only {:d} found'.format( nBound, mesh.boundaryCount())) i = i + 8 + mesh.boundaryCount() break else: pg.error('Something wrong with mesh dimension') if '2D-ELEMENTS' in line: for l in lines[i + 10:]: vals = l.split('\r\n')[0].split() if mesh.dim() == 2: try: nn = [int(vals[2])-1, int(vals[3])-1, int(vals[4])-1] # nn = [int(v)-1 for v in vals[2:5]] if int(vals[5]) > 0: nn.append(int(vals[5])-1) mesh.createCell(nn, marker=int(vals[1])) except BaseException as e: if mesh.cellCount() != nCells: print(e) pg.error('Something is wrong in the file. ' '{0} 2D-Elements announced but only ' '{1} found'.format(nCells, mesh.cellCount())) i = i + 10 + mesh.cellCount() break else: pg.error('3D mesh not yet implemented.') return mesh def readGambitNeutral(fileName, verbose=False): r"""Import Gambit Neutral meshes *.neu. See. Not fully implemented. If needed, we can improve this importer just send us an example file. Parameters ---------- fName : string Filename of the file to read (\\*.n, \\*.e \\*.f) verbose : boolean, optional Be verbose during import. """ with open(fileName, 'r') as fi: content = fi.readlines() fi.close() mesh = pg.Mesh(2) for i, line in enumerate(content): if 'ENDOFSECTION' in line: break try: nVertices = int(content[i - 1].split()[0]) nElements = int(content[i - 1].split()[1]) except: # bare except! raise Exception("Cannot interpret GAMBIT Neutral header: " + content[0:i]) for i, line in enumerate(content): if 'NODAL COORDINATES' in line: break for j in range(nVertices): vx = float(content[i + j + 1].split()[1]) vy = float(content[i + j + 1].split()[2]) mesh.createNode((vx, vy)) for i, line in enumerate(content): if 'ELEMENTS/CELLS' in line: break for j in range(nElements): nNodes = int(content[i + j + 1].split()[1]) nodes = [] for k in range(nNodes): nodes.append(int(content[i + 1 + j].split()[3 + k]) - 1) mesh.createCell(nodes) if verbose: print("Gambit neutral file imported: ", mesh) mesh.createNeighborInfos() return mesh
[docs] def readMeshIO(fileName, verbose=False): """Generic mesh read using meshio. ( """ meshio = pg.optImport('meshio') _t = mesh = pg.meshtools.convert(_t) if verbose is True: print(mesh) return mesh
[docs] def convertHDF5Mesh(h5Mesh, group='mesh', indices='cell_indices', pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values', marker_default=0, dimension=3, verbose=True, useFenicsIndices=False): """Converts instance of a hdf5 mesh to a :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`. For full documentation please see :py:mod:`pygimli:meshtools:readHDF5Mesh`. """ # open mesh containing group inside hdf file inmesh = h5Mesh.get(group) # get node positions mesh_pos = inmesh[pos][:] # get cells if useFenicsIndices: # case 1/2: using Fenics specific indices # TODO why extra indices? cause this is really slow # figure out the nature and purpose of the extra Fenics indices mesh_indices = inmesh[indices] try: mesh_cells = inmesh[cells][mesh_indices] except IndexError as IE: print('Fenics Indices aren\'t just in arbitrary order in the ' 'range (0, cellCount) as expected. Needs Fix.') raise IE else: # case 2/2: indices implicit: [0, ... cellCount) mesh_cells = inmesh[cells][:] # get marker try: # case 1/3: marker found in hdf file mesh_marker = inmesh[marker][:] except KeyError: if isinstance(marker_default, int): # case 2/3: marker not found, given as int mesh_marker = np.ones(len(mesh_cells), dtype=int) * marker_default else: # case 3/3: marker not found, given as array_like mesh_marker = marker_default # start building pygimli mesh mesh = pg.Mesh(dimension) for node in mesh_pos: mesh.createNode(node) for i, cell in enumerate(mesh_cells): mesh.createCell(pg.core.IndexArray(cell), marker=int(mesh_marker[i])) mesh.createNeighborInfos() if verbose: print('converted mesh:', mesh) return mesh
[docs] def readHDF5Mesh(fileName, group='mesh', indices='cell_indices', pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values', marker_default=0, dimension=3, verbose=True, useFenicsIndices=False): """Function for loading a mesh from HDF5 file format. Returns an instance of :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` class. Default values for keywords are suited for :term:`FEniCS` syntax .h5 meshes. Requirements: h5py module TODO: * Fenics hdf5 meshes do not have boundary markers. Parameters ---------- fileName: string Name of the mesh to be transformed into :term:`pyGIMLi` format. group: string ['domains'] hdf group that contains the mesh information (see other keyword arguments). Default is 'domains' for :term:`FEniCS` compatibility. indices: string ['cell_indices'] Key for the part of the hdf file containing the indices of the cells. pos: string ['coordinates'] Key for the part of the hdf file containing the nodepositions. cells: string ['topology'] Key for the part of the hdf file containing the array which defies the cells. Usually of shape (cellCount, 3) for 2D meshes or (cellCount, 4) for 3D tetrahedra meshes. For each cell the indices of the corresponding node indices is given. marker: string ['values'] If marker is part of the hdf data container, the corresponding array is used as identifier for the cell markers. If not found, the cell markers will be set to marker_default. marker_default: int or array [0] Default marker if no markers are found in the hdf file. If array, size has to match the cellCount of the mesh. dimension: int [3] Dimension of the input/output mesh, no own check for dimensions yet. Fixed on 3 for now. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` """ h5py = pg.optImport('h5py', requiredFor='import mesh in .h5 data format') h5 = h5py.File(fileName, 'r') if verbose: print('loaded hdf5 mesh:', h5) mesh = convertHDF5Mesh(h5, group=group, indices=indices, pos=pos, cells=cells, marker=marker, marker_default=marker_default, dimension=dimension, verbose=verbose, useFenicsIndices=useFenicsIndices) h5.close() return mesh
[docs] def readFenicsHDF5Mesh(fileName, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Reads :term:`FEniCS` mesh from file format .h5 and returns a :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`. """ kwargs.setdefault('group', 'mesh') kwargs.setdefault('indices', 'cell_indices') kwargs.setdefault('pos', 'coordinates') kwargs.setdefault('cells', 'topology') kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'values') kwargs.setdefault('marker_default', 0) mesh = readHDF5Mesh(fileName, dimension=3, verbose=verbose, useFenicsIndices=False, **kwargs) return mesh
[docs] def exportHDF5Mesh(mesh, exportname, group='mesh', indices='cell_indices', pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values'): """Writes given :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` in a hdf5 format file. 3D tetrahedral meshes only! Boundary markers are ignored. Keywords are explained in :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.readHDFS` """ h5py = pg.optImport('h5py', requiredFor='export mesh in .h5 data format') if not isinstance(mesh, pg.Mesh): mesh = pg.Mesh(mesh) # prepare output for writing in hdf data container pg_pos = mesh.positions() mesh_pos = np.array((np.array(pg.x(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.y(pg_pos)), np.array(pg.z(pg_pos)))).T mesh_cells = np.zeros((mesh.cellCount(), 4)) # hard coded for tetrahedrons for i, cell in enumerate(mesh.cells()): mesh_cells[i] = cell.ids() mesh_indices = np.arange(0, mesh.cellCount() + 1, 1, dtype=np.int64) mesh_markers = np.array(mesh.cellMarkers()) with h5py.File(exportname, 'w') as out: for grp in np.atleast_1d(group): # can use more than one group # writing indices idx_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, indices) out.create_dataset(idx_name, data=mesh_indices, dtype=int) # writing node positions pos_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, pos) out.create_dataset(pos_name, data=mesh_pos, dtype=float) # writing cells via indices cells_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, cells) out.create_dataset(cells_name, data=mesh_cells, dtype=int) # writing marker marker_name = '{}/{}'.format(grp, marker) out.create_dataset(marker_name, data=mesh_markers, dtype=int) out[grp][cells].attrs['celltype'] = np.string_('tetrahedron') out[grp][cells].attrs.create('partition', [0]) return True
[docs] def exportFenicsHDF5Mesh(mesh, exportname): """Exports Gimli mesh in HDF5 format suitable for Fenics. Equivalent to calling the function :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.exportHDF5Mesh(mesh, exportname, group=['mesh', 'domains'], indices='cell_indices', pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values')`. Parameters ---------- mesh: :gimliapi:GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh to be saved. exportname: string Name under which the mesh is saved. """ return exportHDF5Mesh(mesh, exportname, group=['mesh', 'domains'], indices='cell_indices', pos='coordinates', cells='topology', marker='values')
def readEIDORSMesh(fileName, matlabVarname, verbose=False): """Reads finite element model in EIDORS format and returns pygimli mesh. Parameters ---------- fileName : str name of the .mat file containing the EIDORS model matlabVarname : str variable name of .mat file in MATLAB workspace """ scipy = pg.optImport("scipy", requiredFor="read EIDORS mesh.") def toDict(matobj): d = {} for name in matobj._fieldnames: elem = matobj.__dict__[name] if isinstance(elem, d[name] = toDict(elem) else: d[name] = elem return d def check_keys(d): for key in d: if isinstance(d[key], d[key] = toDict(d[key]) return d def loadmat(fileName): data =, struct_as_record=False, squeeze_me=True) return check_keys(data) def get_nested(data, *args): if args and data: element = args[0] if element: value = data.get(element) return value if len(args) == 1 else get_nested(value, *args[1:]) matlab_eidors = loadmat(fileName) python_eidors = get_nested(matlab_eidors, matlabVarname) # if input eidors data is forward model instead of an image if 'nodes' in python_eidors.keys(): nodes = get_nested(python_eidors, "nodes") elems = get_nested(python_eidors, "elems") boundary_numbers = get_nested(python_eidors, "boundary_numbers") # it is an image with elem_data and fwd_model else: nodes = get_nested(python_eidors, "fwd_model", "nodes") elems = get_nested(python_eidors, "fwd_model", "elems") boundary_numbers = get_nested(python_eidors, "fwd_model", "boundary_numbers") dim_nodes = np.size(nodes, 1) dim_elems = np.size(elems, 1) if verbose: print('Reading %s... ' % fileName) print('found %s %s-dimensional nodes... ' % (np.size(nodes, 0), dim_nodes)) if dim_elems == 3 and verbose: print('found %s triangles... ' % np.size(elems, 0)) elif dim_elems == 4 and verbose: print('found %s tetrahedrons... ' % np.size(elems, 0)) if 'elem_data' in python_eidors.keys(): elem_data = get_nested(python_eidors, "elem_data") if verbose: print('found %s element data... ' % len(elem_data)) else: if verbose: print("found no element data... ") region_markers = np.unique(boundary_numbers) no_of_regions = len(region_markers) if boundary_numbers is not None: if verbose: print('Found %s unique Regions with Markers' % no_of_regions) print('%s' % region_markers) if boundary_numbers is None: if verbose: print('Found no Unique Region with Region Markers') # create nodes from eidors model mesh = pg.Mesh() # if two dimensional eidors model if (dim_nodes == 2 and dim_elems == 3): if verbose: print('converting to %d-D pygimli mesh... ' % dim_nodes) for i in range(len(nodes)): mesh.createNode(pg.RVector3(nodes[i, 0], nodes[i, 1], 0.)) for i in range(len(elems)): mesh.createTriangle( mesh.node(int(elems[i, 0]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 1]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 2]) - 1), 1) # for non-planar 2D models if (dim_nodes == 3 and dim_elems == 3): if verbose: print('converting to pygimli mesh...') print('found 3d nodes with 2d elements') for i in range(len(nodes)): mesh.createNode(pg.RVector3(nodes[i, 0], nodes[i, 1], nodes[i, 2])) for i in range(len(elems)): mesh.createTriangle( mesh.node(int(elems[i, 0]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 1]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 2]) - 1), 1) # if three dimensional eidors model if (dim_nodes == 3 and dim_elems == 4): if verbose: print('converting to %d-D pygimli mesh... ' % dim_nodes) for i in range(len(nodes)): mesh.createNode(pg.RVector3(nodes[i, 0], nodes[i, 1], nodes[i, 2])) for i in range(len(elems)): mesh.createTetrahedron( mesh.node(int(elems[i, 0]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 1]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 2]) - 1), mesh.node(int(elems[i, 3]) - 1), 1) if boundary_numbers is not None: mesh.setCellMarkers(boundary_numbers.astype(int)) return mesh
[docs] def readSTL(fileName, binary=False): """Read :term:`STL` surface mesh and returns a :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`. Read :term:`STL` surface mesh and returns a :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` of triangle boundary faces. Multiple solids are supported with increasing boundary marker. TODO: ASCII=False, read binary STL Parameters ---------- fileName : str name of the .stl file containing the STL surface mesh binary : bool [False] STL Binary format """ mesh = pg.Mesh(dim=3) mesh.importSTL(fileName, isBinary=binary) return mesh
[docs] def exportSTL(mesh, fileName, binary=False): """Write :term:`STL` surface mesh and returns a :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`. Export a three dimensional boundary :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` into a :term:`STL` surface mesh. Boundaries with different marker will be separated into different STL solids. TODO: * ASCII=False, write binary STL * QuadrangleFace Boundaries * p2 Boundaries Parameters ---------- mesh : :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Mesh to be exported. Only Boundaries of type TriangleFace will be exported. fileName : str name of the .stl file containing the STL surface mesh binary : bool [False] Write STL binary format. TODO """ marker = pg.unique(pg.sort(mesh.boundaryMarkers())) if '.stl' not in fileName: fileName = fileName + '.stl' fi = open(fileName, 'w') for m in marker: me = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.boundaries(mesh.boundaryMarkers() == m)) fi.write('solid ' + str(m) + '\n') for b in me.boundaries(): n = b.norm() fi.write('facet normal %f %f %f\n' % (n[0], n[1], n[2])) fi.write('\touter loop\n') fi.write('\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % (b.node(0).pos()[0], b.node(0).pos()[1], b.node(0).pos()[2])) fi.write('\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % (b.node(1).pos()[0], b.node(1).pos()[1], b.node(1).pos()[2])) fi.write('\t\tvertex %f %f %f\n' % (b.node(2).pos()[0], b.node(2).pos()[1], b.node(2).pos()[2])) fi.write('\tendloop\n') fi.write('endfacet\n') fi.write('endsolid\n') fi.close()
def transform2DMeshTo3D(mesh, x, y, z=None): """2D mesh into 3D coordinates. Transform a 2D mesh into 3D coordinates using a point list (e.g. from GPS) Parameters ---------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` x,y: [float] array of x/y positions along 2d profile z: [float] optional height to add (topographical correction on top of flat earth) See Also -------- References ---------- """ # get mesh node positions mt, mz = pg.x(mesh.positions()), pg.y(mesh.positions()) # mesh tape and z # compute length of reference points along tape pt = np.hstack((0., np.cumsum(np.sqrt(np.diff(x)**2 + np.diff(y)**2)))) # interpolate node positions from tape to x/y using tape positions mx = np.interp(mt, pt, x) my = np.interp(mt, pt, y) # compute z offset by interpolating z if z is None: oz = np.zeros(len(mt)) else: oz = np.interp(mt, pt, z) # set the positions in the mesh for i, node in enumerate(mesh.nodes()): node.setPos(pg.RVector3(mx[i], my[i], mz[i] + oz[i])) def rot2DGridToWorld(mesh, start, end): """Rotate a 2D mesh into 3D world coordinates. todo:: Complete Documentation. ...rotate a given 2D grid in... """ mesh.rotate(pg.degToRad(pg.RVector3(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0))) src = pg.RVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0).norm(pg.RVector3(0.0, 0.0, -10.0), pg.RVector3(10.0, 0.0, -10.0)) dest = start.norm(start - pg.RVector3(0.0, 0.0, 10.0), end) rot = pg.getRotation(src, dest) mesh.transform(rot) mesh.translate(start)
[docs] def merge2Meshes(m1, m2): """Merge two meshes into one new mesh and return the combined mesh. Merge two meshes into a new mesh and return the combined mesh. Note that there is a duplicate check for all nodes which should reuse existing node but NO cells or boundaries. Parameters ---------- m1: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` First mesh. m2: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Second mesh. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Resulting mesh. """ mesh = pg.Mesh(m1) mesh.translate(-m1.node(0).pos()) m3 = pg.Mesh(m2) m3.translate(-m1.node(0).pos()) for c in m3.cells(): mesh.copyCell(c) for b in m3.boundaries(): mesh.copyBoundary(b, tol=1e-6, check=True) for key in list(mesh.dataMap().keys()): d = mesh.dataMap()[key] d.resize(mesh.cellCount()) d.setVal(m1.dataMap()[key], 0, m1.cellCount()) d.setVal(m2.dataMap()[key], m1.cellCount(), m1.cellCount() + m2.cellCount()) mesh.addData(key, d) mesh.translate(m1.node(0).pos()) mesh.createNeighborInfos(force=True) return mesh
[docs] def mergeMeshes(meshList, verbose=False): """Merge several meshes into one new mesh and return the new mesh. Merge several meshes into one new mesh and return the new mesh. Parameters ---------- meshList : [:gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh`, ...] | [str, ...] List of at least two meshes (or filenames to meshes) to be merged. verbose : bool Give some output See Also -------- merge2Meshes """ if not isinstance(meshList, list): raise Exception("Argument meshList is no list") if len(meshList) < 2: raise Exception( "To few meshes in meshList, at least 2 meshes are needed.") if isinstance(meshList[0], str): mL = [] if verbose: print("Reading meshes ... ") for mFileName in meshList: m = pg.Mesh(2) m.load(mFileName) if verbose: print("loaded", mFileName, m) mL.append(m) meshList = mL # meshList = [pg.Mesh(2); m.load(m) ] if verbose: print("Merging meshes ... ") mesh = meshList[0] if verbose: print(mesh) for m in range(1, len(meshList)): mesh = merge2Meshes(mesh, meshList[m]) if verbose: print(mesh) return mesh
[docs] def createParaMesh(data, **kwargs): """Create parameter mesh from list of sensor positions. Create parameter mesh from list of sensor positions. Uses `:py:func:pygimli.meshtools.createParaMeshPLC` and `:py:func:pygimli.meshtools.createMesh` and forwards keyword arguments. Args ---- data: DataContainer Data container to read sensors positions from. Keyword Args ------------ Forwarded to `:py:func:pygimli.meshtools.createParaMeshPLC` Returns ------- poly: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` """ plc = pg.meshtools.createParaMeshPLC(data, **kwargs) kwargs.pop('paraMaxCellSize', 0) kwargs.pop('boundaryMaxCellSize', 0) smooth = kwargs.pop('smooth', [2, 10]) mesh = createMesh(plc, **kwargs, smooth=smooth) return mesh
def createParaMesh2dGrid(*args, **kwargs): """API change here .. use createParaMesh2DGrid instead.""" pg.deprecated("pls use createParaMesh2DGrid") return createParaMesh2DGrid(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def createParaMesh2DGrid(sensors, paraDX=1, paraDZ=1, paraDepth=0, nLayers=11, boundary=-1, paraBoundary=2, **kwargs): """Create a grid-style mesh for an inversion parameter mesh. Create a grid-style mesh for an inversion parameter mesh. Return parameter grid for a given list of sensor positions. Uses and forwards arguments to :py:mod:`pygimli.meshtools.appendTriangleBoundary`. Parameters ---------- sensors : list of RVector3 objects or data container with sensorPositions Sensor positions. Must be sorted in positive x direction paraDX : float, optional Horizontal distance between sensors, relative regarding sensor distance. Value must be greater than 0 otherwise 1 is assumed. paraDZ : float, optional Vertical distance to the first depth layer, relative regarding sensor distance. Value must be greater than 0 otherwise 1 is assumed. paraDepth : float, optional Maximum depth for parametric domain, 0 (default) means 0.4 * maximum sensor range. nLayers : int, optional [11] Number of depth layers. boundary : int, optional [-1] Boundary width to be appended for domain prolongation in absolute para domain width. Values lower than 0 force the boundary to be 4 times para domain width. paraBoundary : int, optional [2] Offset to the parameter domain boundary in absolute sensor spacing. Returns ------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> from pygimli.meshtools import createParaMesh2DGrid >>> mesh = createParaMesh2DGrid(sensors=pg.Vector(range(10)), ... boundary=5, paraDX=1, ... paraDZ=1, paraDepth=5) >>> ax, _ =, markers=True, showMesh=True) """ mesh = pg.Mesh(2) # maybe separate x y z and sort if isinstance(sensors, np.ndarray) or isinstance(sensors, pg.Vector): sensors = [pg.RVector3(s, 0) for s in sensors] if isinstance(sensors, pg.DataContainer): sensors = sensors.sensorPositions() sensorX = pg.x(sensors) eSpacing = abs(sensorX[1] - sensorX[0]) xMin = min(sensorX) - paraBoundary * eSpacing xMax = max(sensorX) + paraBoundary * eSpacing if paraDX == 0: paraDX = 1. if paraDZ == 0: paraDZ = 1. dx = paraDX dz = paraDZ if eSpacing > 0: dx = eSpacing * paraDX # dz = eSpacing * paraDZ # not really making sense if paraDepth == 0: paraDepth = 0.4 * (xMax - xMin) # print(xMin, xMax, dx) x = pg.utils.grange(xMin, xMax, dx=dx) y =[0], pg.utils.grange(dz, paraDepth, n=nLayers, log=True)) mesh.createGrid(x, y[::-1]) mesh.setCellMarkers([2] * mesh.cellCount()) paraXLimits = [xMin, xMax] # paraYLimits = [min(y), max(y)] # not used if boundary < 0: boundary = abs((paraXLimits[1] - paraXLimits[0]) * 4.0) mesh = pg.meshtools.appendTriangleBoundary( # circular import? mesh, xbound=boundary, ybound=boundary, marker=1, addNodes=5, **kwargs) return mesh
[docs] def extractUpperSurface2dMesh(mesh, zCut=None): """Extract 2d mesh from the upper surface of a 3D mesh. Useful for showing a quick 2D plot of a 3D parameter distribution All cell-based parameters are copied to the new mesh Parameters ---------- mesh: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` Input mesh (3D) zCut: float z value to distinguish between top and bottom Returns ------- mesh2d: :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Mesh` output 2D mesh consisting of triangles or quadrangles Examples -------- >>> import pygimli as pg >>> from pygimli.meshtools import extractUpperSurface2dMesh >>> mesh3d = pg.createGrid(5, 4, 3) >>> mesh3d["val"] = pg.utils.grange(0, mesh3d.cellCount(), 1) >>> mesh2d = extractUpperSurface2dMesh(mesh3d) >>> ax, _ =, "val") """ if mesh.boundaryCount() == 0: mesh.createNeighborInfos() zCut = zCut or pg.mean(pg.z(mesh)) bind = [ for b in mesh.boundaries() if (b.leftCell() is None or b.rightCell() is None) and > zCut and b.shape().norm().z() != 0] bMesh = mesh.createSubMesh(mesh.boundaries(bind)) mesh2d = pg.Mesh(2) [mesh2d.createNode(n.pos()) for n in bMesh.nodes()] for b in bMesh.boundaries(): mesh2d.createCell([ for n in b.nodes()]) # copy data cind = np.zeros(len(bind), dtype=int) for i, bi in enumerate(bind): lc = mesh.boundary(bi).leftCell() if lc is not None: cind[i] = else: cind[i] = mesh.boundary(bi).rightCell().id() # cind = np.array([mesh.boundary(i).leftCell().id() for i in bind]) for k in mesh.dataKeys(): mesh2d[k] = mesh[k][cind] return mesh2d
if __name__ == "__main__": pass