#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Methods to calculate the model resolution.
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
def scaledJacobianMatrix(inv):
"""Return error-weighted transformation-scaled Jacobian.
inv : pg.Inversion (pygimli.framework.Inversion)
DJ : numpy full matrix
J = inv.fop.jacobian() # sensitivity matrix
d = inv.dataTrans.error(inv.response, inv.errorVals)
left = np.reshape(inv.dataTrans.deriv(inv.response) / d, [-1, 1])
right = np.reshape(1 / inv.modelTrans.deriv(inv.model), [1, -1])
if isinstance(J, pg.Matrix): # e.g. ERT
return left * pg.utils.gmat2numpy(J) * right
elif isinstance(J, pg.SparseMapMatrix): # e.g. Traveltime
return left * pg.utils.sparseMat2Numpy.sparseMatrix2Dense(J) * right
raise TypeError("Matrix type cannot be converted")
def resolutionMatrix(inv, returnRD=False):
r"""Formal model (and data) resolution matrix (MCM) from inversion.
.. math::
\mathbf{R_M} = (\mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} + \alpha
\mathbf{R_D} = \mathbf{D}\mathbf{J}
(\mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} + \alpha
inv : pg.Inversion
pygimli inversion instance after inversion
returnRD : bool [false]
also return data resolution (information) matrix
RM : numpy.array
model resolution matrix
RD : numpy.array
data resolution matrix
DJ = scaledJacobianMatrix(inv)
C = pg.utils.sparseMat2Numpy.sparseMatrix2Dense(inv.fop.constraints())
cw = inv.fop.regionManager().constraintWeights()
CC = np.reshape(cw ,[-1, 1]) * C
JI = np.linalg.inv(JTJ + CC.T @ CC * inv.lam)
if returnRD:
RD = DJ @ JI @ DJ.T
return RM, RD
return RM
def modelResolutionMatrix(inv):
r"""Formal model resolution matrix (MCM) from inversion.
.. math::
\mathbf{R_m} = (\mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} + \alpha
inv : pg.Inversion
pygimli inversion instance after inversion
RM : numpy.array
model resolution matrix
return resolutionMatrix(inv)
def modelResolutionKernel(inv, nr=0, maxiter=50):
"""Compute single resolution kernel by solving an inverse problem.
inv : pg.Inversion
inversion instance
nr : int
parameter/cell number
maxiter : int
maximum iterations for LSQR solver
reskernel : np.array
from pygimli.solver.leastsquares import lsqr
td = inv.dataTrans # data transformation (e.g. lin/log/symlog)
tm = inv.modelTrans # model transformation (typically log or logLU)
C = inv.fop.constraints() # (sparse) regularization matrix
left = td.deriv(inv.response) / inv.errorVals
right = 1 / tm.deriv(inv.model)
DS = pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(inv.fop.jacobian(), left, right)
JC = pg.BlockMatrix()
JC.addMatrix(DS, 0, 0)
JC.addMatrix(C, DS.rows(), 0, np.sqrt(inv.lam))
if isinstance(nr, int):
invec = pg.cat(pg.math.matrix.matrixColumn(DS, nr),
return lsqr(JC, invec, maxiter=50)
def modelResolutionRadius(inv, nr=None, RM=None):
"""Compute resolution radius from model resolution matrix diagonal.
According to Friedel (2003), it is defined as the radius of a circle (2D) or
sphere (3D) having a resolution of 1, i.e. Sr = Se / RM(i, i) where Sr and
are the sizes (area or volume) of the circle/sphere and the element.
nr : int|None [None]
compute only resolution radius for a single cell (otherwise all cells)
RM : numpy.matrix [None]
already existing resolution matrix, otherwise compute it
pd = inv.paraDomain
cs = pd.cellSizes()
if nr is not None: # only a single one
if RM is not None:
rm = RM[:, nr]
rm = modelResolutionKernel(inv, nr=nr)[nr]
cs = cs[nr]
if RM is None:
RM = modelResolutionMatrix(inv)
rm = np.diag(RM)
if pd.dim() == 2:
return np.abs(cs/rm/np.pi)**0.5
elif pd.dim() == 3:
return np.abs(cs/rm*3/4/np.pi)**(1/3)
else: # 1D
return cs/rm
def computeR(J, C, alpha=0.5):
r"""Return diagional of model resolution matrix.
Calculates the formal model resolution matrix deterministically following:
.. math::
\mathbf{R_m} = (\mathbf{J}^T\mathbf{D}^T\mathbf{D}\mathbf{J} + \alpha
.. note::
The current implementation assumes that :math:`\mathbf{D}` is the
identitiy matrix, i.e. equal data weights.
J : array
Jacobian matrix.
C : array
Constraint matrix.
alpha : float
Regularization strength :math:`\alpha`.
lin = pg.optImport("scipy.linalg", "Calculate model resolution matrices.")
if lin:
import scipy.sparse as sp
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, LinearOperator, lsqr
JTJ = J.T.dot(J)
CM_inv = C.T.dot(C)
# Jsharp = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, J.T)
# R = np.diag(Jsharp.dot(J))
RM = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, JTJ)
R = np.diag(RM)
return R
def modelCovariance(inv):
"""Formal model covariance matrix (MCM) from inversion.
inv : pygimli inversion object
var : variances (inverse square roots of MCM matrix)
MCMs : scaled MCM (such that diagonals are 1.0)
>>> # import pygimli as pg
>>> # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> # from matplotlib.cm import bwr
>>> # INV = pg.Inversion(data, f)
>>> # par = INV.run()
>>> # var, MCM = modCovar(INV)
>>> # i = plt.imshow(MCM, interpolation='nearest',
>>> # cmap=bwr, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
>>> # plt.colorbar(i)
DJ = scaledJacobianMatrix(inv)
JTJ = DJ.T.dot(DJ)
MCM = np.linalg.inv(JTJ) # model covariance matrix
varVG = np.sqrt(np.diag(MCM)) # standard deviations from main diagonal
di = (1.0 / varVG) # variances as column vector
# scaled model covariance (=correlation) matrix
MCMs = di.reshape(len(di), 1) * MCM * di
return varVG, MCMs
except BaseException as e:
import traceback
import sys
return np.zeros(len(inv.model()),), 0
# # self-made imports
# import pygimli as g
# from bert_tools import *
# #general imports
# import numpy as np
# from scipy.io import loadmat
# import scipy.linalg as lin
# import scipy.sparse as sp
# from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, csc_matrix
# from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, LinearOperator, lsqr
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# def load_constraint_matrix(fname):
# """ Load constraint matrix in sparse format """
# global mesh
# i, j, data = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True, dtype=int)
# C = coo_matrix((data, (i,j)), shape=(mesh.boundaryCount(), mesh.cellCount()), dtype=int)
# return C
# def Rmult(x):
# """ Performs matrix-vector multiplication y = R * x """
# global J
# global C
# global linop
# r, s = C.shape
# Jx = J.dot(x)
# Jxpad = np.hstack((Jx, np.zeros(r)))
# y = lsqr(linop, Jxpad, atol=1.0e-4, iter_lim=5000, show=False)
# return y[0]
# def diagestrand(dim):
# """
# Diagonal estimation based on the algorithm of Bekas et al. (2007)
# """
# global Rmult
# chi = 0.01 # stopping criterion (based on convergence tests)
# d = np.zeros(dim)
# t = d.copy()
# q = d.copy()
# norm = 999
# k = 0
# while norm > chi:
# # draw random vector from normal distribution
# v = np.random.randn(dim)
# t += Rmult(v) * v
# q += v * v
# d_k = t / q
# # evalute difference norm to check convergence
# norm = np.linalg.norm(d - d_k)
# d = d_k
# k +=1
# print "Stopped stochastic estimation after %d iterations with chi = %s." % (k, chi)
# return d
# def compute_res(J, C, alpha=0.5):
# """
# Determinisctic computation of model resolution """
# print "Starting deterministic estimation of resolution diagonal..."
# JTJ = J.T.dot(J)
# CM_inv = C.T.dot(C)
# Jsharp = lin.solve(JTJ + alpha * CM_inv, J.T)
# R = np.diag(Jsharp.dot(J))
# return R
# def compare_res(J, C, alpha=0.5):
# """ Compare determinstic to stochastic resolution diagonal estimate """
# R_det = compute_res(J, C, alpha)
# R_est = diagestrand(J.shape[1])
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
# ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
# ax1.plot(R_det, R_est, 'k.', alpha=0.5)
# ax1.plot((0,1), 'k--')
# plt.xlabel('Deterministic estimate of resolution diagonal')
# plt.ylabel('Stochastic estimate of resolution diagonal')
# plt.axis('scaled')
# plt.xlim(0, R_det.max()+0.1)
# plt.ylim(0, R_det.max()+0.1)
# ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
# ax2.hist(R_det - R_est, 20, color='gray')
# plt.xlabel('Deterministic - stochastic estimate of resolution diagonal')
# plt.xlim(-0.15, 0.15)
# plt.ylabel('Count')
# plt.draw()
# plt.show()
# return fig
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# alpha = 0.5
# mesh = g.Mesh('meshParaDomain.bms')
# J = loadsens('sens.bmat')
# C = load_constraint_matrix('constraint.matrix')
# p, q = J.shape
# r, s = C.shape
# linop = aslinearoperator(sp.vstack((J, C), 'csc'))
# fig = compare_res(J,C)
# #diagR = diagestrand(q, 256)
# #
# #ntimes = 3
# #diags=np.zeros((ntimes, q))
# #for k in range(ntimes):
# ## use 256 random vectors for each estimate
# #numcols=256;
# #print 'iteration', k
# ## estimate the diagonal of r.
# #diagr=diagestrand(q, numcols);
# ## store the estimate.
# #diags[k,:] = diagr
# ## take median value.
# #diagrest = np.median(diags, 0)