#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.frameworks import Inversion
from pygimli.solver.leastsquares import lsqr as lssolver
from .linesearch import lineSearch
class LSQRInversion(Inversion):
"""LSQR solver based inversion"""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.G = None
self.c = None
self.my = 1.0
self.LSQRiter = 200
def setParameterConstraints(self, G, c, my=1.0):
"""Set parameter constraints G*p=c."""
self.G = G
self.c = c
self.my = my
def oneStep(self):
"""One inversion step."""
pg.verbose("Running LSQR inversion step!")
model = self.model
if len(self.response) != len(self.dataVals):
# self.checkTransFunctions()
tD = self.dataTrans
tM = self.modelTrans
nData = len(self.dataVals)
self.A = pg.BlockMatrix() # to be filled with scaled J and C matrices
# part 1: data part
J = self.fop.jacobian()
self.dScale = 1.0 / pg.log(self.errorVals+1.0)
self.leftJ = tD.deriv(self.response) * self.dScale
# self.leftJ = self.dScale / tD.deriv(self.response())
self.rightJ = 1.0 / tM.deriv(model)
self.JJ = pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(J, self.leftJ, self.rightJ)
# self.A.addMatrix(self.JJ, 0, 0)
self.mat1 = self.A.addMatrix(self.JJ)
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat1, 0, 0)
# part 2: normal constraints
# self.checkConstraints()
self.C = self.fop.constraints()
self.leftC = pg.Vector(self.C.rows(), 1.0)
self.rightC = pg.Vector(self.C.cols(), 1.0)
self.CC = pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(self.C,
self.leftC, self.rightC)
self.mat2 = self.A.addMatrix(self.CC)
lam = self.lam
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat2, nData, 0, sqrt(lam))
# % part 3: parameter constraints
if self.G is not None:
self.rightG = 1.0 / tM.deriv(model)
self.GG = pg.matrix.MultRightMatrix(self.G, self.rightG)
self.mat3 = self.A.addMatrix(self.GG)
nConst = self.C.rows()
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat3, nData+nConst, 0, sqrt(self.my))
# right-hand side vector
deltaD = (tD.fwd(self.dataVals)-tD.fwd(self.response)) * self.dScale
deltaC = -(self.CC * tM.fwd(model) * sqrt(lam))
deltaC *= 1.0 - self.inv.localRegularization() # oper. on DeltaM only
rhs = pg.cat(deltaD, deltaC)
if self.G is not None:
deltaG = (self.c - self.G * model) * sqrt(self.my)
rhs = pg.cat(pg.cat(deltaD, deltaC), deltaG)
dM = lssolver(self.A, rhs, maxiter=self.LSQRiter, verbose=self.verbose)
tau, responseLS = lineSearch(self, dM)
self.model = tM.update(self.model, dM*tau)
if tau == 1.0:
else: # compute new response
# self.inv.setLambda(self.lam * self.inv.lambdaFactor())
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
nlay = 4 # number of layers
lam = 200. # (initial) regularization parameter
errPerc = 3. # relative error of 3 percent
ab2 = np.logspace(-1, 2, 50) # AB/2 distance (current electrodes)
mn2 = ab2 / 3. # MN/2 distance (potential electrodes)
f = pg.physics.ves.VESModelling(ab2=ab2, mn2=mn2, nLayers=nlay)
synres = [100., 500., 20., 800.] # synthetic resistivity
synthk = [0.5, 3.5, 6.] # synthetic thickness (nlay-th layer is infinite)
rhoa = f(synthk+synres)
rhoa = rhoa * (pg.randn(len(rhoa)) * errPerc / 100. + 1.)
tLog = pg.trans.TransLog()
inv = LSQRInversion(fop=f, verbose=True)
inv.LSQRiter = 20
inv.dataTrans = tLog
inv.modelTrans = tLog
startModel = pg.cat(pg.Vector(nlay-1, 5), pg.Vector(nlay, pg.median(rhoa)))
# unconstrained
model1 = inv.run(rhoa, pg.Vector(len(rhoa), errPerc/100), lam=1000,
# constrained
G = pg.Matrix(rows=1, cols=len(startModel))
for i in range(3):
G.setVal(0, i, 1)
c = pg.Vector(1, pg.sum(synthk))
inv.setParameterConstraints(G, c, 100)
model2 = inv.run(rhoa, pg.Vector(len(rhoa), errPerc/100), lam=1000,
print(inv.chi2(), inv.relrms(), pg.sum(inv.model[:nlay-1]))
# %%
fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(rhoa, ab2, "x")
ax.loglog(inv.response, ab2, "-")
# %%
fig, ax = pg.plt.subplots()
pg.viewer.mpl.drawModel1D(ax, synthk, synres, plot="semilogx",
pg.viewer.mpl.drawModel1D(ax, model=model1, label="unconstrained")
pg.viewer.mpl.drawModel1D(ax, model=model2, label="constrained")
ax.set_ylim(15, 0)