# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""pyGIMLi - Inversion Frameworks.
Basic inversion frameworks that usually needs a forward operator to run.
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.solver.leastsquares import lsqr as lssolver
from pygimli.core.trans import str2Trans
from pygimli.utils import prettyFloat as pf
from pygimli.utils.sparseMat2Numpy import sparseMatrix2Dense
from .linesearch import lineSearch
class InversionBase(object):
"""Inversion base class for all inversions.
New inversion frame not using RInversion anymore.
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
self._debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False)
self._verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False)
self._preStep = None
self._postStep = None
self._fop = fop
self._model = None
self._response = None
self.lam = 20 # lambda regularization
self.lambdaFactor = 1.0
self.minLambda = 0
self.iter = 0
self.debug = False
self.robustData = False
self.blockyModel = False
self.chi2History = []
self.modelHistory = []
self.deltaPhiPercent = 1
self.minDPhi = 1
self.stopAtChi1 = True
self.localRegularization = False
self.dataTrans = kwargs.pop('dataTrans', pg.trans.TransLin())
self.cWeight = 1
self.axs = None # for showProgress only
self.LSiter = 100
self.maxIter = kwargs.pop('maxIter', 20)
self.G = None
self._jacobianOutdated = False
self.lineSearchMethod = None # auto inter-quad
# self.minTau/maxTau
def fop(self):
"""Forward operator."""
return self._fop
def fop(self, f):
"""Set forward operator."""
def setForwardOperator(self, fop):
"""Set forward operator."""
self._fop = fop
# we need to initialize the regionmanager by calling it once
def verbose(self):
"""Verbosity level."""
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, v):
"""Set verbosity level for both forward operator and inversion."""
self._verbose = v
def dataTrans(self):
"""Data transformation."""
return self._dataTrans
def dataTrans(self, dt):
"""Set data transformation."""
if isinstance(dt, str):
dt = str2Trans(dt)
self._dataTrans = dt
def modelTrans(self):
"""Model transformation."""
return self.fop.modelTrans
def modelTrans(self, mt):
"""Set model transformation."""
if isinstance(mt, str):
mt = str2Trans(mt)
self.fop.modelTrans = mt # self._modelTrans # ????
def convertStartModel(self, model):
"""Convert scalar or array into startmodel vector.
Use valid range or self.fop.parameterCount, if possible.
model: float|int|array|None
starting model value or array
if model is None:
return None
elif isinstance(model, float) or isinstance(model, int):
pg.debug("Homogeneous starting model set to:", float(model))
return np.full(self.fop.parameterCount, float(model))
elif hasattr(model, '__iter__'):
if len(model) == self.fop.parameterCount:
pg.debug("Starting model set from given array.", model)
return model
pg.error("Starting model size invalid {0} != {1}.".
format(len(model), self.fop.parameterCount))
return None
def model(self):
"""The last active (i.e. current) model."""
return self._model
def model(self, m):
if self._model is not None:
assert len(self._model) == len(m), "Model size mismatch!"
self._model = m
if np.any(m - self._model):
self._jacobianOutdated = True
self._response = None # not known
@property # not sure if we need it
def response(self):
"""Return last forward response."""
if self._response is None:
self._response = self.fop.response(self.model)
return self._response
def response(self, v):
"""Set response vector from outside (e.g. postprocessing)."""
assert len(self.dataVals) == len(v), "Response size not matching."
self._response = v
def dataVals(self):
"""Data vector (deprecated)."""
return self._dataVals
def dataVals(self, d):
"""Set mandatory data values.
Values == 0.0 will be set to tolerance
self._dataVals = d
if self._dataVals is None:
pg.critical("Inversion framework needs data values to run")
def errorVals(self):
"""Errors vector (deprecated)."""
return self._errorVals
def errorVals(self, d):
"""Set mandatory error values.
Values == 0.0. Will be set to Tolerance
self._errorVals = d
if self._errorVals is None:
pg.critical("Inversion framework needs error values to run")
if min(abs(self._errorVals)) < 1e-12:
"Found zero error values. Setting them to fallback value of 1")
pg.core.fixZero(self._errorVals, 1)
def echoStatus(self):
"""Echo inversion status (model, response, rms, chi^2, phi)."""
def setPostStep(self, p):
"""Set a function to be called after each iteration.
The function is called with p(IterationNumber, self)."""
self._postStep = p
def setPreStep(self, p):
"""Set a function to be called before each iteration."""
self._preStep = p
def setData(self, data):
"""Set data."""
if isinstance(data, pg.DataContainer):
raise Exception("should not be here .. its Managers job")
self.dataVals = data
def chi2(self, response=None):
"""Chi-squared misfit (mean of squared error-weighted misfit)."""
return self.phiData(response) / len(self.dataVals)
def phiData(self, response=None):
"""Data objective function (sum of suqred error-weighted misfit)."""
if response is None:
response = self.response
dT = self.dataTrans
dData = (dT.trans(self.dataVals) - dT.trans(response)) / \
dT.error(self.dataVals, self.errorVals)
return pg.math.dot(dData, dData)
def roughness(self, model=None, weighted=True):
"""Return (weighted) roughness vector."""
if model is None:
model or self.model
modelVector = self.modelTrans(model)
pureRoughness = self.fop.constraints().mult(modelVector)
if weighted:
return self.cWeight * pureRoughness
return pureRoughness
def phiModel(self, model=None):
"""Model objective function (norm of regularization term)."""
if model is None:
model = self.model
rough = self.roughness(model, weighted=True)
return pg.math.dot(rough, rough)
def phi(self, model=None, response=None):
"""Total objective function (phiD + lambda * phiM)."""
if response is None:
response = self.response
phiD = self.phiData(response)
if self.localRegularization:
return phiD
return phiD + self.phiModel(model) * self.lam
def relrms(self):
"""Relative root-mean-square misfit of the last run."""
return pg.math.rrms(self.data, self.response)
def absrms(self):
"""Absolute root-mean-square misfit of the last run."""
return pg.math.rms(self.data, self.response)
def setRegularization(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set regularization properties for the inverse problem.
This can be for specific regions (args) or all regions (no args).
regionNr : int, [ints], '*'
Region number, list of numbers, or wildcard "*" for all.
startModel : float
starting model value
limits : [float, float]
lower and upper limit for value using a barrier transform
trans : str
transformation for model barrier: "log", "cot", "lin"
cType : int
constraint (regularization) type
zWeight : float
relative weight for vertical boundaries
background : bool
exclude region from inversion completely (prolongation)
fix : float
exclude region from inversion completely (fix to value)
single : bool
reduce region to one unknown
correlationLengths : [floats]
correlation lengths for geostatistical inversion (x', y', z')
dip : float [0]
angle between x and x' (first correlation length)
strike : float [0]
angle between y and y' (second correlation length)
if len(args) == 0:
args = ('*',)
if "operator" in kwargs:
if "C" in kwargs:
if len(kwargs) > 0:
self.fop.setRegionProperties(*args, **kwargs)
def setInterRegionConstraint(self, region1, region2, strength):
"""Set constraints between neighboring regions.
region1, region2 : int|'*'
Region IDs
strength : float
weighting factor for roughness across regions
region1, region2, strength)
def setInterfaceConstraint(self, marker, strength):
"""Set regularization strength on specific interface.
marker : int
Boundary marker of the interface
strength : float
weighting factor for roughness across boundary
marker, strength)
def setConstraintWeights(self, cWeight):
"""Set weighting factors for the invidual rows of the C matrix."""
self.cWeight = cWeight
def reset(self):
"""Reset function currently called at beginning of every inversion."""
# FW: Note that this is called at the beginning of run. I therefore
# removed the startingModel here to allow explicitly set starting
# models by the user.
# if self._keepStartModel is False:
# self._startModel = None
self._model = None
self._dataVals = None
self._errorVals = None
def oneStep(self):
"""Carry out one iteration step (e.g. good for coupling etc.)."""
dModel = self.modelUpdate()
print("dM: ", dModel)
tau, responseLS = lineSearch(self, dModel)
print("tau: ", tau)
if tau >= 0.95: # practically 1
tau = 1
self.model = self.modelTrans.update(self.model, dModel*tau)
if tau == 1.0:
self.response = responseLS
else: # compute new response
self.response = self.fop.response(self.model)
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals=None, **kwargs):
"""Run inversion.
The inversion will always start from the starting model taken from
the forward operator.
If you want to run the inversion from a specified prior model,
e.g., from a other run, set this model as starting model to the FOP
dataVals : iterable
Data values
errorVals : iterable
Relative error values. dv / v
Can be omitted if absoluteError and/or relativeError kwargs given
Keyword Arguments
absoluteError : float | iterable
absolute error in units of dataVals
relativeError : float | iterable
relative error related to dataVals
maxIter : int
Overwrite class settings for maximal iterations number.
dPhi : float [1]
Overwrite class settings for delta data phi aborting criteria.
Default is 1%
cType: int [1]
Temporary global constraint type for all regions.
startModel: array
Temporary starting model for the current inversion run.
lam: float
Temporary regularization parameter lambda.
lambdaFactor : float [1]
Factor to change lam with every iteration
robustData : bool
Robust (L1 norm mimicking) data reweighting
blockyModel : bool
Robust (L1 norm mimicking) model roughness reweighting
isReference : bool [False]
Starting model is also a reference to constrain against
showProgress : bool
Show progress in form of updating models
verbose : bool
Verbose output on the console
debug : bool
Even more verbose console and file output
if errorVals is None: # use absoluteError and/or relativeError instead
absErr = kwargs.pop("absoluteError", 0)
relErr = kwargs.pop("relativeError", 0)
if np.any(np.isclose(absErr + relErr, 0, atol=0)):
raise Exception("Zero error occurred, check abs/relErr")
errorVals = pg.abs(absErr / np.asarray(dataVals)) + relErr
if isinstance(errorVals, (float, int)):
errorVals = np.ones_like(dataVals) * errorVals
if self.fop is None:
raise Exception("Need valid forward operator for inversion run.")
self.fop.setVerbose(False) # gets rid of CHOLMOD messages
maxIter = kwargs.pop('maxIter', self.maxIter)
minDPhi = kwargs.pop('dPhi', self.minDPhi)
showProgress = kwargs.pop('showProgress', False)
if 'blockyModel' in kwargs:
self.blockyModel = kwargs['blockyModel']
self.verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', self.verbose)
self.debug = kwargs.pop('debug', self.debug)
self.robustData = kwargs.pop('robustData', False)
self.stopAtChi1 = kwargs.pop("stopAtChi1", True)
self.lam = kwargs.pop('lam', self.lam)
self.lambdaFactor = kwargs.pop('lambdaFactor', 1.0)
# catch a few regularization options that don't go into run
for opt in ["cType", "limits", "correlationLengths", "C"]:
if opt in kwargs:
di = {opt: kwargs.pop(opt)}
pg.verbose("Set regularization", di)
# Triggers update of fop properties, any property to be set before.
self.dataVals = dataVals
self.errorVals = errorVals
# temporary set max iter to one for the initial run call
maxIterTmp = self.maxIter
self.maxIter = 1
startModel = self.convertStartModel(kwargs.pop('startModel', None))
if self.verbose:
pg.info('Starting inversion.')
print("fop:", self.fop)
print("Data transformation:", self.dataTrans)
print("Model transformation:", self.modelTrans)
print("min/max (data): {0}/{1}".format(pf(min(self._dataVals)),
print("min/max (error): {0}%/{1}%".format(
pf(100 * min(self._errorVals)),
pf(100 * max(self._errorVals))))
print("min/max (start model): {0}/{1}".format(
pf(min(startModel)), pf(max(startModel))))
# To ensure reproduceability of the run() call, inv.start() will
# reset self.inv.model() to fop.startModel().
if kwargs.pop("isReference", False):
self.referenceModel = startModel
pg.info("Setting starting model as reference!")
self.model = pg.Vector(startModel)
if self.verbose:
print("-" * 80)
if self._preStep and callable(self._preStep):
self._preStep(0, self)
self.maxIter = 0
# self.start() # what's done here?
self.maxIter = maxIterTmp
if self.verbose:
print("inv.iter 0 ... chi² = {:7.2f}".format(self.chi2()))
# print("inv.iter 0 ... chi² = {0}".format(round(self.chi2(), 2)))
if self._postStep and callable(self._postStep):
self._postStep(0, self)
if showProgress:
# self.fop.checkConstraints()
lastPhi = self.phi()
self.chi2History = [self.chi2()]
self.modelHistory = [startModel]
for i in range(1, maxIter+1):
if self._preStep and callable(self._preStep):
self._preStep(i, self)
if self.verbose:
print("-" * 80)
print("inv.iter", i, "... ", end='')
if np.isnan(self.model).any():
pg.critical('invalid model')
chi2 = self.chi2()
if showProgress:
if self._postStep and callable(self._postStep):
self._postStep(i, self)
if self.robustData:
# self.inv.robustWeighting()
if self.blockyModel:
# self.inv.constrainBlocky()
phi = self.phi()
dPhi = phi / lastPhi
if self.verbose:
print("chi² = {:7.2f} (dPhi = {:.2f}%) lam: {:.1f}".format(
chi2, (1 - dPhi) * 100, self.lam))
if chi2 <= 1 and self.stopAtChi1:
if self.verbose:
"Abort criterion reached: chi² <= 1 (%.2f)" % chi2)
# if dPhi < -minDPhi:
if (dPhi > (1.0 - minDPhi / 100.0)) and i > 2: # should be minIter
if self.verbose:
"Abort criterion reached: dPhi = {0} (< {1}%)".format(
round((1 - dPhi) * 100, 2), minDPhi))
lastPhi = phi
self.lam = max(self.lam*self.lambdaFactor, self.minLambda)
# will never work as expected until we unpack kwargs .. any idea for
# better strategy?
# if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0:
# print("Warning! unused keyword arguments", kwargs)
return self.model
def jacobianMatrix(self, error_weighted=False, numpy_matrix=False):
"""Jacobian matrix of the inverse (data/model-transformed) problem.
Whereas the forward operator holds the jacobian matrix of the forward,
i.e. the intrinsic (untransformed) problem, this function returns the
jacobian of the (transformed) inverse problem, i.e. taking model and
data transformations into account by using their inner derivatives.
self : pg.Inversion
inversion instance with model, response and fop.jacobian
error_weighted : bool
add error weighting according to data transform
numpy_matrix : bool
return numpy matrix instead of MultLeftRightMatrix
tData = self.dataTrans.deriv(self.response)
tModel = 1 / self.modelTrans.deriv(self.model)
if error_weighted:
tData /= self.dataTrans.error(self.response, self.errorVals)
if numpy_matrix:
return np.reshape(tData, [-1, 1]) * \
pg.utils.gmat2numpy(self.fop.jacobian()) * \
np.reshape(tModel, [1, -1])
return pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(self.fop.jacobian(),
tData, tModel)
def residual(self):
"""Residual vector (data-reponse)/error using data transform."""
return (self.dataTrans.fwd(self.dataVals) -
self.dataTrans.fwd(self.response)) / \
self.dataTrans.error(self.response, self.errorVals)
def dataGradientFormal(self): # formal but restricted to existent J
"""Data gradient from jacobian and residual, i.e. J^T * dData."""
return -self.jacobianMatrix(error_weighted=True).transMult(
def dataGradient(self, error_weighted=True): # also works for fop.STy
"""Data gradient from jacobian and residual, i.e. J^T * dData."""
tData = self.dataTrans.deriv(self.response)
if error_weighted:
tData /= self.dataTrans.error(self.response, self.errorVals)
return self.fop.STy(-self.residual()*tData) / \
def modelGradient(self):
"""Model gradient, i.e. C^T * C * (m - m0)."""
# self.inv.checkConstraints() # not necessary?
if isinstance(self.cWeight, (float, int)):
C = pg.matrix.ScaledMatrix(self.fop.constraints(), self.cWeight)
C = pg.matrix.MultLeftMatrix(self.fop.constraints(), self.cWeight)
return C.transMult(C.mult(self.modelTrans(self.model)))
def gradient(self):
"""Gradient of the objective function."""
return self.dataGradient() + self.modelGradient() * self.lam
class GaussNewtonInversion(InversionBase):
"""Gauss-Newton based inversion."""
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fop=fop, **kwargs)
def modelUpdate(self):
"""Compute (full) model update from inverse ."""
pg.verbose("Running LSQR inversion step!")
model = self.model
if len(self.response) != len(self.dataVals):
# self.checkTransFunctions()
tD = self.dataTrans
tM = self.modelTrans
nData = len(self.dataVals)
self.A = pg.BlockMatrix() # to be filled with scaled J and C matrices
# part 1: data part
self.JJ = self.jacobianMatrix(error_weighted=True)
self.mat1 = self.A.addMatrix(self.JJ)
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat1, 0, 0)
# part 2: normal constraints
# self.checkConstraints()
self.C = self.fop.constraints()
self.leftC = pg.Vector(self.C.rows(), 1.0)
self.rightC = pg.Vector(self.C.cols(), 1.0)
self.CC = pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(self.C,
self.leftC, self.rightC)
self.mat2 = self.A.addMatrix(self.CC)
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat2, nData, 0, sqrt(self.lam))
# % part 3: parameter constraints
if self.G is not None:
self.rightG = 1.0 / tM.deriv(model)
self.GG = pg.matrix.MultRightMatrix(self.G, self.rightG)
self.mat3 = self.A.addMatrix(self.GG)
nConst = self.C.rows()
self.A.addMatrixEntry(self.mat3, nData+nConst, 0, sqrt(self.my))
# right-hand side vector
# deltaD = (tD.fwd(self.dataVals)-tD.fwd(self.response)) * self.dScale
deltaD = self.residual()
deltaC = -(self.CC * tM.fwd(model) * sqrt(self.lam))
deltaC *= 1.0 - self.localRegularization # oper. on DeltaM only
rhs = pg.cat(deltaD, deltaC)
if self.G is not None:
deltaG = (self.c - self.G * model) * sqrt(self.my)
rhs = pg.cat(rhs, deltaG)
dM = lssolver(self.A, rhs, maxiter=self.LSiter, verbose=self.verbose)
return dM
class DescentInversion(InversionBase):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def modelUpdate(self):
"""The negative gradient of objective function as search direction."""
if self.fop.STy.__doc__ is pg.Modelling.STy.__doc__: # original
if len(self.model) != self.fop.jacobian().cols():
self._jacobianOutdated = True
if self._jacobianOutdated:
return -self.gradient()
class NLCGInversion(InversionBase):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def modelUpdate(self):
return None
class LBFGSInversion(InversionBase):
"""Limited-memory BFGS minimization."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def modelUpdate(self):
return None
# Note that there is a lot of redundancy but this class is to be removed upon
# thorough testing of the purely Python Gauss-NewtonInversion class.
class ClassicInversion(object):
"""Basic Gauss-Newton based inversion framework (to be removed).
Changes to prior Versions (remove me)
* holds the starting model itself, forward operator only provides a
method to create it: fop.createStartModel(dataValues)
verbose : bool
Give verbose output
debug : bool
Give debug output
startModel : float|array|None
Current starting model that can be set in the init or as property.
If not set explicitly, it will be estimated from the forward operator
methods. This property will be recalulated for every run call if not
set explicitly with self.startModel = float|array, or None to reforce
autogeneration. Note that the run call accepts a temporary startModel
(for the current calculation only).
model : array
Holds the last active model
maxIter : int [20]
Maximal interation number.
stopAtChi1 : bool [True]
Stop iteration when chi² is one. If set to False the iteration stops
after maxIter or convergence reached (self.inv.deltaPhiAbortPercent())
def __init__(self, fop=None, inv=None, **kwargs):
self._debug = kwargs.pop('debug', False)
self._verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', False)
# If this class or its derived is a Framework the _inv holds another
# Inversion which allows us (remove me)........
# this will be probably removed in the future
self.isFrameWork = False # check if needed
self._stopAtChi1 = True
self._preStep = None
self._postStep = None
self._inv = None
self._fop = None
self._lam = 20 # lambda regularization
self.chi2History = []
# cache: keep startmodel if set explicitly or calculated from FOP, will
# be recalulated for every run if not set explicitly
self._startModel = None
# flag to keep startModel if set manually by init or self.startModel
# unless self.startModel = None
self._keepStartModel = False
if inv is not None:
self._inv = inv
self.isFrameWork = True
self._inv = pg.core.RInversion(self._verbose, self._debug)
self.dataTrans = kwargs.pop('dataTrans', pg.trans.TransLin())
self.axs = None # for showProgress only
self.maxIter = kwargs.pop('maxIter', 20)
if fop is not None:
if "startModel" in kwargs:
self.startModel = kwargs["startModel"]
def reset(self):
"""Reset function currently called at beginning of every inversion."""
# FW: Note that this is called at the beginning of run. I therefore
# removed the startingModel here to allow explicitly set starting
# models by the user.
if self._keepStartModel is False:
self._startModel = None
self._model = None
self._dataVals = None
self._errorVals = None
def iter(self):
"""Number of iterations."""
return self._inv.iter()
def inv(self):
"""Return (core) inversion object."""
return self._inv
def fop(self):
"""Forward operator."""
return self._fop
def fop(self, f):
"""Set forward operator."""
def setForwardOperator(self, fop):
"""Set forward operator."""
self._fop = fop
# we need to initialize the regionmanager by calling it once
def verbose(self):
"""Verbosity level."""
return self._verbose
def verbose(self, v):
"""Set verbosity level for both forward operator and inversion."""
self._verbose = v
def debug(self):
"""Debug level."""
return self._debug
def debug(self, v):
"""Set debug (output and files) level for both inversion."""
self._debug = v
def dataTrans(self):
"""Data transformation."""
return self._dataTrans
def dataTrans(self, dt):
"""Set data transformation."""
if isinstance(dt, str):
dt = str2Trans(dt)
self._dataTrans = dt
def modelTrans(self):
"""Model transformation."""
return self.fop.modelTrans
def modelTrans(self, mt):
"""Set model transformation."""
if isinstance(mt, str):
mt = str2Trans(mt)
self.fop.modelTrans = mt # self._modelTrans # ????
def startModel(self):
"""Return current default starting model.
Returns the current default starting model or
calls `fop.createStartmodel()` if none is defined.
if self._startModel is None:
sm = self.fop.regionManager().createStartModel()
if len(sm) > 0 and max(abs(np.atleast_1d(sm))) > 0.0:
self._startModel = sm
if self.verbose:
pg.info("Created startmodel from region infos:", sm)
if self.verbose:
pg.verbose("No region infos for startmodel")
if self._startModel is None:
sm = self.fop.createStartModel(self.dataVals)
# pg.info("Created startmodel from forward operator:", sm)
if self.verbose:
pg.info("Created startmodel from forward operator:" +
"{:d}, min/max={:f}/{:f}".format(
len(sm), min(sm), max(sm)))
self._startModel = sm
return self._startModel
def startModel(self, model):
"""Set starting model.
model: [float] | float
Model used as starting model.
Float value is used as constant model.
sm = self.convertStartModel(model)
if sm is None:
self._keepStartModel = False
self._keepStartModel = True
self._startModel = sm
def convertStartModel(self, model):
"""Convert scalar or array into startmodel vector.
Use valid range or self.fop.parameterCount, if possible.
model: float|int|array|None
starting model value or array
if model is None:
return None
elif isinstance(model, float) or isinstance(model, int):
pg.debug("Homogeneous starting model set to:", float(model))
return np.full(self.fop.parameterCount, float(model))
elif hasattr(model, '__iter__'):
if len(model) == self.fop.parameterCount:
pg.debug("Starting model set from given array.", model)
return model
pg.error("Starting model size invalid {0} != {1}.".
format(len(model), self.fop.parameterCount))
return None
def model(self):
"""The last active (i.e. current) model."""
if self._model is None:
if hasattr(self.inv, 'model'):
# inv is RInversion()
if len(self.inv.model()) > 0:
return self.inv.model()
raise Exception(pg.critical(
"There was no inversion run so there is no last model"))
return self.inv.model
return self._model
def model(self, m):
self._model = m
def response(self):
"""Return last forward response."""
if len(self.inv.response()) > 0:
return self.inv.response()
raise Exception(
"There was no inversion run so there is no response yet")
def response(self, v):
"""Set response vector in the inside RInversion."""
# backward compatibility
def dataErrs(self):
"""Data errors (deprecated)."""
pg.warn('do not use')
return self._errorVals
def dataErrs(self, v):
"""Set data errors (deprecated)."""
pg.warn('do not use')
self._errorVals = v
def dataVals(self):
"""Data vector (deprecated)."""
return self._dataVals
def dataVals(self, d):
"""Set mandatory data values.
Values == 0.0 will be set to tolerance
self._dataVals = d
if self._dataVals is None:
pg.critical("Inversion framework needs data values to run")
# zero can be a valid data value
# if min(abs(self._dataVals)) < 1e-12:
# print(self._dataVals)
# pg.warn("Found zero data values. \
# Setting them to a TOLERANCE value of 1e-12")
# pg.core.fixZero(self._dataVals, 1e-12)
def errorVals(self):
"""Errors vector (deprecated)."""
return self._errorVals
def errorVals(self, d):
"""Set mandatory error values.
Values == 0.0. Will be set to Tolerance
self._errorVals = d
if self._errorVals is None:
pg.critical("Inversion framework needs error values to run")
if min(abs(self._errorVals)) < 1e-12:
"Found zero error values. Setting them to fallback value of 1")
pg.core.fixZero(self._errorVals, 1)
def robustData(self):
"""Return robust data reweighting (IRLS L1 scheme) bool."""
return self.inv.robustData()
def robustData(self, v):
"""Set robust data reweighting (IRLS L1 scheme) True or False."""
if self.inv is not None:
def blockyModel(self):
"""Return blocky model roughness reweighting (IRLS L1 scheme) bool."""
return self.inv.blockyModel()
def blockyModel(self, v):
"""Set blocky model roughness reweighting (IRLS L1 scheme) bool."""
if self.inv is not None:
def maxIter(self):
"""Maximum iterations."""
return self.inv.maxIter()
def maxIter(self, v):
"""Set maximum iterations."""
if self.inv is not None:
def stopAtChi1(self):
"""Stop at chi^2=1 behaviour (bool)."""
return self._stopAtChi1
def stopAtChi1(self, b):
"""Define whether to stop at chi^2=1."""
self._stopAtChi1 = b
def minDPhi(self):
"""Minimum data objective function decrease."""
return self.inv.deltaPhiAbortPercent()
def minDPhi(self, dPhi):
"""Set minimum data objective function decrease."""
return self.setDeltaChiStop(dPhi)
def lam(self):
"""Return regularization strength."""
return self._lam
def lam(self, lam):
"""Set regularization strength."""
self._lam = lam
def setDeltaPhiStop(self, it):
"""Define minimum relative decrease in objective function to stop."""
def setDeltaChiStop(self, it):
"""Set data fit change level (deprecated)."""
def echoStatus(self):
"""Echo inversion status (model, response, rms, chi^2, phi)."""
def setPostStep(self, p):
"""Set a function to be called after each iteration.
The function is called with p(IterationNumber, self)."""
self._postStep = p
def setPreStep(self, p):
"""Set a function to be called before each iteration."""
self._preStep = p
def setData(self, data):
"""Set data."""
if isinstance(data, pg.DataContainer):
raise Exception("should not be here .. its Managers job")
self.dataVals = data
def chi2(self, response=None):
"""Chi-squared misfit (mean of squared error-weighted misfit)."""
return self.phiData(response) / len(self.dataVals)
def phiData(self, response=None):
"""Data objective function (sum of suqred error-weighted misfit)."""
if response is None:
response = self.response
dT = self.dataTrans
dData = (dT.trans(self.dataVals) - dT.trans(response)) / \
dT.error(self.dataVals, self.errorVals)
return pg.math.dot(dData, dData)
def phiModel(self, model=None):
"""Model objective function (norm of regularization term)."""
if model is None:
model = self.model
rough = self.inv.roughness(model)
return pg.math.dot(rough, rough)
def phi(self, model=None, response=None):
"""Total objective function (phiD + lambda * phiM)."""
phiD = self.phiData(response)
if self.inv.localRegularization():
return phiD
return phiD + self.phiModel(model) * self.inv.getLambda()
def relrms(self):
"""Relative root-mean-square misfit of the last run."""
return self.inv.relrms()
def absrms(self):
"""Absolute root-mean-square misfit of the last run."""
return self.inv.absrms()
def setRegularization(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set regularization properties for the inverse problem.
This can be for specific regions (args) or all regions (no args).
regionNr : int, [ints], '*'
Region number, list of numbers, or wildcard "*" for all.
startModel : float
starting model value
limits : [float, float]
lower and upper limit for value using a barrier transform
trans : str
transformation for model barrier: "log", "cot", "lin"
cType : int
constraint (regularization) type
zWeight : float
relative weight for vertical boundaries
background : bool
exclude region from inversion completely (prolongation)
fix : float
exclude region from inversion completely (fix to value)
single : bool
reduce region to one unknown
correlationLengths : [floats]
correlation lengths for geostatistical inversion (x', y', z')
dip : float [0]
angle between x and x' (first correlation length)
strike : float [0]
angle between y and y' (second correlation length)
if len(args) == 0:
args = ('*',)
if "operator" in kwargs:
if "C" in kwargs:
if len(kwargs) > 0:
self.fop.setRegionProperties(*args, **kwargs)
def setInterRegionConstraint(self, region1, region2, strength):
"""Set constraints between neighboring regions.
region1, region2 : int|'*'
Region IDs
strength : float
weighting factor for roughness across regions
region1, region2, strength)
def setInterfaceConstraint(self, marker, strength):
"""Set regularization strength on specific interface.
marker : int
Boundary marker of the interface
strength : float
weighting factor for roughness across boundary
marker, strength)
def setConstraintWeights(self, cWeight):
"""Set weighting factors for the invidual rows of the C matrix."""
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals=None, **kwargs):
"""Run inversion.
The inversion will always start from the starting model taken from
the forward operator.
If you want to run the inversion from a specified prior model,
e.g., from a other run, set this model as starting model to the FOP
Any self.inv.setModel() settings will be overwritten.
dataVals : iterable
Data values
errorVals : iterable
Relative error values. dv / v
Can be omitted if absoluteError and/or relativeError kwargs given
Keyword Arguments
absoluteError : float | iterable
absolute error in units of dataVals
relativeError : float | iterable
relative error related to dataVals
maxIter : int
Overwrite class settings for maximal iterations number.
dPhi : float [1]
Overwrite class settings for delta data phi aborting criteria.
Default is 1%
cType: int [1]
Temporary global constraint type for all regions.
startModel: array
Temporary starting model for the current inversion run.
lam: float
Temporary regularization parameter lambda.
lambdaFactor : float [1]
Factor to change lam with every iteration
robustData : bool
Robust (L1 norm mimicking) data reweighting
blockyModel : bool
Robust (L1 norm mimicking) model roughness reweighting
isReference : bool [False]
Starting model is also a reference to constrain against
showProgress : bool
Show progress in form of updating models
verbose : bool
Verbose output on the console
debug : bool
Even more verbose console and file output
if errorVals is None: # use absoluteError and/or relativeError instead
absErr = kwargs.pop("absoluteError", 0)
relErr = kwargs.pop("relativeError",
0.01 if np.allclose(absErr, 0, atol=0) else 0)
errorVals = pg.abs(absErr / np.asarray(dataVals)) + relErr
if isinstance(errorVals, (float, int)):
errorVals = np.ones_like(dataVals) * errorVals
if self.isFrameWork:
pg.critical('in use?')
return self._inv.run(dataVals, errorVals, **kwargs)
if self.fop is None:
raise Exception("Need valid forward operator for inversion run.")
self.fop.setVerbose(False) # gets rid of CHOLMOD messages
maxIter = kwargs.pop('maxIter', self.maxIter)
minDPhi = kwargs.pop('dPhi', self.minDPhi)
showProgress = kwargs.pop('showProgress', False)
if 'blockyModel' in kwargs:
self.blockyModel = kwargs['blockyModel']
self.verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', self.verbose)
self.debug = kwargs.pop('debug', self.debug)
self.robustData = kwargs.pop('robustData', False)
if "stopAtChi1" in kwargs:
self._stopAtChi1 = kwargs["stopAtChi1"]
lam = kwargs.pop('lam', self.lam)
self.inv.setLambdaFactor(kwargs.pop('lambdaFactor', 1.0))
if "correlationLength" in kwargs: # single float value
# catch a few regularization options that don't go into run
for opt in ["cType", "limits", "correlationLengths", "C"]:
if opt in kwargs:
di = {opt: kwargs.pop(opt)}
pg.verbose("Set regularization", di)
# Triggers update of fop properties, any property to be set before.
self.inv.setTransModel(self.fop.modelTrans) # why from fop??
self.dataVals = dataVals
self.errorVals = errorVals
# temporary set max iter to one for the initial run call
maxIterTmp = self.maxIter
self.maxIter = 1
startModel = self.convertStartModel(kwargs.pop('startModel', None))
# we cannot add the following into kwargs.pop, since someone may call
# with explicit startModel=None
if startModel is None:
startModel = self.startModel
if self.verbose:
pg.info('Starting inversion.')
print("fop:", self.inv.fop())
if isinstance(self.inv.transData(), pg.trans.TransCumulative):
print("Data transformation (cumulative):")
for i in range(self.inv.transData().size()):
print("\t", i, self.inv.transData().at(i))
print("Data transformation:", self.inv.transData())
if isinstance(self.inv.transModel(), pg.trans.TransCumulative):
print("Model transformation (cumulative):")
for i in range(self.inv.transModel().size()):
if i < 10:
print("\t", i, self.inv.transModel().at(i))
print(".", end='')
print("Model transformation:", self.inv.transModel())
print("min/max (data): {0}/{1}".format(pf(min(self._dataVals)),
print("min/max (error): {0}%/{1}%".format(
pf(100 * min(self._errorVals)),
pf(100 * max(self._errorVals))))
print("min/max (start model): {0}/{1}".format(
pf(min(startModel)), pf(max(startModel))))
# To ensure reproduceability of the run() call, inv.start() will
# reset self.inv.model() to fop.startModel().
if kwargs.pop("isReference", False):
pg.info("Setting starting model as reference!")
if self.verbose:
print("-" * 80)
if self._preStep and callable(self._preStep):
self._preStep(0, self)
# self.inv.start() # start is reset() and run() so better run?
self.maxIter = maxIterTmp
if self.verbose:
print("inv.iter 0 ... chi² = {:7.2f}".format(self.chi2()))
# print("inv.iter 0 ... chi² = {0}".format(round(self.chi2(), 2)))
if self._postStep and callable(self._postStep):
self._postStep(0, self)
if showProgress:
lastPhi = self.phi()
self.chi2History = [self.chi2()]
self.modelHistory = [startModel]
for i in range(1, maxIter+1):
if self._preStep and callable(self._preStep):
self._preStep(i, self)
if self.verbose:
print("-" * 80)
print("inv.iter", i, "... ", end='')
if hasattr(self, "oneStep"):
except RuntimeError as e:
pg.error('One step failed. '
'Aborting and going back to last model')
if np.isnan(self.model).any():
pg.critical('invalid model')
# resp = self.inv.response() # NOT USED
chi2 = self.inv.chi2()
if showProgress:
if self._postStep and callable(self._postStep):
self._postStep(i, self)
if self.robustData:
if self.blockyModel:
phi = self.phi()
dPhi = phi / lastPhi
if self.verbose:
print("chi² = {:7.2f} (dPhi = {:.2f}%) lam: {:.1f}".format(
chi2, (1 - dPhi) * 100, lam))
if chi2 <= 1 and self.stopAtChi1:
if self.verbose:
"Abort criterion reached: chi² <= 1 (%.2f)" % chi2)
# if dPhi < -minDPhi:
if (dPhi > (1.0 - minDPhi / 100.0)) and i > 2: # should be minIter
if self.verbose:
"Abort criterion reached: dPhi = {0} (< {1}%)".format(
round((1 - dPhi) * 100, 2), minDPhi))
lastPhi = phi
lam *= self.inv.lambdaFactor()
# will never work as expected until we unpack kwargs .. any idea for
# better strategy?
# if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0:
# print("Warning! unused keyword arguments", kwargs)
self.model = self.inv.model()
return self.model
def showProgress(self, style='all'):
r"""Show inversion progress after every iteration.
Can show models if `drawModel` method exists. The default fallback is
plotting the :math:`\chi^2` fit as a function of iterations. Called if
`showProgress=True` is set for the inversion run.
if self.fop.drawModel is None:
style = 'convergence'
if self.axs is None:
axs = None
if style == 'all' or style is True:
fig, axs = pg.plt.subplots(1, 2)
fig, axs = pg.plt.subplots(1, 1)
self.axs = axs
ax = self.axs
if style == 'model':
for other_ax in ax.figure.axes:
# pg._y(type(other_ax).mro())
if type(other_ax).mro()[0] == type(ax):
# only clear Axes not Colorbars
self.fop.drawModel(ax, self.inv.model())
elif style == 'all':
# for other_ax in ax[0].figure.axes:
# other_ax.clear()
for _ax in self.axs:
except Exception:
self.fop.drawModel(ax[0], self.inv.model(),
self.fop.drawData(ax[1], self._dataVals, self._errorVals,
self.fop.drawData(ax[1], self.inv.response(),
0.99, 0.005, r"Iter: {0}, rrms: {1}%, $\chi^2$: {2}".format(
self.inv.iter(), pf(self.inv.relrms()),
elif style == 'convergence':
ax.semilogy(self.inv.iter(), self.inv.chi2(), "ro")
if self.inv.iter() == 1:
ax.axhline(y=1, ls="--")
def jacobianMatrix(self, error_weighted=False, numpy_matrix=False):
"""Jacobian matrix of the inverse (data/model-transformed) problem.
Whereas the forward operator holds the jacobian matrix of the forward,
i.e. the intrinsic (untransformed) problem, this function returns the
jacobian of the (transformed) inverse problem, i.e. taking model and
data transformations into account by using their inner derivatives.
self : pg.Inversion
inversion instance with model, response and fop.jacobian
error_weighted : bool
add error weighting according to data transform
numpy_matrix : bool
return numpy matrix instead of MultLeftRightMatrix
tData = self.dataTrans.deriv(self.response)
tModel = 1 / self.modelTrans.deriv(self.model)
if error_weighted:
tData *= self.dataTrans.error(self.response, self.errorVals)
if numpy_matrix:
J = self.fop.jacobian()
if isinstance(J, pg.SparseMapMatrix):
J = sparseMatrix2Dense(self.fop.jacobian())
return np.reshape(tData, [-1, 1]) * \
pg.utils.gmat2numpy(J) * \
np.reshape(tModel, [1, -1])
return pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(self.fop.jacobian(),
tData, tModel)
def residual(self):
"""Residual vector (data-reponse)/error using data transform."""
return (self.dataTrans(self.dataVals) - self.dataTrans(self.response)) / \
self.dataTrans.error(self.response, self.errorVals)
def dataGradient(self):
"""Data gradient from jacobian and residual, i.e. J^T * dData."""
return -self.jacobianMatrix(error_weighted=True).transMult(self.residual())
def modelGradient(self):
"""Model gradient, i.e. C^T * C * (m - m0)."""
# self.inv.checkConstraints() # not necessary?
C = pg.matrix.MultLeftMatrix(self.fop.constraints(),
return C.transMult(C.mult(self.modelTrans(self.model)))
def gradient(self):
"""Gradient of the objective function."""
return self.dataGradient() + self.modelGradient() * self.lam
# END OF REMOVAL upon pg 1.6
Inversion = ClassicInversion # pg<1.6
# Inversion = GaussNewtonInversion # pg>=1.6
# maybe even an inversion chooser
class MarquardtInversion(Inversion):
"""Marquardt scheme, i.e. local damping with decreasing strength."""
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fop, **kwargs)
self.stopAtChi1 = False
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals=None, **kwargs):
r"""Run inversion with given data and error vectors.
dataVals : iterable
data vector
errorVals : iterable
error vector (relative errors), can also be computed from
absoluteError : float | iterable
absolute error in units of dataVals
relativeError : float | iterable
relative error related to dataVals
Forwarded to the parent class.
See: :py:mod:`pygimli.modelling.Inversion`
if errorVals is None: # use absoluteError and/or relativeError instead
absErr = kwargs.pop("absoluteError", 0)
relErr = kwargs.pop("relativeError",
0.01 if np.allclose(absErr, 0, atol=0) else 0)
errorVals = pg.abs(absErr / dataVals) + relErr
self.fop.setRegionProperties('*', cType=0)
self.model = super().run(dataVals, errorVals, **kwargs)
return self.model
class Block1DInversion(MarquardtInversion):
"""Inversion of layered models (including layer thickness).
nLayers : int
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
# pg.warn("move this to the manager")
super(Block1DInversion, self).__init__(fop=fop, **kwargs)
def setForwardOperator(self, fop):
"""Set forward operator."""
if not isinstance(fop, pg.frameworks.Block1DModelling):
pg.critical('Forward operator needs to be an instance of '
'pg.modelling.Block1DModelling but is of type:', fop)
return super(Block1DInversion, self).setForwardOperator(fop)
def fixLayers(self, fixLayers):
"""Fix layer thicknesses.
fixLayers : bool | [float]
Fix all layers to the last value or set the fix layer
thickness for all layers
if fixLayers is False:
self.fop.setRegionProperties(0, modelControl=1.0)
elif fixLayers is not None:
# how do we fix values without modelControl?
# maybe set the region to be fixed here
self.fop.setRegionProperties(0, modelControl=1e6)
if hasattr(fixLayers, '__iter__'):
if len(fixLayers) != self.fop.nLayers:
print("fixLayers:", fixLayers)
pg.error("fixlayers needs to have a length of nLayers-1=" +
str(self.fop.nLayers - 1))
self.fop.setRegionProperties(0, startModel=fixLayers)
def setLayerLimits(self, limits):
"""Set min and max layer thickness.
limits : False | [min, max]
if limits is False:
self.fop.setRegionProperties(0, limits=[0.0, 0.0], trans='log')
self.fop.setRegionProperties(0, limits=limits, trans='log')
def setParaLimits(self, limits):
"""Set the limits for each parameter region."""
for i in range(1, 1 + self.fop.nPara):
if self.fop.nPara == 1:
self.fop.setRegionProperties(i, limits=limits, trans='log')
self.fop.setRegionProperties(i, limits=limits[i - 1],
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals,
nLayers=None, fixLayers=None, layerLimits=None, paraLimits=None,
r"""Run inversion with given data and error vectors.
nLayers : int [4]
Number of layers.
fixLayers : bool | [thicknesses]
See: :py:mod:`pygimli.modelling.Block1DInversion.fixLayers`
For fixLayers=None, preset or defaults are uses.
layerLimits : [min, max]
Limits the thickness off all layers.
For layerLimits=None, preset or defaults are uses.
paraLimits : [min, max] | [[min, max],...]
Limits the range of the model parameter. If you have multiple
parameters you can set them with a list of limits.
Forwarded to the parent class.
See: :py:mod:`pygimli.modelling.MarquardtInversion`
if nLayers is None and "startModel" in kwargs:
nLayers = (len(kwargs["startModel"]) + 1) // (self.fop.nPara + 1)
if nLayers is not None:
self.fop.nLayers = nLayers
if layerLimits is not None:
if fixLayers is not None:
if paraLimits is not None:
self.model = super(Block1DInversion, self).run(dataVals,
errorVals, **kwargs)
return self.model
class MeshInversion(Inversion):
"""Mesh-based inversion.
** UNUSED ** TO BE REMOVED or reactivated?
zWeight : float
relative vertical weight
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
pg.critical('Obsolete .. to be removed.')
super(MeshInversion, self).__init__(fop=fop, **kwargs)
self._zWeight = 1.0
def setForwardOperator(self, fop):
"""Set forward operator."""
if not isinstance(fop, pg.frameworks.MeshModelling):
pg.critical('Forward operator needs to be an instance of '
'pg.modelling.MeshModelling but is of type:', fop)
return super(MeshInversion, self).setForwardOperator(fop)
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals, mesh=None, zWeight=None, **kwargs):
"""Run inversion with given data and error values."""
if mesh is not None:
# maybe move this to the fop
if zWeight is None:
zWeight = self._zWeight
self.fop.setRegionProperties('*', zWeight=zWeight)
# maybe move this to the fop
pg.debug('run with: ', self.fop.regionProperties())
# more mesh-related inversion attributes to set?
# ensure the mesh is generated
self.fop.mesh() # not a nice way to ensure something
self.model = super(MeshInversion, self).run(dataVals,
errorVals, **kwargs)
return self.model
class PetroInversion(Inversion):
"""Inversion of a petrophysically related property instead of intrinsic."""
def __init__(self, petro, fop=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize inversion.
petro : transformation object (pg.trans)
petrophysical transformation
fop : forward operator (pg.Modelling)
underlying forward operator to be combined with petrophysics
pg.critical('Obsolete .. to be removed.')
if fop is not None:
if not isinstance(fop, pg.frameworks.PetroModelling):
fop = pg.frameworks.PetroModelling(fop, petro)
super(PetroInversion, self).__init__(fop=fop, **kwargs)
def setForwardOperator(self, fop):
"""Set forward operator."""
if not isinstance(fop, pg.frameworks.PetroModelling):
pg.critical('Forward operator needs to be an instance of '
'pg.modelling.PetroModelling but is of type:', fop)
return super(PetroInversion, self).setForwardOperator(fop)
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals, **kwargs):
"""Run inversion with given data and error vectors."""
if 'limits' in kwargs:
limits = kwargs.pop('limits')
if len(self.fop.regionManager().regionIdxs()) > 1:
self.fop.setRegionProperties('*', limits=limits)
# ensure the mesh is there
return super(PetroInversion, self).run(dataVals, errorVals, **kwargs)
class LCInversion(Inversion):
"""Quasi-2D Laterally constrained inversion (LCI) framework."""
def __init__(self, fop=None, **kwargs):
if fop is not None:
f = pg.frameworks.LCModelling(fop, **kwargs)
super(LCInversion, self).__init__(f, **kwargs)
self.dataTrans = pg.trans.TransLog()
# self.setDeltaChiStop(0.1)
def prepare(self, dataVals, errorVals, nLayers=4, **kwargs):
"""Prepare inversion with given data and error vectors."""
dataVec = pg.RVector()
for d in dataVals:
dataVec = pg.cat(dataVec, d)
errVec = pg.RVector()
for e in errorVals:
errVec = pg.cat(errVec, e)
self.fop.initJacobian(dataVals=dataVals, nLayers=nLayers,
nPar=kwargs.pop('nPar', None))
# self.fop.initJacobian resets prior set startmodels
if self._startModel is not None:
rC = self.fop.regionManager().regionCount()
if kwargs.pop('disableLCI', False):
# self.inv.setLocalRegularization(True)
for r in self.fop.regionManager().regionIdxs():
self.fop.setRegionProperties(r, cType=0)
# self.inv.stopAtChi1(False)
cType = kwargs.pop('cType', None)
if cType is None:
cType = [1] * rC
zWeight = kwargs.pop('zWeight', None)
if zWeight is None:
zWeight = [0.0] * rC
return dataVec, errVec
def run(self, dataVals, errorVals, nLayers=4, **kwargs):
"""Run inversion with given data and error vectors."""
lam = kwargs.pop('lam', 20)
dataVec, errVec = self.prepare(dataVals, errorVals, nLayers, **kwargs)
return super(LCInversion, self).run(dataVec, errVec, lam=lam, **kwargs)