Source code for pygimli.core.math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Collection of mathematical functions."""

import numpy as np
from .core import (angle, besselI0, besselI1, besselK0, besselK1, cos,
                   cot, det, dot, exp, exp10, imag, log, log10, max, median,
                   min, pow, rand, randn, real, rms, round, rrms, sign,
                   sin, sqrt, sum, toComplex, unique)

[docs] def symlog(x, tol=1e-12, linearSpread=0): """Symmetric bi-logarithmic transformation (as used in matplotlib). Transforms a signed values in a logarithmic way preserving the sign. All absolute values below a certain threshold are treated zero or linearly distributed (if linearSpread>0). .. math:: f(x) = sign(x) * (log10(1 + abs(x)/tol) + s/2) Parameters ---------- x : iterable array to be transformed tol : float [None] tolerance for minimum values to be treated zero (or linear) linearSpread : float define how wide linear transformation is done (0-not, 1-one decade) Returns ------- y : np.array transformed array of same size See Also -------- pygimli.math.symlogInv """ if tol is None: tol = np.min(np.abs(x)) x = np.atleast_1d(x) res = np.ones_like(x) * np.nan # avoid signs of nan fi = np.isfinite(x) res[fi] = np.sign(x[fi]) * (np.log10(1 + np.abs(x[fi]/tol))+linearSpread/2) return res
[docs] def symlogInv(y, tol=1e-12, linearSpread=0): """Inverse symlog transformation. .. math:: f(y) = sign(y) * (10^(abs(y)-s/2) - 1) * tol Parameters ---------- y : iterable array to be transformed tol : float [None] tolerance for minimum values to be treated zero (or linear) linearSpread : float define how wide linear transformation is done (0-not, 1-one decade) Returns ------- x : np.array transformed array of same size See Also -------- pygimli.math.symlog """ return (10**(np.abs(y)-linearSpread/2) - 1.) * tol * np.sign(y)
[docs] def logMean(spec, model, axis=0): """Compute log-mean (log-weighted mean) value of distribution. spec : array abscissa values (spectral axis) model : array|array-2d matrix of density values axis : int [0] axis to sum over """ sum_model = np.sum(model, axis=axis) sum_spec_model = np.sum(np.log(np.reshape(spec, [-1, 1]))*model, axis=axis) return np.exp(sum_spec_model / sum_model)