Source code for pygimli.physics.em.tdem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Time Domain Electromagnetics (TDEM) functions and class"""
import sys
from math import pi
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygimli as pg
from . vmd import VMDTimeDomainModelling

[docs] def rhoafromU(U, t, Tx, current=1.0, Rx=None): r"""Apparent resistivity curve from classical TEM (U or dB/dt) rhoafromU(U/I, t, TXarea[, RXarea]) .. math:: \rho_a = ( A_{Rx} *A_{Tx} * \mu_0 / 20 / (U/I) )^2/3*t^{-5/3}*4e-7 """ UbyI = U / current if Rx is None: Rx = Tx # assume single/coincident loop mu0 = 4e-7 * pi rhoa = (Rx * Tx * mu0 / 20. / UbyI)**(2. / 3.) * \ t**(-5. / 3.) * mu0 / pi return rhoa
[docs] def rhoafromB(B, t, Tx, current=1): r"""Apparent resistivity from B-field TEM .. math:: \rho_a = ( (A_{Tx}*I*\mu_0 ) / (30B) )^2/3 * 4e-7 / t """ mu0 = 4e-7 * pi rhoa = (current * Tx * mu0 / 30. / B)**(2. / 3.) * mu0 / pi / t return rhoa
# TODO: better derive a class TEMsounding from dict and put functions in there def TxArea(snd): """ return effective transmitter area """ if isinstance(snd['LOOP_SIZE'], str): Tx =[float(a) for a in snd['LOOP_SIZE'].split()]) else: Tx = snd['LOOP_SIZE'] return Tx def RxArea(snd): """Return effective receiver area.""" Rx = 0 # just in case of error if 'COIL_SIZE' in snd: Rx = snd['COIL_SIZE'] if Rx == 700.: Rx = 100. # hack for wrong turns in NMR noise loop else: # no coil size given ==> COI or SIN ==> take loop size Rx = TxArea(snd) return Rx def get_rhoa(snd, cal=260e-9, corrramp=False, verbose=False): """Compute apparent resistivity from sounding (usf) dict.""" Tx = TxArea(snd) Rx = RxArea(snd) if 'COIL_SIZE' in snd: Rx = snd['COIL_SIZE'] else: Rx = Tx if verbose: print("Tx/Rx", Tx, Rx) v = snd['VOLTAGE'] istart, istop = 0, len(v) # default: take all mav = np.arange(len(v))[v == max(v)] if len(mav) > 1: # several equal big ones: start after istart = max(mav) + 1 if min(v) < 0.0: # negative values: stop at first istop = np.argmax(v[20:] < 0.0) + 20 if verbose: print(istart, istop) v = v[istart:istop] if 'ST_DEV' in snd: dv = snd['ST_DEV'][istart:istop] # / snd['CURRENT'] else: dv = v * 0.01 t = snd['TIME'][istart:istop] * 1.0 if corrramp and 'RAMP_TIME' in snd: t = t - snd['RAMP_TIME'] / 2 if Rx == 1: # apparently B-field not dB/dt rhoa = rhoafromB(B=v*cal, t=t, Tx=Tx) else: if verbose: print("Using rhoafromU:", v, t, Tx, Rx) rhoa = rhoafromU(U=v, t=t, Tx=Tx, Rx=Rx) if verbose: print(rhoa[0], rhoa[10], rhoa[-1]) rhoaerr = dv / v * (2. / 3.) return rhoa, t, rhoaerr def readusffile(filename, stripnoise=True): """Read data from single USF (universal sounding file) file Examples -------- DATA = readusffile(filename) DATA = readusffile(filename, DATA) will append to DATA """ DATA = [] columns = [] nr = 0 station = {} sounding = {} sounding['FILENAME'] = filename isdata = False fid = open(filename) for line in fid: zeile = line.rstrip('\n').replace(',', ' ') # commas useless here if zeile: # anything at all if zeile[0] == '/': # comment-like if zeile[1:4] == 'END': # end of a sounding if isdata: # already read some data sounding['data'] = columns for i, cn in enumerate(sounding['column_names']): sounding[cn] = columns[:, i] sounding['FILENAME'] = filename if 'INSTRUMENT' in sounding and 'ST_DEV' in sounding: if 'terraTEM' in sounding['INSTRUMENT']: sounding['ST_DEV'] *= 0.01 print('taking default stdev') sounding.update(station) if not(stripnoise and 'SWEEP_IS_NOISE' in sounding and sounding['SWEEP_IS_NOISE'] == 1): DATA.append(sounding) sounding = {} isdata = not isdata # turn off data mode elif zeile.find(':') > 0: # key-value pair key, value = zeile[1:].split(':') try: val = float(value) sounding[key] = val except: sounding[key] = value if 'SWEEP' in key and len(station) == 0: # first sweep station = sounding.copy() # save global settings else: if isdata: values = zeile.split() try: for i, v in enumerate(values): columns[nr, i] = float(v) nr += 1 except: sounding['column_names'] = values columns = np.zeros((int(sounding['POINTS']), len(values))) nr = 0 fid.close() return DATA def readusffiles(filenames): """Read all soundings data from a list of usf files Example ------- DATA = readusffiles(filenames) """ from glob import glob if isinstance(filenames, str): if filenames.find('*') >= 0: filenames = glob(filenames) else: filenames = [filenames] DATA = [] for onefile in filenames: DATA.extend(readusffile(onefile)) return DATA def readTEMfastFile(temfile): """ReadTEMfastFile(filename) reads TEM-fast file into usf sounding.""" snd = {} snd['FILENAME'] = temfile fid = open(temfile) for i in range(4): zeile = fid.readline() snd['STACK_SIZE'] = int(zeile.split()[3]) snd['RAMP_TIME'] = float(zeile.split()[5])*1e-6 snd['CURRENT'] = float(zeile.split()[7][2:]) zeile = fid.readline() fid.close() snd['LOOP_SIZE'] = float(zeile.split()[2])**2 snd['COIL_SIZE'] = float(zeile.split()[5])**2 t, v, e, r = np.loadtxt(temfile, skiprows=8, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4), unpack=True) ind = np.nonzero((r > 0) * (v > 0) * (t > snd['RAMP_TIME']*1.2e6)) # us snd['TIME'] = t[ind] * 1e-6 # us snd['VOLTAGE'] = v[ind] snd['ST_DEV'] = e[ind] snd['RHOA'] = r[ind] return snd def readUniKTEMData(filename): """Read TEM data format of University of Cologne.""" if '*' in filename: from glob import glob allfiles = glob(filename) else: allfiles = [filename] DATA = [] for filename in allfiles: snd = {} snd['FILENAME'] = filename A = np.loadtxt(filename) snd['TIME'] = A[:, 1] snd['VOLTAGE'] = A[:, 2] snd['ST_DEV'] = A[:, 4] / 100 * A[:, 2] DATA.append(snd) return DATA def readSiroTEMData(fname): """Read TEM data from siroTEM instrument dump. Example ------- DATA = readSiroTEMData(filename) .. list of soundings with USF and siro-specific keys """ Time_ST = np.array([487., 887., 1287., 1687., 2087., 2687., 3487., 4287., 5087., 5887., 7087., 8687., 10287., 11887., 13487., 15887., 19087., 22287., 25487., 28687., 33487., 39887., 46287., 52687., 59087., 68687., 81487., 94287., 107090., 119890., 139090., 164690., 190290., 215890., 241490., 279890., 331090., 382290., 433490., 484690., 561490., 663890., 766290., 868690., 971090., 1124700., 1329500., 1534300., 1739100., 1943900.]) Time_ET = np.array([0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.25, 0.325, 0.425, 0.525, 0.625, 0.725, 0.875, 1.075, 1.275, 1.475, 1.675, 1.975, 2.375, 2.775, 3.175, 3.575, 4.175, 4.975, 5.775, 6.575, 7.375, 8.575, 10.175, 11.775, 13.375, 14.975, 17.375, 20.575, 23.775, 26.975, 30.175, 34.975, 41.375, 47.775, 54.175, 60.574, 70.175, 82.975, 95.775, 108.575, 121.375, 140.575, 166.175, 191.775, 217.375, 242.975, 281.375, 332.575]) fid = open(fname) # read in file header until : sign line = 'a' while len(line) > 0 and line[0] != ':': line = fid.readline() DATA = [] line = fid.readline() while line[0] != ';': header = line[1:-6].split(',') snd = {} # dictionary, uppercase corresponds to USF format keys snd['INSTRUMENT'] = 'siroTEM' snd['dtype'] = int(header[3]) dstring = header[1] snd['DATE'] = int('20' + dstring[6:8] + dstring[3:4] + dstring[0:1]) snd['win0'], snd['win1'], ngain, snd['conf'], snd['nch'] = \ [int(h) for h in header[5:10]] snd['SOUNDING_NUMBER'] = int(header[10]) snd['GAIN_FACTOR'] = [0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0][ngain] # predefined gains snd['STACK_SIZE'] = int(header[14]) snd['ttype'] = int(header[20]) # 1=composite, 2=earlytime, 3=standard, 4=highresolution snd['CURRENT'] = float(header[17]) snd['RAMP_TIME'] = float(header[18]) * 1e-6 snd['TIME_DELAY'] = float(header[19]) snd['LOOP_SIZE'] = float(header[21]) snd['COIL_SIZE'] = float(header[22]) fid.readline() data = [] line = fid.readline()[:-1] # trim CR+LF newline while len(line) > 0: while line[-1] == '/': line = line[:-1] + fid.readline()[:-1].replace('\t', '') # aline = line nums = [float(el[-7:-2]) * 10**(float(el[-2:])) for el in line[1:-5].split(',')[1:]] data.append(np.array(nums)) line = fid.readline().rstrip('\n').rstrip('\r') snd['VOLTAGE'] = data[0] if snd['ttype'] == 2: # early time snd['TIME'] = Time_ET[snd['win0'] - 1:snd['win1']] * 1e-3 if snd['ttype'] == 3: # standard time snd['TIME'] = Time_ST[snd['win0'] - 1:snd['win1']] * 1e-6 snd['ST_DEV'] = data[1] if snd['dtype'] > 0: # normal measurement DATA.append(snd) line = fid.readline() fid.close() # DATA['FILENAME'] = fname # makes no sense as DATA is an array->snd? return DATA def getname(snd): """Generate label name from filename entry.""" fname = snd['FILENAME'] name = fname[fname.rfind('\\')+1:-4] if 'STACK_SIZE' in snd: name += '-' + str(int(snd['STACK_SIZE'])) return name
[docs] class TDEM(): """TEM class mainly for holding data etc.""" basename = "new"
[docs] def __init__(self, filename=None): """Initialize class and (optionally) load data""" self.DATA = [] self.names = [] if filename: self.load(filename)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Road data from usf, txt (siroTEM), tem (TEMfast) or UniK file.""" if filename.lower().endswith('.usf'): self.DATA.extend(readusffiles(filename)) elif filename.lower().endswith('.txt'): self.DATA = readSiroTEMData(filename) elif filename.lower().endswith('.tem'): self.DATA.append(readTEMfastFile(filename)) elif filename.lower().endswith('.dat'): # dangerous self.DATA = readUniKTEMData(filename) self.basename = filename # .rstrip()
def __repr__(self): return "<TDEMdata: %d soundings>" % (len(self.DATA))
[docs] def showInfos(self): # only for old scripts using it print(self.__repr__)
[docs] def gather(self, token): """Collect item from all soundings.""" if token == "LOOP_SIZE": mylist = [np.array(snd["LOOP_SIZE"].split(), dtype=float) for snd in self.DATA] else: mylist = [snd[token] for snd in self.DATA] return np.array(mylist)
[docs] def filterSoundings(self, token, value): """Filter all values matching a certain token.""" vals = self.gather(token) ind = np.nonzero(vals == value)[0] # bind = vals == value if np.any(ind): self.DATA = [self.DATA[i] for i in ind] else: print("No data matching the filter criteria")
[docs] def filterData(self, token, vmin=0, vmax=9e99): """Filter all sounding data according to criterion.""" for snd in self.DATA: vals = snd[token] bind = (vals >= vmin) & (vals <= vmax) for col in snd["column_names"]: snd[col] = snd[col][bind]
[docs] def plotTransients(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot all transients into one window""" if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.') plotlegend = kwargs.pop('legend', True) cols = 'rgbmcyk' pl = [] for i, data in enumerate(self.DATA): t = data['TIME'] u = data['VOLTAGE'] / RxArea(data) col = cols[i % len(cols)] pl.append(ax.loglog(t, u, label=getname(data), color=col, **kwargs)) if 'ST_DEV' in data: err = data['ST_DEV'] / RxArea(data) ax.errorbar(t, u, yerr=err, color=col) # uU = u + err # uL = u - err # ax.errorbar(t, u, yerr=[uL, uU], color=col) if 'RAMP_TIME' in data: ax.vlines(data['RAMP_TIME'], min(u), max(u), colors=col) ax.set_xlabel('t [s]') ax.set_ylabel('U/I [V/A]') if plotlegend: ax.legend(loc='best') # xlim = [10e-6, 2e-3] ax.grid(True) return fig, ax
[docs] def plotRhoa(self, ax=None, ploterror=False, corrramp=False, **kwargs): """Plot all apparent resistivity curves into one window.""" if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.') plotLegend = kwargs.pop('legend', True) for i, data in enumerate(self.DATA): rhoa, t, err = get_rhoa(data, corrramp=corrramp) err[err > .99] = .99 col = 'C'+str(i % 10) ax.loglog(rhoa, t, label=getname(data), # color=col, color=col, **kwargs) if ploterror: ax.errorbar(rhoa, t, xerr=rhoa * err, color=col) ax.set_ylabel('t [s]') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\rho_a$ [$\Omega$m]') if plotLegend: ax.legend(loc='best') ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) return ax
def __call__(self, i=0): """Return a single sounding.""" return self.DATA[i] def __getitem__(self, i=0): """Return a single sounding.""" return self.DATA[i]
[docs] def invert(self, nr=0, nlay=4, thickness=None, errorFloor=0.05): """Do inversion.""" snd = self.DATA[nr] self.fop = VMDTimeDomainModelling(snd['TIME'], TxArea(snd), 1, nLayers=nlay) rhoa, t, err = get_rhoa(snd) self.fop.t = t model = self.fop.createStartModel(rhoa, nlay, thickness=None) self.INV = pg.frameworks.MarquardtInversion(fop=self.fop) errorVals = np.maximum(snd.pop('ST_DEV', 0)/snd['VOLTAGE'], errorFloor) self.model =, errorVals=errorVals, startModel=model) return self.model
[docs] def stackAll(self, tmin=0, tmax=100): """Stack all measurements yielding a new TDEM class instance.""" t = self.DATA[0]['TIME'] v = np.zeros_like(t) V = np.zeros((len(v), len(self.DATA))) ST = np.zeros(len(self.DATA)) sumstacks = 0 for i, snd in enumerate(self.DATA): if np.allclose(snd['TIME'], t): stacks = snd.pop('STACK_SIZE', 1) ST[i] = stacks v += snd['VOLTAGE'] * stacks sumstacks += stacks V[:, i] = snd['VOLTAGE'] else: print("sounding {} does not have the same time!".format(i)) v /= sumstacks VM =, 0) # err = np.std(VM, axis=1).data err = np.std(np.log(VM), axis=1).data snd = self.DATA[0].copy() fi = np.nonzero((t >= tmin) & (t <= tmax))[0] snd['TIME'] = t[fi] snd['VOLTAGE'] = v[fi] snd['ST_DEV'] = err[fi] * v[fi] del snd['data'] tem = TDEM() tem.DATA = [snd] return tem
if __name__ == '__main__': print("do some tests here") tem = TDEM(sys.argv[1]) print(tem) tem.plotTransients() tem.plotRhoa()