Source code for pygimli.physics.em.hemmodelling

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
"""Classes for modelling helicopter electromagnetics (HEM) using VMD solvers"""
from math import sqrt, pi
import numpy as np

from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from import register_cmap

import pygimli as pg
from pygimli.frameworks import Block1DModelling

def registerDAEROcmap():
    """Standardized colormap from A-AERO projects (purple=0.3 to red=500)."""
    CMY = np.array([
        [127, 255, 31], [111, 255, 47], [95, 255, 63], [79, 255, 79],
        [63, 255, 95], [47, 255, 111], [31, 255, 127], [16, 255, 159],
        [0, 223, 159], [0, 191, 159], [0, 159, 207], [0, 127, 175],
        [0, 95, 175], [0, 63, 175], [0, 47, 175], [0, 31, 191], [0, 0, 255],
        [0, 0, 159], [15, 0, 127], [47, 0, 143], [79, 0, 143], [111, 0, 143],
        [143, 0, 127], [159, 31, 63], [175, 47, 31], [207, 63, 0],
        [223, 111, 0], [231, 135, 0], [239, 159, 0], [255, 191, 47],
        [239, 199, 63], [223, 207, 79], [207, 239, 111]], dtype=float)
    RGB = 1.0 - CMY/255
    daero = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('D-AERO', RGB)
    register_cmap(name='daero', cmap=daero)
    return daero

# class HEMmodelling(pg.Modelling):
[docs] class HEMmodelling(Block1DModelling): """HEM Airborne modelling class based on the BGR RESOLVE system.""" from pygimli.physics.constants import Constants ep0 = Constants.e0 mu0 = Constants.mu0 c0 = sqrt(1. / ep0 / mu0) fdefault = np.array([387.0, 1821.0, 8388.0, 41460.0, 133300.0], float) rdefault = np.array([7.94, 7.93, 7.93, 7.91, 7.92], float) scaling = 1e6
[docs] def __init__(self, nlay, height, f=None, r=None, **kwargs): """Initialize class with geometry. Parameters ---------- nlay : int number of layers height : float helicopter f : array [BGR RESOLVE system 387Hz-133kHz] frequency vector r : array [BGR RESOLVE system 7.91-7.94] distance vector scaling : float scaling factor or string (ppm=1e6, percent=1e2) """ self.nlay = nlay self.height = height self.f = np.asarray(f) if r is None: raise Exception("Specify separation value or vector!") if 'scaling' in kwargs: if kwargs['scaling'] == 'ppm': self.scaling = 1e6 elif kwargs['scaling'] in ['percent', '%']: self.scaling = 1e2 else: self.scaling = kwargs['scaling'] if self.f is None: self.f = self.fdefault if isinstance(r, float) or isinstance(r, int): self.r = np.ones_like(f, dtype=float) * r else: if len(r) == len(self.f): self.r = r else: raise Exception('Length vector have to be matching!') if self.r is None: self.r = self.rdefault self.wem = (2.0 * pi * self.f) ** 2 * self.ep0 * self.mu0 self.iwm = 1.0j * 2.0 * pi * self.f * self.mu0 mesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh1DBlock(nlay) super().__init__() self.setMesh(mesh)
[docs] def response(self, par): """Compute response vector by pasting in-phase and out-phase data.""" ip, op = self.vmd_hem(self.height, np.asarray(par)[self.nlay-1:self.nlay*2-1], np.asarray(par)[:self.nlay-1]) return, op)
[docs] def response_mt(self, par, i=0): """Multi-threaded forward response.""" return self.response(par)
[docs] def calc_forward(self, x, h, rho, d, epr, mur, quasistatic=False): """Calculate forward response.""" field = np.zeros((self.f.size, x.size), complex) # Forward calculation for background model if d.size: for m in range(x.size): field[:, m] = self.vmd_hem(np.array([h[m]], float), rho[:, m], d[:, m], epr[:, m], mur[:, m], quasistatic).T[:, 0] else: for n in range(self.f.size): for m in range(x.size): field[n, m] = self.vmd_hem(np.array([h[n, m]], float), np.array([rho[n, m]], float), d, np.array([epr[n, m]], float), np.array([mur[n, m]], float), quasistatic).T[n, 0] return field
[docs] def downward(self, rho, d, z, epr, mur, lam): """Downward continuation of fields.""" nl = rho.size alpha = np.zeros((nl, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), complex) b = np.zeros((nl, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), complex) aa = np.zeros((nl, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), complex) aap = np.zeros((nl, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), complex) rho = rho[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.ones( (rho.size, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), float) d = d[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.ones( (d.size, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), float) h = np.insert(np.cumsum(d[:, 0, 0]), 0, 0) epr = epr[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.ones( (epr.size, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), float) mur = mur[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * np.ones( (mur.size, lam.shape[1], self.f.size), float) lam = np.tile(lam, (nl, 1, 1)) # progression constant alpha = np.sqrt(lam ** 2 - np.tile(self.wem, (nl, lam.shape[1], 1)) * epr * mur + np.tile(self.iwm, (nl, lam.shape[1], 1)) * mur / rho) if nl == 1: # homogenous halfspace b1 = alpha.copy() # (1, 100, nfreq) a = np.exp(-alpha * z) ap = a.copy() return b1, a, ap elif nl > 1: # multi-layer case # tanh num unstable tanh(x)=(exp(x)-exp(-x))/(exp(x)+exp(-x)) ealphad = np.exp(-2.0 * alpha[0:-1, :, :] * d) talphad = (1.0 - ealphad) / (1.0 + ealphad) b[-1, :, :] = np.copy(alpha[-1, :, :]) # recursive admittance computation at upper layer boundary # from bottom to top, for nl-1 layers for n in range(nl-2, -1, -1): b[n, :, :] = alpha[n, :, :] * \ (b[n+1, :, :] + alpha[n, :, :] * talphad[n, :, :]) / \ (alpha[n, :, :] + b[n+1, :, :] * talphad[n, :, :]) # Impedance c = 1.0 / b # b1 == 1. row in b (nl, 100, nfreq) b1 = np.copy(b[0, :, :][np.newaxis, :, :]) # (1, 100, nfreq) # Variation from one layer boundary to the other for n in range(0, nl-1): aa[n, :, :] = (b[n, :, :] + alpha[n, :, :]) / ( b[n+1, :, :] + alpha[n, :, :]) * \ np.exp(-alpha[n, :, :] * d[n, :, :]) aap[n, :, :] = (1.0 + alpha[n, :, :] * c[n, :, :]) / ( 1.0 + alpha[n, :, :] * c[n+1, :, :]) * \ np.exp(-alpha[n, :, :] * d[n, :, :]) # Determine layer Index where z is for n in range(0, nl-1): if np.logical_and(z >= h[n], z < h[n+1]): ind = n try: ind except NameError: ind = nl - 1 if (ind + 1) < nl: a =[:ind, :, :], 0) * 0.5 * \ (1.0 + b[ind, :, :] / alpha[ind, :, :]) * \ (np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (z - h[ind])) - (b[ind+1, :, :] - alpha[ind, :, :]) / (b[ind+1, :, :] + alpha[ind, :, :]) * np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (d[ind, :, :] + h[ind+1] - z))) ap =[:ind, :, :], 0) * 0.5 * \ (1.0 + alpha[ind, :, :] * c[ind, :, :]) * \ (np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (z - h[ind])) + (1.0 - alpha[ind, :, :] * c[ind+1, :, :]) / (1.0 + alpha[ind, :, :] * c[ind+1, :, :]) * np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (d[ind, :, :] + h[ind+1] - z))) else: a =, 0) * np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (z - h[ind])) ap =, 0) * np.exp(-alpha[ind, :, :] * (z - h[ind])) a = a[np.newaxis, :, :] # (1, 100, nfreq) ap = ap[np.newaxis, :, :] # (1, 100, nfreq) return b1, a, ap
[docs] def vmd_hem(self, h, rho, d, epr=1., mur=1., quasistatic=False): """Vertical magnetic dipole (VMD) response. Parameters ---------- h : float flight height rho : array resistivity vector d : array thickness vector """ # filter coefficients if isinstance(epr, float): epr = np.ones((len(rho),), float)*epr if isinstance(mur, float): mur = np.ones((len(rho),), float)*mur fc0, nc, nc0 = hankelfc(3) fc1, nc, nc0 = hankelfc(4) # allocate arrays nf = len(self.f) lam = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), float) alpha0 = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), complex) delta0 = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), complex) delta1 = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), complex) delta2 = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), complex) delta3 = np.zeros((1, nc, nf), complex) aux0 = np.zeros((1, nf), complex) aux1 = np.zeros((1, nf), complex) aux2 = np.zeros((1, nf), complex) aux3 = np.zeros((1, nf), complex) Z = np.zeros(nf, complex) # r0 r0 = np.copy(self.r) # determine optimum r0 (shift nodes) for f > 1e4 and h > 100 if quasistatic: index = np.zeros(self.f.shape, np.bool) else: index = np.logical_and(self.f >= 1e4, h >= 100.0) if np.any(index): opt = np.floor(10.0 * np.log10( self.r[index] * 2.0 * np.pi * self.f[index] / self.c0) + nc0) r0[index] = self.c0 / (2.0 * np.pi * self.f[index]) * 10.0 ** ( (opt + 0.5 - nc0) / 10.0) # Wave numbers n = np.arange(nc0 - nc, nc0, 1, float) q = 0.1 * np.log(10) lam = np.reshape(np.exp(-n[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] * q) / r0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], (-1, nc, r0.size)) # (1, 100, nfreq) # wave number in air, quasistationary approximation alpha0 = np.copy(lam) * complex(1, 0) # (1, 100, nfreq) # wave number in air, full solution for f > 1e4 if quasistatic: index = np.zeros(self.f.shape, np.bool) else: index = self.f >= 1e4 if np.any(index): alpha0[:, :, index] = np.sqrt( lam[:, :, index]**2 - np.tile(self.wem[index], (1, nc, 1)) + np.tile(self.iwm[index], (1, nc, 1)) / 1e9) # (1, 100 , nfreq) # Admittanzen an der Oberfläche eines geschichteten Halbraums b1, _, aap = self.downward(rho, d, 0.0, epr, mur, lam) # Kernel functions e = np.exp(-2.0 * h * alpha0) # (1, 100, nfreq) delta0 = (b1 - alpha0 * mur[0]) / (b1 + alpha0 * mur[0]) * e delta1 = (2 * mur[0]) / (b1 + alpha0 * mur[0]) * e # (1, 100, nfreq) delta2 = 1 / h * e # (1, 100, nfreq) delta3 = 1 / (2 * h) * e # (1, 100, nfreq) # convolution # quasistationary approximation aux0 = np.sum(delta0 * lam ** 3 / alpha0 * np.tile(fc0[::-1].T[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, self.f.size)), 1, complex) / r0 # full solution, partial integration if np.any(index): aux1 = np.sum(delta1 * lam ** 3 * np.tile(fc0[::-1].T[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, self.f.size)), 1, complex) / r0 aux2 = np.sum( delta2 * lam * np.tile(fc0[::-1].T[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, self.f.size)), 1, complex)/r0 aux3 = np.sum(delta3 * lam ** 2 * np.tile(fc1[::-1].T[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, self.f.size)), 1, complex) / r0 # normed secondary field # quasistationary approximation Z = self.r ** 3 * aux0 * self.scaling # full solution if np.any(index): Z[:, index] = (-self.r[index]**3 * aux1[:, index] + self.r[index]**3 * aux2[:, index] - self.r[index]**4 * aux3[:, index]) * self.scaling return np.real(Z[0]), np.imag(Z[0])
[docs] def vmd_total_Ef(self, h, z, rho, d, epr, mur, tm): """VMD E-phi field (not used actively).""" # only halfspace # Filter coefficients fc1, nc, nc0 = hankelfc(4) lam = np.zeros((1, nc, self.f.size), float) alpha0 = np.zeros((1, nc, self.f.size), complex) delta = np.zeros((1, nc, self.f.size), complex) aux = np.zeros((1, self.f.size), complex) Ef = np.zeros(self.f.size, complex) r0 = np.copy(self.r) # wave numbers n = np.arange(nc0 - nc, nc0, 1, float) q = 0.1 * np.log(10) lam = np.reshape(np.exp(-n[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] * q) / r0[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], (-1, nc, r0.size)) # wave numbers in air, full solution alpha0 = np.sqrt(lam ** 2 - np.tile(self.wem, (1, nc, 1)) + np.tile(self.iwm, (1, nc, 1)) / 1e9) # admittances on surface of layered halfspace b1, aa, _ = self.downward(rho, d, z, epr, mur, lam) # Kernel functions e = np.exp(-h * alpha0) # (1, 100, nfreq) delta = 2.0 / (alpha0 + b1) * e # (1, 100, nfreq) # convolution # quasistationary approximation aux = np.sum(delta*lam**2*aa*np.tile(fc1[::-1].T[:, :, np.newaxis], (1, 1, self.f.size)), 1, complex) / r0 # (1, nfreq) # absolute fields, full solution Ef = -tm * self.iwm / (4.0 * np.pi) * aux return Ef
def hankelfc(order): """Filter coefficients for Hankel transformation.""" if order == 1: # sin fc = np.array([ 2.59526236e-7, 3.66544843e-7, 5.17830795e-7, 7.31340622e-7, 1.03322805e-6, 1.45918500e-6, 2.06161065e-6, 2.91137793e-6, 4.11357863e-6, 5.80876420e-6, 8.20798075e-6, 1.15895083e-5, 1.63778560e-5, 2.31228459e-5, 3.26800649e-5, 4.61329334e-5, 6.52101085e-5, 9.20390575e-5, 1.30122935e-4, 1.83620431e-4, 2.59656626e-4, 3.66311982e-4, 5.18141184e-4, 7.30717340e-4, 1.03392184e-3, 1.45742714e-3, 2.06292302e-3, 2.90599911e-3, 4.11471902e-3, 5.79042763e-3, 8.20004722e-3, 1.15192930e-2, 1.63039133e-2, 2.28257757e-2, 3.22249222e-2, 4.47864328e-2, 6.27329625e-2, 8.57059100e-2, 1.17418314e-1, 1.53632655e-1, 1.97717964e-1, 2.28849849e-1, 2.40311038e-1, 1.65409220e-1, 2.84701476e-3, -2.88016057e-1, -3.69097406e-1, -2.50107514e-2, 5.71811256e-1, -3.92261572e-1, 7.63280044e-2, 5.16233994e-2, -6.48012082e-2, 4.89047141e-2, -3.26936331e-2, 2.10539842e-2, -1.33862549e-2, 8.47124695e-3, -5.35123972e-3, 3.37796651e-3, -2.13174466e-3, 1.34513833e-3, -8.48749612e-4, 5.35531006e-4, -3.37898780e-4, 2.13200109e-4, -1.34520273e-4, 8.48765787e-5, -5.35535069e-5, 3.37899801e-5, -2.13200365e-5, 1.34520337e-5, -8.48765949e-6, 5.35535110e-6, -3.37899811e-6, 2.13200368e-6, -1.34520338e-6, 8.48765951e-7, -5.35535110e-7, 3.37899811e-7], float) nc = int(80) nc0 = int(40) elif order == 2: # cos fc = np.array([ 1.63740363e-7, 1.83719709e-7, 2.06136904e-7, 2.31289411e-7, 2.59510987e-7, 2.91176117e-7, 3.26704977e-7, 3.66569013e-7, 4.11297197e-7, 4.61483045e-7, 5.17792493e-7, 5.80972733e-7, 6.51862128e-7, 7.31401337e-7, 8.20645798e-7, 9.20779729e-7, 1.03313185e-6, 1.15919300e-6, 1.30063594e-6, 1.45933752e-6, 1.63740363e-6, 1.83719709e-6, 2.06136904e-6, 2.31289411e-6, 2.59510987e-6, 2.91176117e-6, 3.26704977e-6, 3.66569013e-6, 4.11297197e-6, 4.61483045e-6, 5.17792493e-6, 5.80972733e-6, 6.51862128e-6, 7.31401337e-6, 8.20645798e-6, 9.20779729e-6, 1.03313185e-5, 1.15919300e-5, 1.30063594e-5, 1.45933752e-5, 1.63740363e-5, 1.83719709e-5, 2.06136904e-5, 2.31289411e-5, 2.59510987e-5, 2.91176117e-5, 3.26704977e-5, 3.66569013e-5, 4.11297197e-5, 4.61483045e-5, 5.17792493e-5, 5.80972733e-5, 6.51862128e-5, 7.31401337e-5, 8.20645798e-5, 9.20779729e-5, 1.03313185e-4, 1.15919300e-4, 1.30063594e-4, 1.45933752e-4, 1.63740363e-4, 1.83719709e-4, 2.06136904e-4, 2.31289411e-4, 2.59510987e-4, 2.91176117e-4, 3.26704976e-4, 3.66569013e-4, 4.11297197e-4, 4.61483045e-4, 5.17792493e-4, 5.80972733e-4, 6.51862127e-4, 7.31401337e-4, 8.20645797e-4, 9.20779730e-4, 1.03313185e-3, 1.15919300e-3, 1.30063593e-3, 1.45933753e-3, 1.63740362e-3, 1.83719710e-3, 2.06136901e-3, 2.31289411e-3, 2.59510977e-3, 2.91176115e-3, 3.26704948e-3, 3.66569003e-3, 4.11297114e-3, 4.61483003e-3, 5.17792252e-3, 5.80972566e-3, 6.51861416e-3, 7.31400728e-3, 8.20643673e-3, 9.20777603e-3, 1.03312545e-2, 1.15918577e-2, 1.30061650e-2, 1.45931339e-2, 1.63734419e-2, 1.83711757e-2, 2.06118614e-2, 2.31263461e-2, 2.59454421e-2, 2.91092045e-2, 3.26529302e-2, 3.66298115e-2, 4.10749753e-2, 4.60613861e-2, 5.16081994e-2, 5.78193646e-2, 6.46507780e-2, 7.22544422e-2, 8.03873578e-2, 8.92661837e-2, 9.80670729e-2, 1.07049506e-1, 1.13757572e-1, 1.18327217e-1, 1.13965041e-1, 1.00497783e-1, 6.12958082e-2, -1.61234222e-4, -1.11788551e-1, -2.27536948e-1, -3.39004453e-1, -2.25128800e-1, 8.98279919e-2, 5.12510388e-1, -1.31991937e-1, -3.35136479e-1, 3.64868100e-1, -2.34039961e-1, 1.32085237e-1, -7.56739672e-2, 4.52296662e-2, -2.78297002e-2, 1.73727753e-2, -1.09136894e-2, 6.87397283e-3, -4.33413470e-3, 2.73388730e-3, -1.72477355e-3, 1.08821012e-3, -6.86602007e-4, 4.33213523e-4, -2.73338487e-4, 1.72464733e-4, -1.08817842e-4, 6.86594042e-5, -4.33211523e-5, 2.73337984e-5, -1.72464607e-5, 1.08817810e-5, -6.86593962e-6, 4.33211503e-6, -2.73337979e-6, 1.72464606e-6, -1.08817810e-6, 6.86593961e-7, -4.33211503e-7, 2.73337979e-7, -1.72464606e-7], float) nc = int(164) nc0 = int(122) elif order == 3: # J0 fc = np.array([ 2.89878288e-7, 3.64935144e-7, 4.59426126e-7, 5.78383226e-7, 7.28141338e-7, 9.16675639e-7, 1.15402625e-6, 1.45283298e-6, 1.82900834e-6, 2.30258511e-6, 2.89878286e-6, 3.64935148e-6, 4.59426119e-6, 5.78383236e-6, 7.28141322e-6, 9.16675664e-6, 1.15402621e-5, 1.45283305e-5, 1.82900824e-5, 2.30258527e-5, 2.89878259e-5, 3.64935186e-5, 4.59426051e-5, 5.78383329e-5, 7.28141144e-5, 9.16675882e-5, 1.15402573e-4, 1.45283354e-4, 1.82900694e-4, 2.30258630e-4, 2.89877891e-4, 3.64935362e-4, 4.59424960e-4, 5.78383437e-4, 7.28137738e-4, 9.16674828e-4, 1.15401453e-3, 1.45282561e-3, 1.82896826e-3, 2.30254535e-3, 2.89863979e-3, 3.64916703e-3, 4.59373308e-3, 5.78303238e-3, 7.27941497e-3, 9.16340705e-3, 1.15325691e-2, 1.45145832e-2, 1.82601199e-2, 2.29701042e-2, 2.88702619e-2, 3.62691810e-2, 4.54794031e-2, 5.69408192e-2, 7.09873072e-2, 8.80995426e-2, 1.08223889e-1, 1.31250483e-1, 1.55055715e-1, 1.76371506e-1, 1.85627738e-1, 1.69778044e-1, 1.03405245e-1, -3.02583233e-2, -2.27574393e-1, -3.62173217e-1, -2.05500446e-1, 3.37394873e-1, 3.17689897e-1, -5.13762160e-1, 3.09130264e-1, -1.26757592e-1, 4.61967890e-2, -1.80968674e-2, 8.35426050e-3, -4.47368304e-3, 2.61974783e-3, -1.60171357e-3, 9.97717882e-4, -6.26275815e-4, 3.94338818e-4, -2.48606354e-4, 1.56808604e-4, -9.89266288e-5, 6.24152398e-5, -3.93805393e-5, 2.48472358e-5, -1.56774945e-5, 9.89181741e-6, -6.24131160e-6, 3.93800058e-6, -2.48471018e-6, 1.56774609e-6, -9.89180896e-7, 6.24130948e-7, -3.93800005e-7, 2.48471005e-7, -1.56774605e-7, 9.89180888e-8, -6.24130946e-8], float) nc = int(100) nc0 = int(60) elif order == 4: # J1 fc = np.array([ 1.84909557e-13, 2.85321327e-13, 4.64471808e-13, 7.16694771e-13, 1.16670043e-12, 1.80025587e-12, 2.93061898e-12, 4.52203829e-12, 7.36138206e-12, 1.13588466e-11, 1.84909557e-11, 2.85321327e-11, 4.64471808e-11, 7.16694771e-11, 1.16670043e-10, 1.80025587e-10, 2.93061898e-10, 4.52203829e-10, 7.36138206e-10, 1.13588466e-9, 1.84909557e-9, 2.85321326e-9, 4.64471806e-9, 7.16694765e-9, 1.16670042e-8, 1.80025583e-8, 2.93061889e-8, 4.52203807e-8, 7.36138149e-8, 1.13588452e-7, 1.84909521e-7, 2.85321237e-7, 4.64471580e-7, 7.16694198e-7, 1.16669899e-6, 1.80025226e-6, 2.93060990e-6, 4.52201549e-6, 7.36132477e-6, 1.13587027e-5, 1.84905942e-5, 2.85312247e-5, 4.64449000e-5, 7.16637480e-5, 1.16655653e-4, 1.79989440e-4, 2.92971106e-4, 4.51975783e-4, 7.35565435e-4, 1.13444615e-3, 1.84548306e-3, 2.84414257e-3, 4.62194743e-3, 7.10980590e-3, 1.15236911e-2, 1.76434485e-2, 2.84076233e-2, 4.29770596e-2, 6.80332569e-2, 9.97845929e-2, 1.51070544e-1, 2.03540581e-1, 2.71235377e-1, 2.76073871e-1, 2.16691977e-1, -7.83723737e-2, -3.40675627e-1, -3.60693673e-1, 5.13024526e-1, -5.94724729e-2, -1.95117123e-1, 1.99235600e-1, -1.38521553e-1, 8.79320859e-2, -5.50697146e-2, 3.45637848e-2, -2.17527180e-2, 1.37100291e-2, -8.64656417e-3, 5.45462758e-3, -3.44138864e-3, 2.17130686e-3, -1.36998628e-3, 8.64398952e-4, -5.45397874e-4, 3.44122545e-4, -2.17126585e-4, 1.36997597e-4, -8.64396364e-5, 5.45397224e-5, -3.44122382e-5, 2.17126544e-5, -1.36997587e-5, 8.64396338e-6, -5.45397218e-6, 3.44122380e-6, -2.17126543e-6, 1.36997587e-6, -8.64396337e-7, 5.45397218e-7], float) nc = int(100) nc0 = int(60) return (np.reshape(fc, (-1, 1)), nc, nc0) # (100,) -> (100, 1) class HEMRhoModelling(HEMmodelling): """Airborne EM (HEM) Forward modelling class for Occam inversion.""" def __init__(self, dvec, height=1., **kwargs): """Init class by specifying frequencies and distances (s. HEMMod).""" nlay = len(dvec) + 1 self.dvec = np.asarray(dvec) self.zvec = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(dvec))) HEMmodelling.__init__(self, nlay, height, **kwargs) self.mymesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh1D(nlay) self.setMesh(self.mymesh) # only for inversion def response(self, res): """Forward response as combined in-phase and out-of-phase.""" ip, op = self.vmd_hem(self.height, rho=np.asarray(res), d=self.dvec) return, op) class FDEMResSusModelling(HEMmodelling): """FDEM block modelling class using both conductivity & permittivity.""" def __init__(self, nlay, height=1, **kwargs): """Init class (see HEMmodelling).""" HEMmodelling.__init__(self, nlay, height, **kwargs) self.scaling = 1e2 self.mymesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh1DBlock(nlay, nProperties=2) self.setMesh(self.mymesh) # only for inversion # pg.core.ModellingBase.__init__(self, self.mymesh) def response(self, par): """Response vector as combined in-phase and out-phase data.""" thk = np.asarray(par[:self.nlay-1], dtype=float) res = np.asarray(par[self.nlay-1:2*self.nlay-1], dtype=float) mur = np.asarray(par[2*self.nlay-1:3*self.nlay-1], dtype=float) + 1 ip, op = self.vmd_hem(self.height, rho=res, d=thk, mur=mur) return, op) class HEMRhoSusModelling(HEMmodelling): """Airborne EM (HEM) smooth forward modelling including susceptibility.""" def __init__(self, dvec, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize (not yet working).""" self.nlay = len(dvec) + 1 self.dvec = np.asarray(dvec) self.zvec = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(dvec))) HEMmodelling.__init__(self, self.nlay, *args, **kwargs) self.mymesh = pg.meshtools.createMesh1D(self.nlay, nProperties=2) self.setMesh(self.mymesh) # only for inversion def response(self, model): """Response vector as combined in-phase and out-phase data.""" res = np.asarray(model[:self.nlay]) mur = np.asarray(model[self.nlay:]) + 1 ip, op = self.vmd_hem(self.height, rho=res, d=self.dvec, mur=mur) return, op) class FDEMLCIFOP(pg.core.ModellingBase): """FDEM 2d-LCI modelling class based on Block matrices.""" def __init__(self, data, nlay=2, verbose=False, f=None, r=None): """Parameters: FDEM data class and number of layers.""" super(FDEMLCIFOP, self).__init__(verbose) self.nlay = nlay self.FOP = data.FOP(nlay) self.nx = len(data.x) = len(data.freq()) = 2 * nlay - 1 self.mesh2d = pg.meshtools.createMesh2D(, self.nx) self.mesh2d.rotate(pg.RVector3(0, 0, -np.pi/2)) self.setMesh(self.mesh2d) self.J = pg.matrix.BlockMatrix() self.FOP1d = [] for i in range(self.nx): self.FOP1d.append(HEMmodelling(nlay, data.z[i], f, r)) n = self.J.addMatrix(self.FOP1d[-1].jacobian()) self.J.addMatrixEntry(n,*2*i,*i) self.setJacobian(self.J) def response(self, model): """Cut together forward responses of all soundings.""" modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, resp = pg.Vector(0) for i, modi in enumerate(modA): resp =, self.FOP1d[i].response(modi)) return resp def createJacobian(self, model): """Fill the individual blocks of the Block-Jacobi matrix.""" modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, for i, modi in enumerate(modA): self.FOP1d[i].createJacobian(modi) class FDEM2dFOP(pg.core.ModellingBase): """FDEM 2d-LCI modelling class based on BlockMatrices.""" def __init__(self, data, nlay=2, verbose=False): """Parameters: FDEM data class and number of layers.""" super(FDEM2dFOP, self).__init__(verbose) self.nlay = nlay self.FOP = data.FOP(nlay) self.nx = len(data.x) = len(data.freq()) npar = 2 * nlay - 1 self.mesh2d = pg.Mesh() self.mesh2d.create2DGrid(range(npar+1), range(self.nx+1)) self.setMesh(self.mesh2d) self.J = pg.matrix.BlockMatrix() self.FOP1d = [] for i in range(self.nx): self.FOP1d.append(HEMmodelling(nlay, data.z[i])) n = self.J.addMatrix(self.FOP1d[-1].jacobian()) self.J.addMatrixEntry(n,*2*i, npar*i) self.J.recalcMatrixSize() print(self.J.rows(), self.J.cols()) self.setJacobian(self.J) def response(self, model): """Response as pasted forward responses from all soundings.""" modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, self.nlay*2-1)) resp = pg.Vector(0) for i, modi in enumerate(modA): resp =, self.FOP1d[i].response(modi)) return resp def createJacobian(self, model): """Fill Jacobian (block) matrix by computing each block.""" modA = np.reshape(model, (self.nx, self.nlay*2-1)) for i in range(self.nx): self.FOP1d[i].createJacobian(modA[i]) if __name__ == '__main__': numlay = 3 height = float(30.0) resistivity = np.array([1000.0, 100.0, 1000.0], float) thickness = np.array([22.0, 29.0], float) f = HEMmodelling(numlay, height, r=10) # frequency, separation) IP, OP = f.vmd_hem(height, resistivity, thickness) print(IP, OP)