Source code for pygimli.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Imports and extensions of the C++ bindings.
import sys
# import traceback

import numpy as np

from .core import pgcore
from .core import *
from .logger import error, critical
from .base import (isInt, isScalar, isIterable, isArray, isPos, isR3Array,
                   isPosList, isComplex, isMatrix)

# #######################################
# ###  Global convenience functions #####
# #######################################

pgcore.load = None

# print function for gimli stuff

def __RVector_str(self, valsOnly=False):
    s = str()

    if not valsOnly:
        s = str(self.size())

    if len(self) == 0:
        return s
        s += " ["

    if len(self) < 101:
        for i in range(0, len(self) - 1):
            s = s + str(self[i]) + ", "

        s = s + str(self[len(self) - 1]) + "]"
        return s
    return (str(self.size()) + " [" + str(self[0]) + ",...," + str(
        self[self.size() - 1]) + "]")

def __RVector3_str(self):
    return ("RVector3: (" + str(self.x()) + ", " + str(self.y()) + ", " + str(
        self.z()) + ")")

def __R3Vector_str(self):
    if self.size() < 20:
        return self.array().__str__()

    return "R3Vector: n=" + str(self.size())

def __Line_str(self):
    return "Line: " + str(self.p0()) + "  " + str(self.p1())

def __BoundingBox_str(self):
    s = ''
    s += "BoundingBox [{0}, {1}]".format(self.min(), self.max())
    return s

pgcore.RVector.__repr__ = __RVector_str
pgcore.CVector.__repr__ = __RVector_str
pgcore.BVector.__repr__ = __RVector_str
pgcore.IVector.__repr__ = __RVector_str
pgcore.IndexArray.__repr__ = __RVector_str
pgcore.RVector3.__repr__ = __RVector3_str
pgcore.R3Vector.__repr__ = __R3Vector_str

pgcore.Line.__repr__ = __Line_str
pgcore.BoundingBox.__repr__ = __BoundingBox_str

# compatibility stuff

def nonzero_test(self):
    """Function to throw a warning if any vector is used as bool vector."""
    raise BaseException("Warning! there is no 'and' and 'or' for "
                        "BVector and RVector. " +
                        "Use binary operators '&' or '|' instead. " +
                        "If you looking for the nonzero test, use len(v) > 0")

def np_round__(self, r):
    """Make numpy.round also work for pg.Vector."""
    return np.round(self.array(), r)

pgcore.RVector.__bool__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.R3Vector.__bool__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.BVector.__bool__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.CVector.__bool__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.IVector.__bool__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.IndexArray.__bool__ = nonzero_test

pgcore.RVector.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.R3Vector.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.BVector.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.CVector.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.IVector.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test
pgcore.IndexArray.__nonzero__ = nonzero_test

pgcore.RVector.__round__ = np_round__

def _invertBVector_(self):
    return pgcore.inv(self)

pgcore.BVector.__invert__ = _invertBVector_
pgcore.BVector.__inv__ = _invertBVector_

def _lowerThan_(self, v2):
    """Test whether any vector is lower than another.

    Overwrite bvector = v1 < v2 since there is a wrong operator due to the
    boost binding generation
    return pgcore.inv(self >= v2)

pgcore.RVector.__lt__ = _lowerThan_
pgcore.R3Vector.__lt__ = _lowerThan_
pgcore.BVector.__lt__ = _lowerThan_
pgcore.CVector.__lt__ = _lowerThan_
pgcore.IVector.__lt__ = _lowerThan_
pgcore.IndexArray.__lt__ = _lowerThan_

# special constructors

# Overwrite constructor for IndexArray
# This seams ugly but necessary until we can recognize numpy array in
# custom_rvalue
__origIndexArrayInit__ = pgcore.IndexArray.__init__

def __newIndexArrayInit__(self, arr, val=None):
    """New index array."""
    if hasattr(arr, 'dtype') and hasattr(arr, '__iter__'):
        __origIndexArrayInit__(self, [int(a) for a in arr])
        if val:
            __origIndexArrayInit__(self, arr, val)
            __origIndexArrayInit__(self, arr)

pgcore.IndexArray.__init__ = __newIndexArrayInit__

# Overwrite constructor for BVector
# This seams ugly but necessary until we can recognize numpy array in
# custom_rvalue
__origBVectorInit__ = pgcore.BVector.__init__

def __newBVectorInit__(self, arr, val=None):
    if hasattr(arr, 'dtype') and hasattr(arr, '__iter__'):
        # this is hell slow .. better in custom_rvalue.cpp or in
        # vector.h directly from pyobject
        __origBVectorInit__(self, len(arr))
        for i, a in enumerate(arr):
            self.setVal(bool(a), i)
        if val:
            __origBVectorInit__(self, arr, val)
            __origBVectorInit__(self, arr)

pgcore.BVector.__init__ = __newBVectorInit__

# special overwrites

# RVector + int fails .. so we need to tweak this command
__oldRVectorAdd__ = pgcore.RVector.__add__

def __newRVectorAdd__(a, b):
    if isinstance(b, np.ndarray) and b.dtype == complex:
        return __oldRVectorAdd__(a, pgcore.CVector(b))
    if isInt(b):
        return __oldRVectorAdd__(a, float(b))
    if isInt(a):
        return __oldRVectorAdd__(float(a), b)
    return __oldRVectorAdd__(a, b)

pgcore.RVector.__add__ = __newRVectorAdd__

__oldRVectorSub__ = pgcore.RVector.__sub__

def __newRVectorSub__(a, b):
    if isInt(b):
        return __oldRVectorSub__(a, float(b))
    if isInt(a):
        return __oldRVectorSub__(float(a), b)
    return __oldRVectorSub__(a, b)

pgcore.RVector.__sub__ = __newRVectorSub__

__oldRVectorMul__ = pgcore.RVector.__mul__

def __newRVectorMul__(a, b):
    if isInt(b):
        return __oldRVectorMul__(a, float(b))
    if isInt(a):
        return __oldRVectorMul__(float(a), b)
    return __oldRVectorMul__(a, b)

pgcore.RVector.__mul__ = __newRVectorMul__

    __oldRVectorTrueDiv__ = pgcore.RVector.__truediv__

    def __newRVectorTrueDiv__(a, b):
        if isInt(b):
            return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(a, float(b))
        if isInt(a):
            return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(float(a), b)
        return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(a, b)

    pgcore.RVector.__truediv__ = __newRVectorTrueDiv__
    __oldRVectorTrueDiv__ = pgcore.RVector.__div__

    def __newRVectorTrueDiv__(a, b):
        if isInt(b):
            return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(a, float(b))
        if isInt(a):
            return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(float(a), b)
        return __oldRVectorTrueDiv__(a, b)
    pgcore.RVector.__div__ = __newRVectorTrueDiv__

__oldRMatMul__ = pgcore.RMatrix.__mul__

def __newRMatMul__(a, b):
    if isInt(b):
        return __oldRMatMul__(a, float(b))
    return __oldRMatMul__(a, b)

pgcore.RMatrix.__mul__ = __newRMatMul__

__oldRMatAdd__ = pgcore.RMatrix.__add__

def __newRMatAdd__(a, b):
    if isInt(b):
        return __oldRMatAdd__(a, float(b))
    return __oldRMatAdd__(a, b)

pgcore.RMatrix.__add__ = __newRMatAdd__

# override wrong default conversion from int to IndexArray(int) for setVal    #
__origRVectorSetVal__ = pgcore.RVector.setVal

def __newRVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # print('__newRVectorSetVal__', *args, **kwargs)
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            if args[1] < 0:
                return __origRVectorSetVal__(self, args[0],
                                             i=len(self) + args[1])
                return __origRVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origRVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origRVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.RVector.setVal = __newRVectorSetVal__

__origR3VectorSetVal__ = pgcore.R3Vector.setVal

def __newR3VectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    # print('__newRVectorSetVal__', *args, **kwargs)
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            return __origR3VectorSetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origR3VectorSetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origR3VectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.R3Vector.setVal = __newR3VectorSetVal__

__origBVectorSetVal__ = pgcore.BVector.setVal

def __newBVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            return __origBVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origBVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origBVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.BVector.setVal = __newBVectorSetVal__

__origCVectorSetVal__ = pgcore.CVector.setVal

def __newCVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            return __origCVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origCVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origCVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.CVector.setVal = __newCVectorSetVal__

__origIVectorSetVal__ = pgcore.IVector.setVal

def __newIVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            return __origIVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origIVectorSetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origIVectorSetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.IVector.setVal = __newIVectorSetVal__

__origIndexArraySetVal__ = pgcore.IndexArray.setVal

def __newIndexArraySetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    if len(args) == 2:
        if isinstance(args[1], int):
            return __origIndexArraySetVal__(self, args[0], i=args[1])
        if isinstance(args[1], pgcore.BVector):
            return __origIndexArraySetVal__(self, args[0], bv=args[1])
    return __origIndexArraySetVal__(self, *args, **kwargs)

pgcore.IndexArray.setVal = __newIndexArraySetVal__

# Indexing [] operator for RVector, CVector, IndexArray,
#                          RVector3, R3Vector, RMatrix, CMatrix
def __getVal(self, idx):
    """Get vector value at index. Hell slow."""
    if isinstance(idx, pgcore.BVector):
        return self.get_(idx)
    elif isinstance(idx, pgcore.IVector):
        return self.getVSI_(idx)
    elif isinstance(idx, pgcore.IndexArray):
        return self.getVUI_(idx)
    elif isinstance(idx, slice):

        s = idx.start
        e = idx.stop
        if s is None:
            s = 0
        if e is None:
            e = len(self)

        if idx.step is None:
            return self.getVal(int(s), int(e))
            step = idx.step
            if step < 0 and idx.start is None and idx.stop is None:
                ids = range(e - 1, s - 1, idx.step)
                ids = range(s, e, idx.step)

            if len(ids):
                return self.getVSI_(ids)
                return self.get_(0)
                # raise Exception("slice invalid")

    elif isinstance(idx, list) or hasattr(idx, '__iter__'):
        if isinstance(idx[0], int):
            return self.getVSI_(idx)
        elif hasattr(idx[0], 'dtype'):
            # print("numpy: ", idx[0].dtype.str, idx[0].dtype ,type(idx[0]))
            if idx[0].dtype == 'bool':
                return self.getVUI_([i for i, x in enumerate(idx) if x])
                # return self[np.nonzero(idx)[0]]
        elif isinstance(idx[0], slice):  # try fixing newaxis
            # probably the call x = x[:, np.newaxis]
            # so we return np.array here
            return np.array(self)[idx]
        # elif isinstance(idx[0], None) and isinstance(idx[1], slice):
            # return self[idx[1]]

        return self.getVSI_([int(a) for a in idx])

    elif idx < 0:
        idx = len(self) + idx

    return self.getVal(int(idx))

def __setVal(self, idx, val):
    """Index write access (x[i]=y)."""
    # print("__setVal", self, 'idx', idx, 'val:', val)
    if isinstance(idx, slice):
        if idx.step is None:
            if idx.start is None:
                self.setVal(val, 0, int(idx.stop))
                self.setVal(val, int(idx.start), int(idx.stop))
            critical("not yet implemented for slice:", slice)
    elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
        # print("tuple", idx, type(idx))
        if isinstance(self, pgcore.RMatrix):
            self.rowRef(int(idx[0])).setVal(val, int(idx[1]))
            error("Can't set index with tuple", idx, "for", self)
    # if isinstance(idx, pgcore.BVector):
    # print("__setVal", self, idx, 'val:', val)
    # self.setVal(val, bv=idx)
    # return
    if isinstance(val, complex):
        if isinstance(idx, int):
            return self.setVal(val=val, id=idx)
            return self.setVal(val=val, ids=idx)

    if isinstance(self, pgcore.RMatrix):
        self.setVal(idx, val)
        self.setVal(val, idx)

def __getValMatrix(self, idx):
    #    print(idx, type(idx))
    if isinstance(idx, slice):
        step = idx.step
        if step is None:
            step = 1
        start = idx.start
        if start is None:
            start = 0
        stop = idx.stop
        if stop is None:
            stop = len(self)

        return [self.rowRef(i) for i in range(start, stop, step)]

    elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
        # print(idx, type(idx))
        if isinstance(idx[0], slice):
            if isinstance(idx[1], int):
                tmp = self.__getitem__(idx[0])
                ret = pgcore.RVector(len(tmp))
                for i, t in enumerate(tmp):
                    ret[i] = t[idx[1]]
                return ret
            return self.row(int(idx[0])).__getitem__(idx[1])

    if idx == -1:
        idx = len(self) - 1

    return self.row(idx)

pgcore.RVector.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.RVector.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.CVector.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.CVector.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.BVector.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.BVector.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.IVector.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.IVector.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.R3Vector.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.R3Vector.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.IndexArray.__setitem__ = __setVal
pgcore.IndexArray.__getitem__ = __getVal  # very slow -- inline is better

pgcore.RVector3.__setitem__ = __setVal

pgcore.RMatrix.__getitem__ = __getValMatrix  # very slow -- inline is better
pgcore.RMatrix.__setitem__ = __setVal

pgcore.CMatrix.__getitem__ = __getValMatrix  # very slow -- inline is better
pgcore.CMatrix.__setitem__ = __setVal

# len(RVector), RMatrix
_vecs = [pgcore.RVector,

for v in _vecs:
    v.ndim = 1
    v.__len__ = lambda self: self.size()
    v.shape = property(lambda self: (self.size(),))
    # if hasattr(v, '__call__') and callable(getattr(v, '__call__')):
        del v.__call__
    except AttributeError:

pgcore.RVector.dtype = float
pgcore.BVector.dtype = bool
pgcore.CVector.dtype = complex
pgcore.IVector.dtype = int
pgcore.IndexArray.dtype = np.uint

pgcore.RVector3.dtype = float
pgcore.RVector3.__len__ = lambda self: 3
pgcore.RVector3.ndim = 1
pgcore.RVector3.shape = (3,)

pgcore.R3Vector.dtype = float
pgcore.R3Vector.__len__ = lambda self: self.size()
pgcore.R3Vector.ndim = 2
pgcore.R3Vector.shape = property(lambda self: (self.size(), 3))

# remove me
pgcore.stdVectorRVector3.ndim = 2

# abs(RVector), RMatrix
pgcore.RVector.__abs__ = pgcore.fabs
pgcore.CVector.__abs__ = pgcore.mag
pgcore.R3Vector.__abs__ = pgcore.absR3

# __hash__ settings
pgcore.RVector.__hash__ = pgcore.RVector.hash
pgcore.CVector.__hash__ = pgcore.CVector.hash
pgcore.IVector.__hash__ = pgcore.IVector.hash
pgcore.IndexArray.__hash__ = pgcore.IndexArray.hash
pgcore.R3Vector.__hash__ = pgcore.R3Vector.hash
pgcore.RVector3.__hash__ = pgcore.RVector3.hash
pgcore.DataContainer.__hash__ = pgcore.DataContainer.hash
pgcore.DataContainerERT.__hash__ = pgcore.DataContainerERT.hash
pgcore.Mesh.__hash__ = pgcore.Mesh.hash

# Iterator support for RVector allow to apply python build-ins

class VectorIter:

    def __init__(self, vec): = vec.beginPyIter()
        self.vec = vec

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    # this is for python < 3
    def next(self):

    # this is the same but for python > 3
    def __next__(self):

def __VectorIterCall__(self):
    return VectorIter(self)
    # don't use pygimli iterators here until the reference for temporary
    # vectors are collected
    # return pgcore.RVectorIter(self.beginPyIter())

pgcore.RVector.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__
pgcore.R3Vector.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__
pgcore.BVector.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__
pgcore.IVector.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__
pgcore.IndexArray.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__
pgcore.CVector.__iter__ = __VectorIterCall__

class DefaultContainerIter:

    def __init__(self, vec):
        self.vec = vec
        self.length = len(vec)
        self.pos = -1

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        return self.__next__()

    # this is the same but for python > 3
    def __next__(self):
        self.pos += 1
        if self.pos == self.length:
            raise StopIteration()
            return self.vec[self.pos]

def __MatIterCall__(self):
    return DefaultContainerIter(self)

pgcore.RMatrix.__iter__ = __MatIterCall__
pgcore.CMatrix.__iter__ = __MatIterCall__

class Vector3Iter():
    """Simple iterator for RVector3/PosVector.

    Because it lacks the core function .beginPyIter()

    def __init__(self, vec):
        self.vec = vec
        self.length = 3
        self.pos = -1

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def next(self):
        return self.__next__()

    def __next__(self):
        self.pos += 1
        if self.pos == self.length:
            raise StopIteration()
            return self.vec[self.pos]

def __Vector3IterCall__(self):
    return Vector3Iter(self)

pgcore.RVector3.__iter__ = __Vector3IterCall__

# ######### c to python converter ######
# default converter from RVector3 to numpy array
def __RVector3ArrayCall__(self, dtype=None):
    # if idx:
    # print(self)
    # print(idx)
    # raise Exception("we need to fix this")
    import numpy as np
    return np.array([self.getVal(0), self.getVal(1), self.getVal(2)])

# default converter from RVector to numpy array

def __RVectorArrayCall__(self, dtype=None):
    # if idx and not isinstance(idx, numpy.dtype):
    # print("self:", self)
    # print("idx:", idx, type(idx) )
    # raise Exception("we need to fix this")
    # probably fixed!!!
    # import numpy as np
    # we need to copy the array until we can handle increasing the reference
    # counter in self.array() else it leads to strange behavior
    # test in
    # return np.array(self.array())
    return self.array()

def __CVectorArrayCall__(self, dtype=None):
    # if idx and not isinstance(idx, numpy.dtype):
    # print("self:", self)
    # print("idx:", idx, type(idx) )
    # raise Exception("we need to fix this")
    # probably fixed!!! or not!!
    # import numpy as np
    # we need to copy the array until we can handle increasing the reference
    # counter in self.array() else it leads to strange behavior
    # test in
    # return np.array(self.array())
    return self.array()

# default converter from RVector to numpy array

pgcore.RVector.__array__ = __RVectorArrayCall__
# not yet ready
pgcore.BVector.__array__ = __RVectorArrayCall__
# not yet ready
# pgcore.IndexArray.__array__ = __RVectorArrayCall__
pgcore.R3Vector.__array__ = __RVectorArrayCall__
pgcore.RVector3.__array__ = __RVector3ArrayCall__

# see bug description
pgcore.CVector.__array__ = __CVectorArrayCall__

# hackish until stdVectorRVector3 will be removed
def __stdVectorRVector3ArrayCall(self, dtype=None):
    # if idx is not None:
    # print(self)
    # print(idx)
    return pgcore.stdVectorRVector3ToR3Vector(self).array()

pgcore.stdVectorRVector3.__array__ = __stdVectorRVector3ArrayCall

# pgcore.RVector3.__array__ = pgcore.RVector3.array
# del pgcore.RVector.__array__

# custom rvalues for special cases

def find(v):
    """Find a specific entry in vector."""
    if hasattr(v, 'dtype') and hasattr(v, '__iter__'):
        # print('new find', v, pgcore.BVector(v))
        return pgcore.find(pgcore.BVector(v))
        # print('orig find')
        return pgcore.find(v)

[docs] def pow(v, p): """Power function. pow(v, int) is misinterpreted as pow(v, rvec(int)), so we need to fix this """ if isinstance(p, int): return pgcore.pow(v, float(p)) return pgcore.pow(v, p)
def __RVectorPower(self, m): return pow(self, m) pgcore.RVector.__pow__ = __RVectorPower ################################## # usefull aliases ################################## Vector = pgcore.RVector Inversion = pgcore.RInversion Pos = pgcore.RVector3 PosVector = pgcore.R3Vector PosList = PosVector ############################ # non automatic exposed functions ############################ def abs(v): """Create abs in the sense of distance instead of just vanishing the sign. Create abs in the sense of distance instead of vanishing the sign. Used to calculate the length of coordinates, or anything that can be interpreted as coordinate. Args ---- v: iterable of float, complex, or :gimliapi:`GIMLI::Pos` Returns ------- length: iterable or scalar Array of lenghts. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pygimli as pg >>> pg.abs([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) 1.7320508075688772 >>> pg.abs(np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])) 1.7320508075688772 >>> pg.abs(np.array([1.0, 1.0])) 1.4142135623730951 >>> pg.abs([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) 2 [1.7320508075688772, 1.7320508075688772] >>> pg.abs(np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])) 2 [1.7320508075688772, 1.7320508075688772] >>> # Note, this will be interpreted as 3 2Dim Pos >>> pg.abs(np.array([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]).T) 3 [1.4142135623730951, 1.4142135623730951, 1.4142135623730951] >>> pg.abs(pg.PosList([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]])) 2 [1.7320508075688772, 1.7320508075688772] """ if isinstance(v, pgcore.CVector): return pgcore.mag(v) elif isPos(v): return pgcore.RVector3(v).abs() elif isPosList(v): return pgcore.absR3(v) elif isinstance(v, list): # possible [x,y,[z]] or [pos, ...] try: return pgcore.RVector3(v).abs() except: return pgcore.absR3(np.array(v).T) elif isinstance(v, pgcore.R3Vector): return pgcore.absR3(v) elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if v.ndim == 1: return np.abs(v) if v.shape[0] == 2 or v.shape[0] == 3: return pgcore.absR3(v.T) else: return pgcore.absR3(v) elif isinstance(v, pgcore.RMatrix): raise BaseException("IMPLEMENTME") for i in range(len(v)): v[i] = pgcore.abs(v[i]) return v elif hasattr(v, 'vals'): return pgcore.abs(v.vals) elif hasattr(v, 'values'): return pgcore.fabs(v.values) return pgcore.fabs(v) # default BVector operator == (RVector, int) will be casted to # BVector operator == (RVector, RVector(int)) and fails # this needs a monkey patch for BVector operator == (RVector, int) pgcore.__EQ_RVector__ = pgcore.RVector.__eq__ def __EQ_RVector__(self, val): if isinstance(val, int): val = float(val) return pgcore.__EQ_RVector__(self, val) pgcore.RVector.__eq__ = __EQ_RVector__ ############################ # usefull stuff ############################ def toIVector(v): print("do not use toIVector(v) use ndarray directly .. " "this method will be removed soon") ret = pgcore.IVector(len(v), 0) for i, r in enumerate(v): ret[i] = int(r) return ret # __catOrig__ = # def __cat__(v1, v2): # print("mycat") # if isinstance(v1, ndarray) and isinstance(v2, ndarray): # return cat(RVector(v1), v2) # else: # return __catOrig__(v1, v2) # = __cat__ # DEPRECATED for backward compatibility should be removed def asvector(array): """Convert numpy array into vector (not to be used anymore!).""" print("do not use asvector(ndarray) use ndarray directly .. " "this method will be removed soon") return pgcore.RVector(array) # ########################## # We want ModellingBase with multi threading jacobian brute force # ########################## def __GLOBAL__response_mt_shm_(fop, model, shm, i): resp = fop.response_mt(model, i) for j in range(len(resp)): shm[j] = resp[j] def __ModellingBase__createJacobian_mt__(self, model, resp): from math import ceil from multiprocessing import Process, Array import numpy as np nModel = len(model) # nData = len(resp) # not used fak = 1.05 dModel = pgcore.RVector(len(model)) nProcs = self.multiThreadJacobian() if sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'darwin': # strange pickle problem: see python ves from .logger import warn warn('Multiprocess Jacobian currently unavailable for Win32 and Mac.') nProcs = 1 if nProcs == 1: self.createJacobian(model, resp) return shm = [] oldBertThread = self.threadCount() self.setThreadCount(1) # print("Model/Data/nProcs", nModel, nData, nProcs, # int(ceil(float(nModel)/nProcs))) for pCount in range(int(ceil(float(nModel) / nProcs))): procs = [] if self.verbose(): print("Jacobian MT:(", pCount * nProcs, "--", (pCount + 1) * nProcs, ") /", nModel, '... ') for i in range(int(pCount * nProcs), int((pCount + 1) * nProcs)): if i < nModel: modelChange = pgcore.RVector(model) modelChange[i] *= fak dModel[i] = modelChange[i] - model[i] shm.append(Array('d', len(resp))) procs.append( Process(target=__GLOBAL__response_mt_shm_, args=(self, modelChange, shm[i], i))) for i, p in enumerate(procs): p.start() for i, p in enumerate(procs): p.join() # if self.verbose(): # print(dur(), 's') self.setThreadCount(oldBertThread) for i in range(nModel): dData = np.array(shm[i]) - resp self._J.setCol(i, dData / dModel[i]) def __ModellingBase__responses_mt__(self, models, respos): nModel = len(models) nProcs = self.multiThreadJacobian() if nProcs == 1: for i, m in enumerate(models): respos[i] = self.response_mt(m, i) return from math import ceil from multiprocessing import Process, Array import numpy as np if models.ndim != 2: raise BaseException("models need to be a matrix(N, nModel):" + str(models.shape)) if respos.ndim != 2: raise BaseException("respos need to be a matrix(N, nData):" + str(respos.shape)) nData = len(respos[0]) shm = [] oldBertThread = self.threadCount() self.setThreadCount(1) # print("*"*100) # print(nModel, nProcs) # print("*"*100) for pCount in range(int(ceil(nModel / nProcs))): procs = [] if self.verbose(): print(pCount * nProcs, "/", nModel) for i in range(int(pCount * nProcs), int((pCount + 1) * nProcs)): if i < nModel: shm.append(Array('d', nData)) procs.append( Process(target=__GLOBAL__response_mt_shm_, args=(self, models[i], shm[i], i))) for i, p in enumerate(procs): p.start() for i, p in enumerate(procs): p.join() self.setThreadCount(oldBertThread) for i in range(nModel): resp = np.array(shm[i]) respos[i] = resp class ModellingBaseMT__(pgcore.ModellingBase): def __init__(self, mesh=None, dataContainer=None, verbose=False): if mesh and dataContainer: pgcore.ModellingBase.__init__( self, mesh=mesh, dataContainer=dataContainer, verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(mesh, pgcore.Mesh): pgcore.ModellingBase.__init__(self, mesh=mesh, verbose=verbose) elif dataContainer: pgcore.ModellingBase.__init__(self, dataContainer=dataContainer, verbose=verbose) else: pgcore.ModellingBase.__init__(self, verbose=verbose) self._J = pgcore.RMatrix() self.setJacobian(self._J) ModellingBaseMT__.createJacobian_mt = __ModellingBase__createJacobian_mt__ ModellingBaseMT__.responses = __ModellingBase__responses_mt__ ModellingBase = ModellingBaseMT__ ########################### # unsorted stuff ########################### # DEPRECATED # pgcore.interpolate = pgcore.interpolate_GILsave__ ############################ # some backward compatibility ############################ def __getCoords(coord, dim, ent): """Syntactic sugar to find all x-coordinates of a given entity.""" if isinstance(ent, (pgcore.R3Vector, pgcore.stdVectorRVector3)): return getattr(pgcore, coord)(ent) if isinstance(ent, list) and isinstance(ent[0], pgcore.RVector3): return getattr(pgcore, coord)(ent) if isinstance(ent, list) and isPos(ent[0]): return getattr(pgcore, coord)(ent) if isinstance(ent, DataContainer): return getattr(pgcore, coord)(ent.sensorPositions()) if isinstance(ent, Mesh): return getattr(pgcore, coord)(ent.positions()) if isinstance(ent, pgcore.stdVectorNodes): return np.array([n.pos()[dim] for n in ent]) if isinstance(ent, pgcore.Node): return ent.pos()[dim] if isinstance(ent, pgcore.RVector3): return ent[dim] if isinstance(ent, list) and isinstance(ent[0], pgcore.Node): return [n.pos()[dim] for n in ent] if hasattr(ent, 'ndim') and ent.ndim == 2 and len(ent[0] > dim): return ent[:, dim] # use logger here raise Exception( "Don't know how to find the " + coord + "-coordinates of entity:", ent) def x(instance): """Syntactic sugar to find all x-coordinates of a given class instance. Convenience function to return all associated x-coordinates of a given class instance. Parameters ---------- instance : DataContainer, Mesh, R3Vector, np.array, list(RVector3) Return the associated coordinate positions for given class instance. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pygimli as pg >>> pg.x([[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]) 1 [1.0] >>> pg.x([[0, 0], [1, 0]]) 2 [0.0, 1.0] """ return __getCoords('x', 0, instance) def y(instance): """Syntactic sugar to find all y-coordinates of a given class instance. Convenience function to return all associated x-coordinates of a given class instance. Parameters ---------- instance : DataContainer, Mesh, R3Vector, np.array, list(RVector3) Return the associated coordinate positions for given class instance. """ return __getCoords('y', 1, instance) def z(instance): """Syntactic sugar to find all z-coordinates of a given class instance. Convenience function to return all associated x-coordinates of a given class instance. Parameters ---------- instance : DataContainer, Mesh, R3Vector, np.array, list(RVector3) Return the associated coordinate positions for given class instance. """ return __getCoords('z', 2, instance) def search(what): """Utility function to search docstrings for string `what`.""" np.lookfor(what, module="pygimli", import_modules=False) # Import from submodules at the end from .mesh import Mesh, MeshEntity, Node from .datacontainer import DataContainer, DataContainerERT from .trans import * # why do we need that? # from .matrix import (Cm05Matrix, LMultRMatrix, LRMultRMatrix, MultLeftMatrix, # MultLeftRightMatrix, MultRightMatrix, RMultRMatrix) from .matrix import (BlockMatrix, SparseMatrix, SparseMapMatrix, IdentityMatrix, Matrix)